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what is proven traffic value

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Traffic Value: $105.26462 India
1 like this post 0 people
29/05/2014 14:49
Dear admin,
Can I know what is proven traffic value and how is it calculated...???
Traffic Value: $1,294,085.21591 Germany
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01/06/2014 19:16
I am too, I am interested in the answer to this question. Any hint, Jo? Or anyone with insight information?
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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01/06/2014 19:18
That's quote of jo's message:

"Proven Traffic Value is the highest amount of cash value your account has demonstrated at a single moment in time.

Cash Balances + Active Investments + Shares Held @ Current Marketplace Rate

* We actually need to do some work on this calculation, as a lot of PaidVerts activity doesn't count towards it right now.

But until we build the targeted ads system; its a meaningless statistic right now - so not really that important. Just a guide."
Traffic Value: $1,294,085.21591 Germany
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01/06/2014 19:19
Thanks kamil333... I was just about to write back that I found the information in another forum post... titled "Proven Traffic Value"
Traffic Value: $2,207.42511 Poland
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15/06/2014 23:33
Kamil333 czy móglbys po Polsku napisac co to jest ten "Proven Traffic Value"? niby po angielsku rozumiem, ale nie wiem skad to sie bierze. Dzieki z góry
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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16/06/2014 09:42
Proven Traffic Value to jest najwyzsza wartosc twojego konta jaka kiedykolwiek osiagnales. Czyli wszystkie twoje pieniadze na koncie + aktywne inwestycje + akcje * najwyzsza odnotowana cena.

Póki co jest to luzna statystyka która do niczego nie jest potrzebna, ale gdy do paidverts dodadza targetowane reklamy (czyli bedziesz mógl zrobic kampanie reklamowa np tylko dla ludzi z Polski którzy maja traffic value powyzej 500$) to bedzie to jak najbardziej przydatne.
Traffic Value: $2,207.42511 Poland
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16/06/2014 09:46
Dzieki Kamil! smile
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