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MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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23/01/2017 17:25
Top/Side banners will be purchasable.
Log in ads and text ads will serve for the ad credits people get for upgrading.

That's going to be the initial set up.
We might sell log in ads later on as well or enable people to use the ad credits for the top/side banners every now and then, but this will be the initial set up.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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23/01/2017 18:38
I think the 'matrix with a backup plan' is a good solution and that could also be a good slogan

We could also require people to advertise their landing pages a minimum times per month to qualify (and that would include views in PV which could be a tie in).

So you wouldn't qualify unless you had 1000 page views to your page. This would drive the site forward and is not difficult to achieve. It is low enough that even if people cheat with junk traffic, that won't cause us much server stress
Traffic Value: $453.62586 United States
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23/01/2017 18:55
Here is an idea I came up with years ago to make a matrix program more sustainable and more likely to retain members (at least in my mind).

The idea was to create a secondary matrix with part of the money coming in. The secondary matrix would be reset each month (or payment interval). Members would be placed in the second matrix randomly so anyone could have the opportunity to be at the top of the matrix. Further rules that could be put into place would be that whomever was in the top third the prior payment period could not be in the top third of the new reset matrix.

Unfortunately this probably won't work with the proposed matrix as it is member to member and not directly to the admin (something to consider for a future project).
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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23/01/2017 20:04
I've always been a fan of MLM Programs (NOT to be confused with HYIPs), but I've never been good at getting refs for any program, so I've never really made any money in MLM programs. To be successful, MLM programs need 3 things:

1) A limited upline. Preferable 3, but not more than 4, levels.
2) Products that the 'workforce' can market to the world that are relevant and in demand (and also useful to the workforce as products for themselves.)
3) A management system that is not part of the matrix themselves, but gains a fixed percentage of total sales as an income account.

A fixed matrix pretty much works the same way, but income potential is capped by a fixed downline. It usually uses a spillover method for subsequent referrals, as well, which can fill your matrix faster through collective referring. As long as 80-90% of product sales/income come from external cash flow, I see matrices as nice mechanisms for capital gain.  (i.e. As a member of a workforce marketing a game, each person I refer to the game becomes my product. Income earn by this person is then paid to me and my upline, with a fixed percentage being given to the management system.)

Anyway... my opinion on such things...
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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23/01/2017 20:58
Was this matrix thing also the one where you would put up a project funding for as well ?
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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23/01/2017 23:41
No. MyMatrix will not be part of the funding page. It will be 100% funded by MTV.
Traffic Value: $1,809.25245 New Zealand
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24/01/2017 05:44
This is just my opinion, but i think making a matrix program is a really bad idea. First of all it goes against everything we have tried to achieve here. Getting rid of all our ponzi elements and making our business model sustainable has been a remarkable achievement. Are you really going to risk all that and more by introducing the matrix program ?? No matrix is sustainable and so it will fail eventually. I think the price of that failure could be way more than you bargained for. An MLM and a matrix program are two quite different business models. An mlm provides a valuable product and does not rely on constant growth to avoid failure. Where as a matrix must always grow to avoid failure. You could not claim this new program to be an mlm. On top of that the "matrix industry" as we know is a very seedy industry where a lot of sc@mmers and hackers hang out. Are these the type of people you want to attract to MTV ?? If you want to build some sort of paid membership site there are so many ways you could go that would enhance MTV's reputation that i just don't understand why you choose to risk it all with a matrix program. That's my thoughts on it anyway.
Traffic Value: $126.13469 Macedonia
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24/01/2017 07:57
Hello guys, I was super passive last few months on this forum, so if anyone can inform me shortly when FTQ will be paid off? 
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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24/01/2017 08:19
Nenorma, there is no fixed time as of now. But they are building products and hopefully our FTQ will clear this year.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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24/01/2017 08:21
I just donated yet another 100 BAP TAX to FBG.

There was still only under 1hr to go b4 the tax cron was to assess tax to anyone that was applicable.

This was still green and not red and said 1 more days:

"Is your account BAP tax free because you purchased BA ads? YES!14 more days extend"

In the past, I was able to go nearly a full 24hrs on red when it would prompt me to buy more Bulk Ads to avoid the BAP Tax.

Why the change? Can someone explain to me what 1 days left really means?

Look, it's not about the 100 BAP, and not really even the 2600 BAP (every other week for a year), more the principal of the thing.

I don't get how green with 1 day left marked and yet ~half hour to go (I went to bed for the last hour, until now) and I get taxed anyways, esp in the past, I could be red up until 01:57, and not get taxed. I was under the impression at 01:58 is when 14 becomes 13... 1 becomes 0, and then 0 At least that was the past, and I see no reason why the programmers would attend and fix that yet again.

For some reason, 1 becomes 0 and I NOW get taxed immediately, rather than wait 24hrs.

BTW, I wonder just how difficult/counter productive could it be to allow for multiple extensions, limit it to 35 days (5 weeks 1+ month). This way, you can buy b4 it expires. Very similar to active status that is limited to 7/14/21 day via viewing 1/2/3 AA ads.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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24/01/2017 08:31
Maybe it would be better to treat the new site more like a game or a lottery. It still seems like having an option to restart fresh would give users more opportunities to earn. Anything with a matrix only does good for a short time after launch. People just want to be at the top of the pyramid. When that is no longer an option people will just avoid paying into it. 
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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24/01/2017 09:32
@slosumo, I only received 1xsmall, 1xbig and 1xmini ad today, where there should be 20x mini! I'm in group 9!
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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24/01/2017 10:12
Just to confirm what Uganka says about group 9 - it came one big, one small and only one (instead of 20) mini ad.
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
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24/01/2017 12:26
I think it is better to make a ptc really. Less hassle and with our crowd it is super easy. With 500 bucks per month you can have a really great backed up script (no need to create a new one). Yes it will be generic but nobody cares about the design just the possibility. Don't tell me Marc you can't invest 500 bucks in a generic ptc, and that definitely brings money.
Traffic Value: $228.68304 Poland
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24/01/2017 13:00
Paidverts in actual form is nothing interesting.Earning are very small,it's hard to call this pennys as earnings.I remember that Marc promised "great 2016 year for company" and what's happened? Half of year no ad issues and when they are back we have seen pennys.Who wants join Paidverts with actual 0.00000000189$ ad issues? Paidverts needs very very very big overhaul.
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
9 like this post 0 people
24/01/2017 13:11
WOW, my CE banner on display at MTV and PV site grin I'm flattered blush

Maybe Marc could reward me with some shares for using that banner angel
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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24/01/2017 13:30
I vouch for you Uganka!
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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24/01/2017 13:30
Uganka, how can I reach you?
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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24/01/2017 15:48
@klemen50 PV forum, for starters maybe? tongue
Traffic Value: $5,893.23193 Slovenia
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24/01/2017 16:43
Uganka, look under Slovenian topic. Thanks.
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