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22nd January - News

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Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
0 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 11:56
All good with visual captcha now. Thanks
Traffic Value: $1,973.85765 Brazil
2 like this post 4 people
25/01/2017 12:07
@ Gugakip

Men you are the one this business need to work out. You talk like a priest. In fact you are not talking to me, rather to all in the crowd who might start not believing that one day they will get back their money (no matter FTQ or dividends). Your harassment does not intimidate me at all. I joined this site long ago, have seem too many situations, my money went through the drain hole but I am not going anywhere just because your (or anyone else) words. I will be here for as long as I want and I will be speaking out  my concerns under the site and ethical rules.

You don´t like it, its up to you´.  
Your green status does not allow you to censor me
Traffic Value: $100.39598 India
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25/01/2017 12:35
Marc I suggest to add co-op in new matrix site for those who can't recruit.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
4 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 12:52

And why exactly should I be removed from this business? You're the one complaining, I say why you shouldn't... and you say I'm a priest who's talking to everyone? I was in fact talking to you, maybe you were not able to read my post completely to see that I answered all of your questions... Every single one, and I'm not answering you but talking to everyone? Come'on mate, I even told you that if you don't like it here, you can always leave (which you, regarding your response, clearly did read). 

I was not harassing you either, but apparently you can't stand critique on your view. Strange, since you want to give critique and can't accept you get a response. 
You will indeed be here as long as you want, but if you're trying to drag MTV down by telling nonsense or comparing it to ponzi schemes... then you won't be talking a lot on the forum in the future. The management has made it very clear: constructive criticism is allowed for sure, but not just endless complaining, nor dragging us down while we're working hard to improve. 

I'm not censoring you. In fact, we could've deleted your post for complaining without a reason, since most of your questions were answered many times already. You could even be happy that I did read it, and even spent time answering. But if you're wondering why other sites attract more money, it's because they're telling lies, promosing the impossible. It's that simple. We're different... 

Regarding the green colour: you'd have received the same response if I wasn't chosen as mod. It's my opinion which you read. 
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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25/01/2017 13:00
@Faby1958 I don't have green color and I agree with Gugakip. We should understand that it might take long time to get our FTQ paid, some of the projects may fail also, but the thing which will remain true is that Marc and team don't have any bad intentions. They are working hard and honestly, and that's the reason why most members are still standing with him.
Traffic Value: $1,973.85765 Brazil
0 like this post 1 people
25/01/2017 13:02
And why exactly should I be removed from this business?

I have never ever said that.

work out     is not   walk out...   grin

End stop................shocked
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
6 like this post 0 people
25/01/2017 14:04
Please understand one point regarding the FTQ.

The FTQ WILL NOT be sw@pped.

This means that some day you WILL be paid (from future company profits above and beyond its liabilities.)

You want it faster? We have products... sell them to someone. Consistently...
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