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US Presidential Election?

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Traffic Value: $2,081.0882 United States
2 like this post 10 people
04/06/2016 10:16
I hope the mods don't delete this thread  red face

I don't want to get too political here, but I wanted some opinions. cool smile

I won't divulge who I am voting for, but here is what the situation looks like in my humble opinion.

TRUMP wants to lower taxes here at home, but increase taxes for goods coming into the country. Many people have lost jobs to cheaper foreign labor (Carrier and Nabisco firing all production employees and moving to cheaper countries as an example) so company executives can make more. Many blue collar workers are on his side.

BERNIE wants to increase taxes at home on all fronts with extra being placed on Wall Street, and make make college free. (which if you somewhat grasp economics is not a realistic option)

HILLARY seems to want to keep things as it and see if it works. Banking on her experience in politics and her relations with other countries to gain the nomination.

None of these seem to be an answer to most of the problems both domestic and financially, and they ALL have some pretty heavy baggage.

Lower taxes (TRUMP) will make it very hard to reduce debt. There is no guarantee taxing imports will correct the trade imbalance.

Very high taxes (BERNIE) will make it extremely hard for new business and jobs to be created. For example, this $15 hour minimum wage for fast food workers movement which has wiped out half of the restaurants in cities that have tried it.(look up Seattle's attempt). Trained Paramedics in some cities make just under $15/hour

All three have some pros and some cons.

Looks like voters are being forced to pick between the three "evils".

If HILLARY runs on her track record as secretary of state "which is pretty abysmal" she won't win. She didn't want to step on toes and let the whole Benghazzi disaster happen and Americans died because of it, many are turned off by that single incident, while there were Navy Seals waiting to go get them out. I won't even go into the whole private email server scandal.

BERNIE supported Fidel Castro and refuses to comment on the horrible situation socialism has caused in Venezuela.(Rioting and no food on supermarket shelves). He has no real understanding of how economics works and wants free everything for everyone. (which gains young voters who have never had to work or pay taxes yet) Which makes no incentive for people to achieve more or start businesses. Though I do believe he is a good guy and does want the best for the "whole".

TRUMP is running on the idea that America needs to be run like a business at this point to fix things. Which he even admitted is somewhat of a necessary evil that just has to take place to get things better. Sure he has had some bad business moves but seems to be a smart man and had obviously made enough good decisions to place himself in the position of achieving wealth and managing thriving enterprises. Of course he has said some real ignorant things and goes too far sometims, but as results have shown a lot of americans are supporting what he is saying and what they are thinking.

I hope this post isn't deleted because I really want to hear some members from other countries opinions on it.

I am sure there are some countries at are hoping trump wins, and others that are horrified of the possibility.

I want to know what the rest of the world thinks! As well as my fellow Americans of course.

Either way it's quite a crazy time for the Unites States and were in for quite a show come November.
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
4 like this post 10 people
04/06/2016 11:23
I share the opinion that Trump would be the best. I don't believe that he is as ignorant as he seems, but he knows that many americans (sorry if ofending anyone) share those racist views of his, and that is where he is going to get some votes. Then he will try to "rule" the country not as a president, but as a CEO. Quite frankly I would like to see how that experiment goes, but at the same time I don't, because if it goes wrong, it's not just the americans that suffer, the global economy goes down as well.

If I was an american, I would vote for Trump, not because I strongly believe in him, but because Clinton and Sanders don't inspire much hope in me.
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
2 like this post 3 people
04/06/2016 11:56
This may be the most important election of all time Donald all the way it might be sad or even make u mad but what he says is what most americans think they just do not say it
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
1 like this post 6 people
04/06/2016 11:57
Trump upvote.

He has something to put on the table and at least some sort of vision - even if some don't like it. He's not ideal, but it's a step into the right direction.

Clinton really has nothing to offer... and if Americans are good with things staying as they are or if they'll vote her because of being the 1st female president - well, then you deserve whatever comes to you.

Sanders, as you stated aswell, is running an unfit system propaganda. That's not how to sort things out (I don't mean the WS taxing, that's OK) and neither the country or people are mature for any of it. You have to sort things top-down but most importantly down-top and no, with current mentality never ever can something good come out of it.
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
4 like this post 2 people
04/06/2016 12:03
if marc was smart he would make  a us election game and pull bets
Traffic Value: $9,256.78261 Slovenia
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04/06/2016 12:19
I would not mind if Trump moves to country where his wife comes from and becomes a president there grin

Hope Trump wins!
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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04/06/2016 12:47
I think Americans need to stop hoping for a Messiah figure. The problem with America's leadership goes much deeper than the president. Every time a new leader comes into office(they did the same thing with Obama) everyone thinks he is going to save the nation. The problem is there is a congress and senate they need to work with also.

It goes deeper than that. Controlling those congresspeople and senators are about 10,000 lobbyists and lawyers that live in Washington full time and pull all the strings. The money flows from them to the politicians and back and so the politicians are on their leash and do what they say. And this is just on the surface. Then we have the shadow government, people like George Soros and the Bilderbergers and such doing even more  nefarious things farther in the background

For one person to go into the top office and be expected to turn all those greedy hordes back is a task that not even superman can accomplish. This needs to be stopped at a much deeper level. For anyone to go in there they need a crew of honest people moving with them into the house and senate with a plan and fierce determination to first clean out the corrupt rot and then maybe start to put things in place to get America moving in the right direction.

Unless the American people are ready to stand up and work with the one person instead of sending one person in and expecting them to do the work of fixing the problem , the only result will be repeated failure.

I know it is a depressing and dispiriting thought but after having watched US politics for three decades now, I can't see them fixing the problem.

They say an alcoholic can only start to change when he hits bottom and admits he has a problem. I guess the hope I can see is that America is finally hitting bottom and at least starting to admit there is something deeply wrong with their nation
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
15 like this post 0 people
04/06/2016 12:52
I know this is extremely way too long, but truly understanding politics is not about bullet points but of large substance that needs fuller explanation. I tried hard not to be too long winded, and yet I still left a lot out.

I know who you are voting for based on your post, you didn't hide it well enough.

I refuse to defend Hillary, I'm done with voting "lesser of 2 evils", I'll vote for Jill Stein over her. She is actually a solid candidate and we really need to show that there is enough demand for multiple parties/view points, esp since I'm not an Established/1% Wing fan. Besides, it's the House and Senate, and who they bow to (voters vs 1%) that matters most, just ask Obama vs the RNC for that.

Trump does not publicly display a grasp on anything besides playing to the crowd. He takes both sides on almost all issues, even in the same sentence, though most often he ends up on the wrong side. He is truly an unknown as to what he will actually do. He did support Hillary and Bill in the past as well. His outrageous comments about groups of people that aren't white males are appalling and should disqualify him for any leadership position that should be inclusive. I could go on and on with his thoughts and how wrong they are or what supporters think of him and how they are not seeing the truth about his wealth/business acumen, but I won't here. There is no defending Trump.

Bernie is a democratic socialist. He isn't a communist/dictator or even just socialist. We have a lot of socialist programs as a nation, that everyone loves. He is not proposing Pie in the sky not possible solutions. And, yes, the bottom 90%,  should get higher wages, but $15 is basically the lowest livable wage, even in the "MidWest". Which is still not high enough to account for being able to squirrel much away for houses/savings, but does provide enough to get sick/care for a family emergency, food on the table, ability to raise kids with both the money and time spent as a parent etc. Besides, it will all go back into the economy anyways.

There are so much money going to the "Top 10% of the Top 1%", let alone the Top 1% and Top 5%, that FREE College/Healthcare, Higher minimum wages etc are all possible Think of FDR, JFK, Teddy Roosevelt and RFK and MLKJr to name just a few as well as Canada and the Nordic Countries, as well as other "rights" such as Paid Sick Leave, as one example, that the US is on the very short list which we don't have and the other Countries "with us" are not a list to be proud to be on.

Also, as far as supporting Castro, look into just what he was supporting a bit more. He ofc doesn't support Dictatorship, he supports democratic socialism. Which is all about allowing everyone the ability "to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Which means the basics need to be provided for if the "free market" refuses to do so. Knowledge (probably just 2 or 4 yrs out of everyone's taxes and/or interest free/based off % of wages repayment beyond), health (not free b/c of we pay taxes, actually the math says all but the richest would end up saving thousands even though we pay more in taxes), living wage (for actually working and being able to have the basics), infrastructure (we all live on the roads either by commuting or via the semi's providing our food/clothes/power etc), retirement well being (we all should be able to retire early enough to enjoy life (remember b4 age 6 we had no idea, the next 12-16+ yrs we only had summers off (that is if we didn't start working for our family in the teens or college at 18) then these days since the 9to5 with 4+ weeks of vacation is no longer a reality for most, we work almost all of our working life, and with dementia and the aging body, there is maybe 10-15yrs of life you can truly live and appreciate, living social security paycheck to paycheck does not allow you to actually live, just another drone, etc.

I know you can figure out who I support.
I support who I support b/c I do grasp economics, I actually know that everything that my candidate believes in is truly possible.

Trump is not a good businessman. 4 bankruptcies. Many failed companies. Even outright sc@ms. He is only really worth his name, that he sells, then stays hands off the project b/c if he was hands on it would not be good businesses practice. He is toxic in Wall Street circles. If he invested in the index he'd be much richer than he even pretends he is. He just makes his policies up without research and has no real answers that will actually work, even on the basics.

Hillary is so corrupt it's not even funny. Trump is right there. She also follows/bends with the polls and in those cases it's mostly just for the election, not for the actual policies. I don't want another 4 or 8 years of "Obama 2.1". Who, yes, was truly up against a horrible RNC. But ,still, when he did get things done it was mostly either incremental, or only good for the Top 1%. He even locked in/continued quite a lot of bad policies and failed to Jail Wallstreet and is deporting way too many etc. And, his foreign policies are going to be mirrored by HRC as well and that is not pretty either. In fact, her incremental change is not enough, esp on things such as Global Climate Change, we need to change now not commit ourselves to 30 years of changing our energy infrastructure just to change it finally to renewables, too late.

Bernie is a leader/realist and knows that what he fights for are truly possible, despite what the naysayers/paid by the 1% say and make the other voters truly believe. He is far from crazy or too idealistic/utopian. As far as Foreign Policy, he's been on the right side of history so many times, and so much more favors peace/communication rather than war/occupation. He also will easily be able to pick a truly great cabinet to help him and the nation reach his platform.

Bernie is so far from the classic choice of "lesser of two evils". He is actually a truly legitimate choice and we should feel so honored that we finally have the right person to vote for in a Presidential Election. In Europe he's actually relatively a center candidate, and Elizabeth Warren is Center Right. Mind boggling to many who believe in the RNC, and even the Established DNC. The choice is truly clear and I hope that the Super Delegates (if ever they exist, it should be for this kind of case) make the right choice. We've had some false or flawed Candidates in the past couple decades, no denying that. Bernie is the real deal. It's not that the under 45, (and many over 45 as well) haven't had to truly work/live as to why they are voting for Bernie, it's that we look to the North and to Europe and in other cases 200 other countries and say we are the richest nation in the world, Why Not Us?. It's a long term reliable reality elsewhere there is no reason we can't have it here as well.

ETA: dguy is right, we need to get the money out of politics, and that's not just Citzen's United, but many many polices/rule changes etc of the past 30 years. Things were going pretty good, until Reagan Economics came along, ever since then it's been getting worse and worse. Yes, room for improvement, for many, and we would have gotten there. But, we'd be so much better off if Reagan hadn't started the snowball effect that has continued to the day, no matter who is in charge in whatever branch.
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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04/06/2016 15:22
yes, there are other candidates from small parties and independents. But lets face it, there are realisticaly only 3 people who has the chance to get to WH at the moment. Clinton, Trump and perhaps Sanders, although he is on the edge of falling out of race.

Would you like to have both Clintons in the White House again, for next 4 or 8 (shocked) years?
Of course Trump is not ideal, but to me it still seems a bit more bearable option than Clintons..
Traffic Value: $3,530.2596 United Kingdom
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04/06/2016 17:32
I'd make a great president.

Traffic Value: $4,476.34101 Slovenia
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04/06/2016 17:41
dguy Kennedy tried to do his own thing, look at where it got him. President is just a puppet who can get fcked by the bacgound lobbies as soon as he says 1 wrong sentance.
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
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05/06/2016 08:26
I usually shoot from the hip...    (LONG post.. Sorry... for those who do not want to know about Donald Trump ugly back side and his small hands) 

I have one thing to say.... Donald Trump is a sc@mmer... WORSE than JO !!!! 

Read what it says below (news article from New Yorker, June 2nd)
Following the release, earlier this week, of testimony filed in a federal lawsuit against Trump University, the United States is facing a high-stakes social-science experiment. Will one of the world’s leading democracies elect as its President a businessman who founded and operated a for-profit learning annex that some of its own employees regarded as a giant rip-off, and that the highest legal officer in New York State has described as a classic bait-and-switch scheme?  If anyone still has any doubt about the troubling nature of Donald Trump’s record, he or she should be obliged to read the affidavit of Ronald Schnackenberg, a former salesman for Trump University. Schnackenberg’s testimony was one of the documents unsealed by a judge in the class-action suit, which was brought in California by some of Trump University’s disgruntled former attendees. Schnackenberg, who worked in Trump’s office at 40 Wall Street, testified that “while Trump University claimed it wanted to help consumers make money in real estate, in fact Trump University was only interested in selling every person the most expensive seminars they possibly could.” The affidavit concludes, “Based upon my personal experience and employment, I believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme, and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money.” In one sense, the latest revelations don’t break much new ground. Back in 2013, when the office of Eric Schneiderman, New York’s Attorney General, filed a civil lawsuit against Trump and some of his associates, the complaint, which is also worth reading in full, made perfectly clear what sort of organization it was targeting. Despite Trump University’s claim that it offered “graduate programs, post graduate programs, doctorate programs,” it wasn’t a university at all. It was a company that purported to be selling Trump’s secret insights into how to make money in real estate. From the time Trump University began operating, in 2005, the A.G.’s office repeatedly warned the company that it was breaking the law by calling itself a university. (In New York State, universities have to obtain a state charter.)That was the bait—or, rather, the initial bait. According to the Attorney General’s complaint, the free classes were merely a marketing device. There, Trump University’s instructors “engaged in a methodical, Systematic Series of misrepresentations” designed to convince students to sign up for a three-day seminar, where they would learn Trump’s personal techniques and strategies for investing, at a cost of about fifteen hundred dollars.When it began, Trump University offered online classes, but it quickly switched its focus to live classes and seminars, the first of which was free to attend. One of the company’s ads said of Trump, “He’s the most celebrated entrepreneur on earth. . . . And now he’s ready to share—with Americans like you—the Trump process for investing in today’s once-in-a-lifetime real estate market.” The ad said that Trump had “hand-picked” Trump University’s instructors, and it ended with a quote from him: “I can turn anyone into a successful real estate investor, including you.” In fact, Trump hadn’t handpicked the instructors, and he didn’t attend the three-day seminars. Moreover, the complaint said, “no specific Donald Trump techniques or strategies were taught during the seminars, Donald Trump ‘never’ reviewed any of Trump University’s curricula or programming materials, nor did he review any of the content for the free seminars or the three day seminars.” So what were the attendees taught? According to the complaint, “the contents and material presented by Trump University were developed in large part by a third-party company that creates and develops materials for an array of motivational speakers and Seminar and timeshare rental companies.” The closest that the attendees at the seminars got to Trump was when they were encouraged to have their picture taken with a life-size photo of him.The alleged sc@m didn’t stop there. Trump University instructors told people who attended the three-day seminars that this wasn’t enough time to learn how to succeed, and encouraged them to purchase additional “mentorship” programs, which cost up to thirty-five thousand dollars. The complaint explained, This bait and switch was laid out in the Trump University Playbook (“Playbook”), which provided step-to-step directions to Trump University instructors on what to tell students during the seminars. . . . Trump University instructors and staff were given detailed guidance as to how to build rapport and approach consumers one-on-one to encourage further purchases. Trump University representatives were explicitly instructed to push the highest priced Elite programs. Even when students hesitated to purchase the expensive programs, Trump representatives were provided stock responses to encourage purchases, including encouraging students to go into debt to pay for the Elite programs.The newly released documents, which included actual Trump University playbooks (one was also uncovered by Politico earlier this year), provide more detail about the sales tactics that its employees used. Some of these methods, such as encouraging customers to max out their credit cards and playing psychological tricks on them, are familiar from the world of time-shares and other dodgy industries. “If they can afford the gold elite don’t allow them to think about doing anything besides the gold elite,” one of the playbooks advised the sales staff. At another point, the manual said, “Don’t ask people what they think about something you’ve said. Instead, always ask them how they feel about it. People buy emotionally and justify it logically.”One of Schnackenberg’s contributions, in his testimony, was to illustrate how these tactics worked with individuals. Recounting his experience with one couple, which included a man who was on disability, he said, “After the hard-sell sales presentation, they were considering purchasing the $35,000 Elite program. I did not feel it was an appropriate program for them because of their precarious financial condition.” Far from being commended by his bosses for his honesty, Schnackenberg said that he was reprimanded. Another salesperson then “talked them into buying the $35,000 program after I refused to sell this program to them,” he testified. “I was disgusted by this conduct and decided to resign.”Trump denies any wrongdoing. Citing surveys that he claims show that Trump University got high approval ratings from its customers, he has set up a Web site at, which features testimonials from Trump University attendees and attacks on the Attorney General. Trump’s lawyers also told theTimes that other testimony in the California case had discredited the charges made by former employees. Hope Hicks, Trump’s campaign spokesperson, said that he was looking forward to his day in court.So far, though, Trump has failed in his efforts to have the lawsuits in California and New York thrown out. And, whatever happens to the legal cases, the allegations will dog him all the way to November. On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton offered a preview of what is to come, calling Trump a “fraud” who is “trying to sc@m America the way he sc@mmed all those people at Trump University.”The Clinton campaign is clearly hoping that Trump University will be to Trump as Bain Capital was to Mitt Romney—a way to portray him as just another selfish rich guy who is out to profit at the expense of ordinary folk. Commenting on Twitter, Clinton’s press secretary, Brian Fallon, wrote, “Trump U is devastating because it’s metaphor for his whole campaign: promising hardworking Americans way to get ahead, but all based on lies.”

So will Trump University be the thing that brings Trump down? In a post forThe New Republic, Brian Beutler argued that it will be “devastating” to him. On my Twitter feed, some people reacted more skeptically, pointing out that many of Trump’s supporters appear oblivious to any criticisms of him, and that Clinton isn’t necessarily the ideal prosecutor. It is also worth recalling that, in Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, another populist businessman, served as Prime Minister four times despite a list of allegations against him that included bribery, tax evasion, sexual misconduct, and having ties to the mafia.One thing is clear, though. If the revelations about Trump University don’t do any damage to Trump, it’s time to worry—or worry even more—about American democracy.

NOW what do you say about DUMP TRUMP ! 
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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05/06/2016 09:02
I doubt it.
Under normal circumstances it could bring him down, but not when facing Hillary Clinton and Bill as "First Lady".. grin
Traffic Value: $573.1605 India
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09/11/2016 06:35
Tony & other Trump fans, How are you celebrating Trump's Victory question  grin
Traffic Value: $11,013.37121 Czech Republic
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09/11/2016 18:51
I got up at 3 AM here to watch it smile And I can't deny Im happy with the election outcomecool grin There is some hope for real change now, lets wait and see.

Gizmo:see? Like i told you, it didn't matter much to his voters; almost all media doing massive campaign against  him + he spent much less money than Hillary but still - she lost  where it mattered most. She lost even some states which where supposed to be easy win for her.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
10 like this post 1 people
09/11/2016 19:08
The fact that Trump won is not the important thing to me. What is most appealing about the results is Hillary LOST!

4 more years of this garbage administration would dig the hole even deeper. I'm willing to give Trump my support to get this country going again.
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