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14th July - News - Big changes!

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Traffic Value: $126.13469 Macedonia
4 like this post 3 people
15/07/2016 05:49
I like the news.
Its REAL at list. 
true, I'm sick of Sw@ps, but this it the RIGHT move (according to me)
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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15/07/2016 05:52
Hate to say it, but nobody owns and runs a company that way.
It's just plain stupid.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
2 like this post 0 people
15/07/2016 06:13
Paidverts has 3,632,578,411 BAP remaining.
That's $1,816,289.21 worth.
If it were possible to issue $2,000 a day with no additional BAP growth, it would still take 908 days to convert all the current BAP to cash.

That said... It'll take at least $1,500,000 in ad pack purchases to reach this level again.
Lot's of money changing hands till that happens.
I plan to grab every penny I see.
Traffic Value: $12,844.16424 Lithuania
8 like this post 1 people
15/07/2016 06:21

Mac said only guarantee what will not be FTQ sw@p smile
Traffic Value: $6,068.9465 India
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15/07/2016 06:31
I have some important queries:

How much will shares quantity increase after bap sw@p? gulp

Will paidverts and portfolio buy shares in bulk(But they already have many shares)? ninja rolleyes
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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15/07/2016 06:38
@Ajay0000 yes they will buy back RP if we have more profit within one month...according to the news...

reducing ROI for PV is a good move btw
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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15/07/2016 06:51
For everyone saying that Marc said that "there will never be another sw@p by any means":

Please, give me the link to a post from Marc saying that, and I will renounce to my mod position.
Traffic Value: $2,695.93585 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
25 like this post 0 people
15/07/2016 06:58
@MichaelKline if it's so why did MTV change 200 BAPS for 1 RP. that's is criminal action when one RP only worth 0,004 $ and you change it for 0,1$. BAP never had fluctuating value it was allways fixed 2000 BAPS=1 $. No metter CEO was Jo,Marc or any other BOSS ....
And you say no one runs business like i said before. This is the same thing it called ripping small people !!!   
Will MTV buy enough shares so RP rise to 0,1$ so it would be equal to 200BAP's for Sw@p ???  
Traffic Value: $7,130.35531 Lithuania
11 like this post 0 people
15/07/2016 07:05
I agree with tompa555, the share price should be maximum of 100BAP/share acordding to nowadays situation. 
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
7 like this post 0 people
15/07/2016 07:30

Yes that was the effort the team was doing trying to get the BAP debt down. Any other online business wouldn't give a damn about users and give up on them easily. But the fact is that the debt was being clean too slowly and the business going down. This administration cares about the users that is a fact but without a team to work on it there will be no users.


After all the care for the users was the only thing backing the business from advancing. We did never recovered PV from Jo's madness.

Now we can go legal on MTV with great dividends waiting us. All profit will work towards RP holders. This is what we all were waiting for.

And reading slosumo's post about the new PV model looks like there was a great work done all this time while debt was being clean. It looks great and sustainable! Everyone still has 120% there to invest and take advertisement opportunities with it.

I myself will go for RPs. I believe they will provide a bigger profit than PV's 120%.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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15/07/2016 07:32

With dividends back RP price can get to that target as it was in the past without any CEO buying the RPs.
Traffic Value: $1,079.85003 Bulgaria
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15/07/2016 07:39
OmegaN73 same here ... but noone from staff listen users
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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15/07/2016 07:45
Guys all staff made all kind of research and the truth is that the BAP market doesn't steal bulk ad buys.

The lack of ad issues was the problem which for itself has origin on the huge BAP. We need the BAP market to make the model work aka debt reduction. Also the reduction of the fee will make the market even more harder to profit vs. bulk ads. After the 21st the BAP market won't be profit again as it wasn't in the past.
Traffic Value: $1,079.85003 Bulgaria
6 like this post 1 people
15/07/2016 07:50
 Axiantor Pls stop with this we all know what bap market do, and are u rly belive RP's will go to 1 cent or over, this cant make, bcs before people use money form PV to make RP's, tell me who will add fresh money after all of this, stop dreaming start see the reality.

I have biggest treahd on one of biggest forums for making money online and all user forget for this site before 1 year, cant bring them back no more
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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15/07/2016 07:56
this is 1st time Marc do sw@p for he change all for sustainable. ..Yup this sw@p thingy should be done long time point accumulate BAP when no paid ads was issued...

As you already know, the current BAP debt was before Marc become CEO....Good start..and let we see how it goes..

and another thing BAP market should be shut down for a moment...after sw@pping...

For MTV..i think is good move btw...both for FTQ and Dividend will be paid monthly..depending on cost sure more profit for all...

dividend like passive income for anybody who hold those invest in RP or FTQ...PV need new image and sustainable plan...for pure advertisement...encourage people to invest in RP or FTQ...
Traffic Value: $61.5298 Venezuela
6 like this post 1 people
15/07/2016 08:00
Axiantor  Thats the thing mate, no one can be sure of that, because the last sw@p the BAP market wasn't touched, and here we are AGAIN! if you really wanna start over, i guess you really take a look of what are you still keeping and the BAP market it's one of those things!

The other thing is, HOW someone will add cash to this company?? Tell me!! please! people DON'T belive in words, they BELIEVE IN FACTS!!! and what do we have so far? i mean beside the Sw@ps and losses ??

And Of course, about my doubt, it will be another "Re-Start/Sw@p" if it needs to, right? or am i wrong? 
Please, help me to understand 
Traffic Value: $1,079.85003 Bulgaria
1 like this post 0 people
15/07/2016 08:01
And what it will be open again if close it ... and will someone buy adpacks when know this ? How many are advetiser here i mean real not just for baps and money, under 1-2%
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
0 like this post 1 people
15/07/2016 08:03
This is what the BAP market has cleaned until now:

PV DEBT CLEARED$1,153,750.2665

That's more than 1 million dollars. It's part of the workableness of PV's debt reduction model. Where will you get that additional money to pay millions over time?
Traffic Value: $61.5298 Venezuela
7 like this post 1 people
15/07/2016 08:15
I'm not saying that the Bap Market don't decrease debt, i'm saying that people won't buy bulk ads as long as they can 10x time more by buying it for Bap market, and the BAP market will remain because decrease debt, BUT we need to people to buy bulk ads, so HOW can we do it?

and what about about my other questions? about the possible another sw@p/re-start in a future? 

or how can we tell to the people to join the site? 

people belive in facts, and.... in facts what we got? why a loot of people leave the site? it's because of that
Traffic Value: $56,564.16117 Germany
14 like this post 6 people
15/07/2016 08:18
What you people don't understand is that Paidverts is an advertising platform. It is the same with rev shares. You don't buy the BAP because of the ads you get but because of the traffic they provide.

The rev share is a bonus and not here t guarantee you any income. You can't depend on it and investing thousands of $ is only for people that us the advertising value.

Also you are sw@pped but who says that the RP's you get can't be traded for BAP again later and who says you won't earn more by doing so? They might have a lower value but the ad issues will be larger meaning the time frame needed to convert BAP to moneyis lower.

That is why I said yesterday to calm down and think about the actions you can take. Buy RP's and  keep them and use the new built Paidverts to make profits. I am 100% sure that we will attract new people into the business and we will se enormous growth. This is because of people seeing large ads and then they don't care what th business is or what it was as the masses are focused on the money and the question: will we get payed? Which we both provide.
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Forum - News - 14th July - News - Big changes!
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