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12th June - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $511.47503 United States
1 like this post 0 people
13/06/2015 02:23
Mmm, okay. We'll see tomorrow then! Good luck!!
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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13/06/2015 02:39
This may be an ignorant question, but, why can't we just run a backed up copy of the old version of PV until the newer improved version is ready. Is that not possible? They back up the data, so I know they must have backed up the architecture 

Like I said, the question may be ignorant but I thought I'd ask
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
5 like this post 1 people
13/06/2015 04:16

The question is not about having backups.

The problem is they moved hosting companies.

This requires them to reconfigure the servers to allow the site to run all the different programs and apps.

Since our way over paid programmers, have this site running on about 80 different coding programs, it takes forever to program the servers to run them efficiently.
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
6 like this post 2 people
13/06/2015 04:29

Really, what a BS answer in regards to raising the fee on the BAP market.

The only reason why we are having ad campaigns reaching 180 days is the Poor/Lack of proper Management by Jo/Richard (remember the days (July to November) when Rich only sent out 10 to 15 ads for the daily ad issue, so he could over hype (breaking the TOS in the process) the top dollar amount on ads.

I complained about this very issue starting early October, and good ole Rich said no problem, we got it under control.

To say that people were using the BAP to Share to buy ad campaigns and get more referral commissions is total crap.

At no time since the BAP market has been open has it been more profitable to sell BAP for CASH, that is even adding in referral commissions.

So, in truth, that is just a money/BAP grab by the company.

If you really wanted to do something to help the company, then raise the cash percentage back to 3% per trade, as that is what is hurting the share price more than anything.
Traffic Value: $35.82539 Saudi Arabia
6 like this post 6 people
13/06/2015 06:23
This is ridiculous.
All things are working but PV is not coming live !!!

All i can say, you guys should have guts to say that PV is not gonna come Live in this week, except it in next week...
Traffic Value: $291.1389 Indonesia
7 like this post 1 people
13/06/2015 06:42
 slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
49 like this post
11 people
12/06/2015 08:28

PaidVerts seems to be functioning well on the dev side, they just need to sort out some last NodeJS and RabbitMQ configs, before we push it back live, which will likely happen later today.

common dislike again my opinions,
you all know the truth
PV not running today,
i mean yesterday LOL
Traffic Value: $35.82539 Saudi Arabia
6 like this post 4 people
13/06/2015 06:49
As i say two days ago and to day again: it is not gonna come live in this week.
But they dont have guts to say it. thats why they tell same story every day... smile
Traffic Value: $231.68067 Indonesia
2 like this post 1 people
13/06/2015 07:38
I Feel the same thing , according to PV my life back Monday or Tuesday
Traffic Value: $1,687.19051 Spain
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13/06/2015 08:03
Slosumo said yesterday that today early morning, PV would be back online, but also carries all week, and not to think about.
Traffic Value: $73.7138 United Kingdom
7 like this post 1 people
13/06/2015 09:08
Personally I would rather wait to see a properly tested fully functional site up and running. Trafficmonsoon changed their servers a few weeks ago. The site was only down for a couple of days. But when it came back up there where loads of problems with ads not displaying properly. Also log in problems etc. MTV/PV prides itself on it's transparency. And a little more of that with regard to a realistic timeframe would be nice. It would also maybe cut down on the constant questions and complaining.
Traffic Value: $13.93449 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
1 like this post 2 people
13/06/2015 09:19
so let people are performing with paidvertsom should have been open yesterday day before yesterday but however there is nothing of it if people do not think it will have more online then do not even deceive people to be naive and to wait for it to load when you will think you are ok at least paid the money but do not be such leave paidverts online are waiting for permanent
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
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13/06/2015 09:22
I thought we would move away from iweb since the Yan incident but that was many months ago and we are moving away from iweb now for some reason, what took us so long to perform it?
Traffic Value: $13.93449 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
4 like this post 2 people
13/06/2015 09:25
just so they write every day pv go online later the later does not have anything better to say that it will not in general be more online and over because it seems to me that it can not run more fair not more than 14 days waiting for
Traffic Value: $38.46438 Pakistan
2 like this post 2 people
13/06/2015 10:08
we have a strong trust on you plz repair paidverts asap
Traffic Value: $1,687.19051 Spain
3 like this post 3 people
13/06/2015 10:16
Slosumo say something and Please wait is exhausting, if not open PV Say today, but every day we say one thing and then another, this situation quite tired .....angry
Traffic Value: $384.50396 United States
3 like this post 0 people
13/06/2015 10:46
I think they need to change their way of saying things to instead of tomorrow, one week from now site will be back open. That way it's not going to hurt so bad if they are wrong. Any other site kept saying the same thing over and over again like this site does and I would have left. However I trust PV and MTV that is the only reason why I am still here. However Don't say something unless if it's true. Next time say we just don't know when anything will be done, maybe tomorrow, or maybe flipping next year.grin
Traffic Value: $1,687.19051 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
13/06/2015 11:05
If it had not invested in PV and carry quickly and would have forgotten me this product so clear.
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
2 like this post 10 people
13/06/2015 11:06
Who knows when paidverts will really open again, it seems the admins also don't know. Maybe it is much more complicated than we understand. I have no idea, but it really sucks. I also didn't like that the site went down without telling us upfront. It isn't such a bad loss anyway, for with Paidverts you can only ern pennies a day. The good days are long over, and I doubt that they will ever come back. PV is just a tiny bit better than all the other crap PTC's out there. It's no more something outstanding. They basically failled with PV, if you ask me.
Traffic Value: $70.53073 Spain
2 like this post 7 people
13/06/2015 11:15
You know what I find wrong....

if you do not come every day to see if paidverts is open again you will lose money with ads

we are slaves and for me this is disrespectful
Traffic Value: $2,034.4249 United Kingdom
5 like this post 0 people
13/06/2015 11:21
You are not a slave as you are free to leave.
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