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25th June - Daily news

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Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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26/06/2015 09:17
ClickGrid game is currently disabled...
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
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26/06/2015 09:21
Yep, just the name in the menu appear.
Traffic Value: $1,350.76645 Australia
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26/06/2015 09:25
Has anyone mentioned anywhere what the prizes are going to be when it finaly goes live?
Traffic Value: $246.73506 India
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26/06/2015 09:26
click grid is back and i also see payment proofs page is now working with showing proofs
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
1 like this post 1 people
26/06/2015 09:27
Still disabled for me.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
1 like this post 2 people
26/06/2015 09:29

I guess marc is trying to compensate for that loss of the FTQ swap(or so it seems), but although it seems fair by the terms, I'm against it and it's not good, this will ruin paidverts even more.
ad issues are low as they are and now this?

the last thing we need is paying out refunds to users, this will kill pv!
or how about this little adjustment?
if the day of refund arrives, how about users get a refund but the same amount of bap in their account gets deleted for the same amount of cash refunded?
that seems fair and most importantly SUSTAINABLE for the system

it wouldn't be nice seeing CEO let ads expire(although it's in his personal interest, can't blame him) but hey, if you really wanna compensate for the FTQ loss, then, as a new CEO take some money from the development funds as you salary and leave paidverts account as it is.

we should be fighting undelivered ads, they are pure debt makers!!
Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
1 like this post 6 people
26/06/2015 09:33

"this will fuck up paidverts even more."

Abusive language. Mods grin wink Just saying... wink
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
2 like this post 0 people
26/06/2015 09:40
So, it seems that in reality, the thing that put the DB under stress and caused all the bugs and server lag was the click grid. Hope it get fixed today. All other features released are awesome.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 1 people
26/06/2015 09:41
don't forget mods are also people wink and I find it as an appropriate term to make my point in that post, not abuse in any way.
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
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26/06/2015 09:43
I really wish I hadn`t read that the programmers were ``out of jobs to do`` and seeking more...

Seems that trying to get things done fast made things not done at all.

I`m not trying to diminish the efforts or the time  put into this, but yet again we have site with lessened capabilities and even more bugs than we started with sad
Traffic Value: $1,779.68609 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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26/06/2015 09:44
What about lottery on mtv here? Still off or....
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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26/06/2015 09:45

yep, still off... no ETA
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
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26/06/2015 09:50

There is a difference between programmers and server admins. Programmers made the features, but can´t test the stress on the servers properly until is going live. 
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
31 like this post 0 people
26/06/2015 09:58
As long as something drastic doesn't happen again that would take the website down for several days, we will be able to deliver all campaigns in-time. We're focusing all ad views on the oldest campaigns (pre 10th Jan), activation ads are mostly focused on THE oldest campaign, and I will soon also have an option to send targeted clicks to a specific campaign, to help clear them in-time (i.e. the biggest campaigns).

We're averaging around 3mil ads delivered daily to ad campaigns created before 10th Jan (which are now at 15 days left), which have a total of 37mil undelivered clicks.

A few more stats:
- Campaigns that have up to 5 days left, need about 2.8mil clicks delivered
- campaigns that have up to 8 days left, need about 14mil clicks delivered
- campaigns that have up to 11 days left, need about 25mil clicks delivered
- campaigns that have up to 14 days left, need about 38mil mil clicks delivered

So so far, it's all still in order and when some final issues with AWS are sorted and we re-enable click-grid that should speed up ad deliver-ability by another 10%.
Traffic Value: $129.7967 Sri Lanka
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26/06/2015 10:05
Good to know..
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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26/06/2015 10:10
It will just be a relief to get past all those pending clicks and start actually getting ahead.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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26/06/2015 10:11
thanks slosumo, keep us updated smile

as you long as something drastic doesn't happen... downtimes are bad for business
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
8 like this post 0 people
26/06/2015 10:12
@slosumo, what about those cheap traffic ads that have already expired? Aren't they supposed to be refunded already? I see some of them have already expired for 21 days. I think we should prioritize the processing of refunds for those cheap ad traffic campaigns. That way, it will encourage the real advertisers to use it since we're showing that we're serious about our advertising policy.
Traffic Value: $390.26943 Serbia
5 like this post 0 people
26/06/2015 10:23

i`m not talking about new products...that need testing.
i`m talking about ``old`` problems that still exist...and a few new ones connected to them.
Big ads of unknown origin got delivered to some users....
Some users got double ad issues.
Smallest recycle ads swarmed some users, others got none.
Bigger recycle ads nowhere to be found.

It`s like we`re all hyped about the new stuff so we can forget the old ones...that`s not good.
Those tails left behind us are just growing.
I know this is something like a transition period for all of us, but we`re striving upwards while chained to the ground...
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
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26/06/2015 10:47
On the FTQ market you can sort the entries in different ways. One of them is to sort by investment-round.
But it would be much better if you could sort by Total Debt Ahead:
Because there is a big difference between (for instance) the beginning of round 65 and the end of round 65. (And if they are interesting to buy or not).
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