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we cant turn our back on JO

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Traffic Value: $111.19745 Egypt
5 like this post 58 people
18/07/2015 18:50
we should make an agreement to get him back if he was here he would have managed to raise share price just like when he made a 1 million bid at 0.07 to keep the price high ..thats a shame  long face and 
that thing called brainy showed up and cost us all that loses to satisfy his greediness
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
10 like this post 1 people
18/07/2015 18:55
Feel free to contact him smile
Edit:sarcasm on
Traffic Value: $111.19745 Egypt
0 like this post 0 people
18/07/2015 18:59
really!!tongue rolleye
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
16 like this post 2 people
18/07/2015 19:00
I have absolutely nothing against Jo per say. I did well with him for years. I just think it's ridiculous to think Jo's manipulation of the share market was any more beneficial than what is going on now and if Jo was to magically raise the share price to some high level, all the nubes would sell everything and cash out. How do you think that would help MTV ?
Traffic Value: $111.19745 Egypt
2 like this post 1 people
18/07/2015 19:05
..hmmm maybe just like what he have been doing since the beginning and everyone here keep saying <magically > it has been more than 5 months already since the swap took place in april its not magic its almost half a year 
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
18/07/2015 19:20
Of course not "magically". But there is no "magic" in a swap aswell, apart from a short-term system boost. More than not, nothing meaningful happened since the april swap... yet. When admins add something that will really change the game, then we can expect it to rise.
Traffic Value: $358.42302 Indonesia
1 like this post 1 people
18/07/2015 21:12
who's manipulation the share market's now ?

Jo's or brainy ??? angel whistling
Traffic Value: $9,334.85757 Spain
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18/07/2015 21:15
For sure none of them. Jo is banned and Brainy is cashing out.
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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18/07/2015 21:34
i think the reason Jo was banned because he refused to return Bitcoin money under his name...Carlos already mention return that money into company account...but he refused.....That the main reason... manipulating the share market also part of that...
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
4 like this post 0 people
18/07/2015 21:37
Thiago whistling
loscar - Administrator
Traffic Value: $898,711.42771 Spain
75 like this post 2 people
18/07/2015 23:12
Es necesario hacer algunos comentarios  con base  al post de DomingoX6. 
Es cierto que los usuarios tienen como primera mision: ganar dinero de sus inversiones.

Es cierto que los administradores tienen como misión que los usuarios ganen dinero, pero, tambien tiene otras misiones complementarias a esta principal. Estas son, que esas ganancias, sean sostenibles, sean reales, que sean duraderas, hacer crecer el portfolio, traer nuevos miembros, compartir las ganancias entre todos,.........

Poque nos encontramos en esta situación ahora mismo?.Por que no esta Jo, o por los actos que ha venido cometiendo  en los ultimos meses: inactividad, sueños de grandeza, preparcion de su marcha como ha quedado demostrado, no solo con la cuenta personal al margen de MTV, el aburrimiento y la  negligencia a la que habia llegado. No trabajaba para nada en absoluto en ninguna de las tareas de MtV, solo estaba de turista y viajero y observando la destruccion lenta pero segura de MTV con su apatía, desfachatez, vagancia y cobardia ante los problemas externos que desde principios de año, se han cebado con nosotros.  

Es cierto que esta herencia dejada por Jo y la nueva situación originada por su destitución, esta pasando cierta factura, pero es cuestión de semanas y de ajustes con los nuevos retos a los que nos entretamos todos y el equipo de dierección. 

Desde este foro quiero pregunta a todos:

Que ha cambiado aqui y ahora.  Por que se han moderado los beneficios?  " todos " hemos entrado en un  panico ficticio, sin hacer una reflexión profunda.

Es cierto que cuando estaba Jo hemos cobrado buenos beneficios, pero no  demos todo el merito a Jo. Muchos otros, hemos trabajado para que esto ocurriera. El,  al ser el administrador era la cabeza visible, pero no todo el merito es suyo. Paideverts crecio de la forma en que lo hizo por que 
"alguien", no el, consiguió obtener una cuenta Merchant en Paypal. El no  habría podido pedirla, ni siquiera. "Alguien" abrio cuentas Merchant en las demas pasrelas  y obtuvo de estas, la posibilidad de crear los " los pagos masivos" que de no obtenerlos, no hubiera sido posible sacar la pagina adelante.

Que ha cambiado aqui y ahora?. Seguimos creciendo en numero de usuarios y visitas. Tenemos el mayor capital que se pueda tener:  el valor del trafico, 1,1M de usuarios. 

Porque ha caido el valor de las acciones? pues por que tanto Jo como otros que eran adlateres de el, han trabajado para perjudicar a MTV y ya sabeis de quien hablo, no hace falta decir nombres. 
Ha ocurrido como actualmente ocurre en casi todo. Ejemplo (Costa Concordia) : " cuando el barco parece hundirse, los primeros que abandonan el barco, son el capitan, los amigos y las ratas".

Os habeis preguntado  la diferencia que hay entre rebajar las ganancias o no cobrar por que no hay dinero, como ocurre en la mayoria de los negocios de internet, a pesar de se han llevado una gran parte entre el capitan, paypal , Yan y algun que otro.

Nadie ha dejado ni dejara de cobrar por falta de dinero en MTV, si no por que  el sitema de MTV se fundamenta en esas reglas.

Dicho lo anterior, tyengo que deciros que muy pronto va acomenzar la explosión, nuevamente, de PV y de MTV.

Esta proxima semana, creo tendremos en PV la posiblidad de comprar anuncios tanto con tarjetas virtuales de debito como como fisicas, las cuales tendran extraordinarias funciones, que podreis comprobar. Estas  se iran implementando con las solicitudes, pero esto no es todo, vamos a tener nuevamente activo el pago por Paypal.  Por que " alguien" ha trabajado para ello, no Jo.
Vereis como de forma continuada  se iran ampliando los productos del portfolio. No se exponen las fotos de la oficinas de Polonia y Slovenia por privacidad, pero estoy seguro de que  si las vierais, entenderiais mis palabras. Un equipo de los mejores programadores estan trabajando duro en ello. La visita de nuestro actual administrador Marck junto con Model Michael, han creado un ambiente de cohesión, de entusiasmo, de confianza en el futuro de MTV que os sorprenderá. No voy a adelantar esa bateria de productos nuevos para el portfolio, por que creo que esa es misión de Marck y no mia.

Quiero desde aqui, deciros que tengamos no solo confianza, si no que seamos positivos en nuestros comentarios. No pido fe ciega, ni pido que nos engañemos, si no que comprendamos que estamos ante una nuevo reto, pero con muchas ventajas a nuestro favor.

Quiero dar las gracias a todos aquellos que aportan ideas para empujar MTV, pues todas me parecen excelentes. Desde crear, que ya esta en marcha un "management  media" que expanda nuetro negocio, hasta ofrecer bonos para fomentar la compra tanto de anuncios como de acciones.
Este puesto es importante , pero no imprescindible, pues MTV ya camina solo, es adulto, pero si va a promocionar la imagen de MTV alla donde sea necesario, desde el mas pequeño de  los sitios en la web  hasta en  los mas importantes medios.

Como siempre mis pots son largos y lo lamento, pero es importante hacer mención de estas cosas que olvidamos con facilida o no reparamos en ellas.
Volveran los beneficios pronto  y las acciones comenzaran su ascensión de forma constante. 

Es importante en este punto decir que se esta trabajando en la regulación del mercado de acciones para bien de todos, no de unos pocos.

Animo y confianza. 

Translation by Catt: (sorry about any mistakes, I will try and correct later)

I need to comment some things about DomingoX6´s post

One thing is clear: the users have as their first goal in here to make money from their investments.

Another thing is also clear: the admins have as their task to make sure the users make money, but they also have other tasks complementary to that one, which are to make those profits sustainable, real and long lasting; make the portfolio grow, bring new members to the system and share the profits among everybody... 

Why are we in this situation right now? Because Jo is not here or because of the thing he had been doing through the last months, inactivity, grand dreams, preparation of his departure, as he demonstrated here in the forum, not only with his personal account outside MTV but also with the boredom and negligence he had been showing.

He did not work in any of the areas of MTV, only traveled and observed the slow but sure destruction of MTV with effrontery, laziness and cowardice, not facing the external problems that primed us since the beginning of the year.

It is true that this situation created by Jo´s attitude and his following departure is having a price, but with some weeks and some adjustments we will be able to face the new challenges and follow in the right direction.

I would like to ask everyone a question:

What changed in here, and what are the benefits that changed? Everybody seems to have entered a deep panic, without thought.

Of course, when Jo was in here we had good returns. But let´s not give him all the merit about it. We all worked to achieve that  goal. Jo was the administrator and the visible side of the business, but the merits weren´t all his. Paidverts had a spectacular growth because "someone"  - not Jo - got a merchant account with Paypal. Jo couldn´t have gotten it, didn´t even want it. "Someone" opened merchant accounts in other processors, and got from them the possibility of creating "massive payments" withouth wich the page couldn´t have gone forward.

What changed now? We are still growing in number of users and visits. We have the biggest capital one could have: traffic value - 1,1 M users.

Why did the share price fall? Because Jo and others who are with him are working to try to hurt MTV - you know who I am talking about, there is no need to say names here. What happenes is what happens almost all the time - take as an example the Costa Concordia ship: "when the ship seems to be sinking, the first ones to abandon it are the capitan, his friends and the rats"

You ask if we will be lowering the gains or stop paying because there is no money, as happens with the majority of the internet business, because a big part of it was in the hands of the captain, paypal,  Yan and some others.

We did not stop paying nor will we stop paying for lacking of funds in MTV, because the MTV system is not fundamented by those rules.

That being said, I have to inform you that pretty soon we will have again the explosive growth of PV and MTV.

Next week we should open the credit card (virtual and physical) option for buying ads and those will have extraordinary functions as you will see. Aside from that, we will also have Paypal back - because "someone" who is not Jo worked to get it back.

You will see that the products in our portfolio will continuously grow. The pictures of our offices in Polonia and Slovenia are not released for privacy reasons, but I am sure that if you saw them you would understand my words. A team of the best programmers is working hard in those offices. The visit of our current CEO, MarcdeKoning, together with Model Michael (Infomodel) created an atmosphere of cohesion, enthusiasm, confidence in the future of MTV that would surprise you all.  I am not going to tell about the great number of new products for our portfolio, because I believce that is Marc´s prerrogative, not mine.

I want to ask you to be not only confident, but positive in our comments. I am not asking you to be blind, or to fool yourselves, but to understand that we are taking a new path, with many advantages in our favor.

I want to thank all those who are giving ideas for the betterment of MTV, because all of them seem excellent to me. From the launching - which is already in the works - of a "media management" which will expand our business to the bonuses that encourage the buying of advertising and shares. This is important, but not essential as MTV already walks by itself, but thanks for promoting MTV name through all the web, from the smaller sites to the most important media.

As always my post is huge and I apologize, but it is important to mention those things since we can easily forget or not notice them sometimes.

We are back to the fast payments and the shares are constantly rising.

It is important at this moment to say that we are working on regulating the share market to make it profitable to everybody, not only to a few traders.

Courage and confidence.
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
6 like this post 0 people
18/07/2015 23:22
If you're not in the market now and don't want to be on the sidelines.....well you figure it out.

And adamhicks, April to July is 3 months, quit making things up to suit your agenda.
Traffic Value: $358.42302 Indonesia
0 like this post 13 people
18/07/2015 23:23
english plis smile or maybe (if you can) in indonesian more better angel
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
24 like this post 0 people
18/07/2015 23:24
My quick Google Translate revealed that we may get PayPal back next week along with new credit/debit cards. I'm going to wait for a better translation before I get too excited, but I believe it's really good news ahead.
Traffic Value: $1,685.19331 Cyprus
2 like this post 0 people
18/07/2015 23:27
I hope so as well.  Sounds exciting, thank you for the quick update but you're right lets wait for an official translation.
Traffic Value: $1,815.30566 Morocco
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18/07/2015 23:32
Catt we neeed youuu grin
Traffic Value: $65.31824 Colombia
13 like this post 0 people
18/07/2015 23:33
I'm not available to do a word-for-word translation but here's the gist:

Carlos clarifies Jo definitely doesn't have most of the credit he's given, denounces the bad behavior Jo had not only in the share market but also in his lazy behavior during the latest months, and gives a peek of the next developments that can come the next week (credit cards and Paypal being back).

His general tone is positive and very encouraging and frankly gives me more hope than I had already.

Overall once again Carlos shows some good words there.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
23 like this post 0 people
18/07/2015 23:48
It is translated... I apologize about any eventual mistakes but it was a fast work
Traffic Value: $120.62272 Costa Rica
3 like this post 0 people
18/07/2015 23:54
Its a very positive comment! but i am too lazy for traslate it because is long but trust me, is good and i hope everything that was real.
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
12 like this post 0 people
19/07/2015 00:22
loscar post translation

It is necessary to make some comments based on the post of DomingoX6.
It is true that users have as their primary mission: to make money on their investments.

It is true that managers have as mission to make that users can earn money, but they also have other missions complementary to the main one. These are, that these gains are sustainable, are real, they are lasting, to grow the portfolio, bringing in new members, sharing the profits among all .........

Why we stand in this situation right now?. Because Jo is not here, or because of the acts that have been committed in recent months: inactivity, dreams of grandeur, preparing his departure as has been demonstrated, not just with his personal account outside MTV, but also with the boredom and the negligence at which he had arrived. He was not working at all in any of the tasks of MTV, he was just a tourist and a traveler and watching the slow but sure destruction of MTV with his apathy, insolence, laziness and cowardice to the external problems that since early this year, have been priming us.

It is true that this legacy of Jo and the new situation created by his dismissal, is passing some bills on us, but is a matter of weeks and adjustments with the new challenges that we face all and the directive team.

From this forum I want to ask all:

What has changed here and now? Why have the benefits moderated? "All of us" have entered a fictitious panic, without making any deep thought.

It is true that when Jo was here we gained good benefits, but let's do not give all the credit to Jo. Many others, have worked to make this happen. He, as the manager was the visible head, but not all the credit is his. Paidverts grew up the way it did because "someone" not him, succeeded in obtaining a Merchant account with Paypal. He could not have even asked for it. "Someone" opened Merchant accounts in other payment processors and obtained from them, the possibility of creating "mass payments" that in case of not being able to obtain them, would not have been possible to take the page forward.

What has changed here and now? We continue to grow in number of users and visits. We have the largest capital that may be had: the value of traffic, 1.1M users.

Why has dropped the value of the shares? Because that both Jo and others who were his minions have worked to harm MTV and you know whom I speak about, it goes without saying names.

It happened as at present happens almost everywhere. For example (Costa Concordia), "when the boat appears to be sinking, the first to jump ship, are the captain, friends and rats".

Have you asked yourselves the difference between lowering profits or not be paid for there is no money, as happens in the majority of internet business, although there have been a large part taken away between the captain, paypal, Yan and some another.

Nobody has stopped or will be left without pay for lack of money on MTV, if not for the MTV system is based on those rules.

That said, I have to tell you that soon PV and MTV will begin to explode again.

This coming week, I think we will have in PV the possibility of buying ads with both virtual debit cards as well as physical, which will have extraordinary features, that you can check later. These will be implemented with the applications, but that's not all, the payment by Paypal will be active again. Because "someone" has worked for it, not Jo.

You will see how continuously will expand products of the portfolio. We do not expose the pictures of the offices of Poland and Slovenia for privacy, but I'm sure that if you saw them, you would understand my words. A team of top programmers are working hard on it. The visit of our current administrator Marc with Michael InfoModel, have created an atmosphere of cohesion, enthusiasm, confidence in the future of MTV that will surprise you. I will not advance the info on this battery of new products of the portfolio, because I think that's Marc's mission and not mine.

I want from here, tell you that we not only have confidence, but to be positive in our comments. I'm not asking for blind faith, nor asking to be deluded, but to understand that we have a new challenge in front of us, but with many advantages in our favor.

I want to thank all those who contribute ideas to push MTV forward, as all seem excellent. From creating, which already launched a "middle management" that will expand our business, to offering bonuses to encourage the purchase of both advertisement as shares.

This position is important, but not essential, as MTV already walks alone, it is an adult, but it will promote the image of MTV wherever needed, from the smallest of web sites up to the most important media.

As always my posts are long and I'm sorry, but it is important to make mention of these things that we easily forget or we just dismiss them.

The benefits will return soon and stock prices will began their steady ascent.

It is important at this point to say that we are working on the regulation of the stock market for the good of all, not the few.

Courage and confidence.
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