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Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
16 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 12:58
We need all help we can get to clear the undelivered clicks before we need to issue refunds. Please, try to click as many ads as you can for today and all this week. I've been doing this all night.

The Brainy's campaign is 120k down since 8 hrs ago. 200k more clicks to go. Marc's is still 790k away, and only 3 days to be refunded. If someone with more than 10,000 shares can post the updated stats, it will be appreciated.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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28/06/2015 13:16
I cliked the grid,hope that helpedtongue
Traffic Value: $1,566.95078 Germany
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28/06/2015 13:20
I also do what I can - and I would be glad, if I could get more ads...
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
12 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 13:26
And everybody--make sure you're doing ALL of your activation ads, every day--even if you don't want or need them.

All 8 of mine were Brainy's Campaign--#1 on the list. This can help knock that one down much faster.
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
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28/06/2015 13:37
Filter down to 0.001. Lets clean these ads! grin
Traffic Value: $1,566.95078 Germany
8 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 13:45
Yeah, okay... I dropped the AdFilter down to 0.001... All for Our community - love ya all
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
8 like this post 1 people
28/06/2015 14:17
You don't need 10,000 Shares if you know the BA code or ask us for the link:

Not sure how often they update but

Brainy's is almost done
Visits Delivered: 1415085/1597400


It's Bopyer's 510K that I'm most worried about, "lots" of smaller "1st in lines" b4 getting to it and still the same day as the 2 we've been mentioning for a week or so.

Here are the rest that are due same day up until through 8 days left, that may last long enough to be an obstacle. That HUGE (930K) one is also Marc's:
BA-1255088 3 18382/510050

BA-1255750 3 20260/320350

BA-1277072 3 14332/227200

BA-1278304 3 20600/322550

BA-1304799 4 22047/200000

BA-1305456 4 21988/245000

BA-1316904 5 23165/264100

BA-1317251 5 22125/233300

BA-1323142 6 23700/315000

BA-1323296 6 16152/349600

BA-1338827 6 24128/930000

This is all that had 200K or more, and ends up being nearly 43 pages, which is not much at all, esp b/c of how few 100-185K I didn't c/p. There happenned to be Zero 200K+ 7 or 8 days left.

So, the swap bump and the downtime DID cause our buffer to shrink, but it is still doable, as long as we are diligent.

So, if you want to keep track, you can see once Brainy and Marc's are gone, how fast these listed above disappear and just how many pages overall it takes to get to a purchase date of " 07-01-2015 - 13:51:13"
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
5 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 14:26
i even started clicking in pv again after months grin
hopefully my 10-20 clicks a day help haha.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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28/06/2015 14:29
What would Brainy do if he did get refunded? Cash out or buy more shares?
Traffic Value: $94.23521 Macedonia
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28/06/2015 14:30
clik for what?
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
10 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 14:32
If anything, I'm getting to be quite an expert on identify sushi!!
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
6 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 14:32
Post by Slosumo on Daily News:

Regarding time to deliver ads, here are some latest stats/observations, based on the latest average ad views delivered daily:

- Ads with 3 days left will be delivered in under 3 days
- Ads with 6 days left will be delivered in under 6 days
- Ads with 9 days left will be delivered in under 8 days
- Ads with 12 days left will be delivered in EXTRA 0.7 days
- Ads with 16 days left will be delivered in under 2.5 days
- Ads with 32 days left will be delivered in EXTRA 1.65 days

So we're completely good for the next 9 days, even without adjust of which campaigns we target even more specifically (focusing more on oldest campaigns, option to target specific campaigns etc.).

The main issue arises with ads that have 9-16 days left, where we currently face recycling 6.8mil ad views, or on a grander timescale where up to 32 days where we face 4.9mil recycled ad views.

But there's a few important things left to consider:
- We can (and will) target more ads to be delivered to campaigns that are ought to be refunded within 16 days.

For that we have enough reserve - not only also shifting focus from 16-32 days to pre-16 days, but also some extra reserve with campaigns that have 32+ days left and are being delivered ads.

And just generally slowly increasing the ad issuing again, along with unlocking the recycler cron (which was locked the past few days to ensure server stability), increase ad grid clicks, targeting specific campaigns with ads etc.

So we should be good. As long as we don't face some unexpected server issues again. But everything seems very stable at this point, and we'll avoid doing any server/architecture upgrades that could mess things up, until this is all out of the way and we're back in the green zone.

So, lets enhance the odds, keep clicking away all you can. BTW thanks druth8x.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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28/06/2015 14:45
I hope he targets Bopyer's and Marc's 2nd one with his new system.
This way they don't have to wait until they are 1st in line.

Also, I don't know if he does this already, but the larger campaigns should def have a heavier focus on ads that don't get recycled and do get clicked. Meaning, not just the Activation Ads & Micro Ad and I would hope 1%'s (I wouldn't know), but the Highest Value Group Ad plus at least the 2nd highest value as well, and maybe even some of the 19 as well. The click counts under 100K can be more focused to ads that may get recycled. It gives those waiting nearly 180 days and spend a lot of money a bit more attention/higher traffic value/variety of users to their ads. Ofc, once we are back in the "green", esp with a nice buffer, we want to treat everyone equally, but for now, modifications are already being made, so this just expands on it, if not already in place.
Traffic Value: $3,330.3665 Spain
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28/06/2015 14:48
I'm watching this campaign

from 14:15 hours

at that time they lacked to deliver 178 309 clicks
After 30 minutes, 170 533 clicks left to deliver
30 minutes have been delivered clicks 7776,  I think it's much to that time. smile
Traffic Value: $561.62421 India
2 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 14:58
It would be best if the admin or programmers reduce the ads viewing time from 30 seconds to some 5 seconds or 10 seconds, this will be much easier to view more ads in less time.
Traffic Value: $6,580.40645 United States
5 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 15:00
I'll help out and log in to paidverts the first time in probably 4 months.

Can someone explain the click grid to me? 
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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28/06/2015 16:04
@ danky

just click the darn grid cells ahahahaha

Traffic Value: $6,580.40645 United States
3 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 16:05
Is it like a free lotto system, where I click and don't lose bap or $ but have the opportunity to gain?

I clicked all 10, did the activation ads and also the micro ad pack. Doing my part! 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 16:05
Just click any square, I doubt it actually matters which one, then it will take you to the same 3 line c/p that all ads have, which will take you to the same ad view page, that all ads have, except it doesn't open a new "window/tab" and will take you back to the grid when you click the black bar that normally says close ad (can't recall what it says for click grid).

The text will show if you won or lost, and so will your BAP/Cash logs, and so will the Recent Winners, if you won and not enough other winners bumped you off.

Also, the Activation Ads plus Mini Ad Pack would be nice to do, and you can get yourself some cheap shares with the 9.5c and 100 BAP (if you don't get your BAP taxed) and stick at 0 BAP.

It does not consume anything whatsoever, besides time, and helps with our undelivered ad clicks.

There is an image, which is what an advertiser selects, and a text box below that is clickable if you are interested in the site they offer.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
7 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 16:09
I'm also doing every day the free BAP+micro+grid and buying some shares with rise share price and get close to my goals wink
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