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Open positions for Forum moderators

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Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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31/01/2015 21:10
i was already wondering why it said that i edited someone's post on my first look on the given link.

Guess now i know why.
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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31/01/2015 21:12
How about adding a tag next to the user name identifying him/her as mod?

Will make newbies happier if they know a mod is answering their questions.
Traffic Value: $4,835.35362 Portugal
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31/01/2015 21:17
Congratulations to all moderators that are been select!!!And the others too
best regards
Traffic Value: $121.51065 Slovenia
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31/01/2015 21:19
Congrats to all moderator team members
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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31/01/2015 21:20
 yes it is necessary that members have a mean of  recognition of mods indeed

can be the  pseudo of mods in red or something like that wink
Traffic Value: $5,041.18779 Malaysia
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31/01/2015 21:21
Wow! Congratulations to everyone who became mod. 

I like most of the choices. I frequently see most of these people participating in the forums and helping other members anyway. Especially @Catt. I almost always see her helping members or trying to help members whenever I log in. 

I didn't apply because I was afraid wouldn't be able to take on the responsibility. ermm

But oh well! - always next time I guess. I read the basic version of the moderation rules and I think it's very fair. That people are allowed to give their opinions whether their opinion is popular or unpopular. I really like that emphasis on freedom of speech. cool 

I have one small objection with the rules so far though. It is written: "Complete account ban – This is only for users who...." - Sounds a bit extreme to me. I think permanent forum ban would suffice. Under "suggested punishments" e) should be 6 months and f) should be either 1 year or permanent forum ban and only used for the severest of cases. Maybe I'm being too soft but complete account ban sounds incredibly harsh to me. angel

I also agree with @klikdiva. In most other forums I've been a part of, there is something visual that we can use to identify that that user is a mod. Whether their name is in a different color, a cool icon, or something else. Jo should have a special icon or color and the mods should have another special icon or color so we know that they are mods right then and there instead of having to constantly refer to this thread.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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31/01/2015 21:28

Can you have the programmers modify the Username Label in posts to color code Mods differently?
This would be easiest by querying a list of mods prior to HTML render and comparing names while rendering the page.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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31/01/2015 21:36
@hikinet Some extreme cases (such as death threats, repeated severe insults etc.) can result in complete account termination. I think we've had 2 or so to-date.

@Michael I'll try to add the name display for different groups tomorrow as well.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
2 like this post 1 people
31/01/2015 21:38
any news on the programmers´ end of what is happening to ad delivery? We are kinda in a loss of what to say about it - it does seem that cron got stuck but Jo didn´t mention it, the ads just stopped and people keep asking.
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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31/01/2015 21:39
i have to agree with @hikineet
We mods shoud only be able to forum ban people.
And optional (account freeze putting an account in prison basically for a period of time)
So you or jo can look into it.
to much power for mods my opinion to complete ban.

Coud be wrong ofcorse.
Just reacting on his post. still got to read all rules. etc.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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31/01/2015 21:42

Can you also add the location where the edited post came from?

And just in case you missed my post above, hide our own personal edits to our comments since it's cluttering the Moderator's section. In fact, out of the 14 listed there currently, only 3 edits were actually moderator edits while the rest were personal edits by the mods (including Jo) on their own comments.
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
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31/01/2015 21:56
done with reading the rules smile
And Accept them.

Funny how we do need to keep 1k shares. luckely i was planning to keep them for my personal gambling stats anyways angel
Traffic Value: $45,656.25089 United States
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31/01/2015 21:56
Kinda already did, didn't you?
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
11 like this post 0 people
31/01/2015 21:58
Wow a topic about moderating and people ask completely unrelated stuff here lol.

@yallit I'll add that with the next update, keep any small/but useful suggestions coming.

And don't worry about account bans -> mods will only have the option to ban users fro ma forum. Account bans are only in very very very rare situations that will only be given out by an admin.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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31/01/2015 22:05
Finnally we got the MOD`s mode ON! grin

Congratulations to Catt since she really deserves it wink

And since from today I`m a "boss-free" man I have plenty of time to spend on my projects particularly online ones! If you need someone else to help with keeping spammers and cursers away, I`ll gladly give one hand on that wink

Good work guys!
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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31/01/2015 22:32

Additional Mod powers:
- Transfer threads to their respective sections
- Transfer "monitor-related" posts/topic in the official monitor thread. Example: a member created a topic about "Program A" but the said program has an official thread in the Monitor section. Mods should be able to simply transfer that post or merge the thread to the official thread.

Although, for those to be implemented, the Forum Search function needs to be fixed.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
7 like this post 2 people
31/01/2015 22:32
I love you, you know that... I PROMISE to be a good girl wink

merging topics too would be highly appreciated
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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31/01/2015 22:43
Hi fellow moderators!

all this is looking pretty nice!
I got a suggestion,

good addition to the moderators section would be if the edited changes were somehow highlighted(font color change or something) when you clicking on "show before" and "show after"

It would save us a lot of time when looking at the bigger posts with lots of text.
Traffic Value: $7,429.94412 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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31/01/2015 22:46
It is great to be part of something what I suggested (together with many people) before about few months. We are now in business smile

I saw Slosumo's choice, and I can only confirm what he said, and most of people: Great pick man, great pick.
Traffic Value: $32,122.18249 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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31/01/2015 22:47
yeah, and when editing or deleting your own posts, please remove it from displaying in the moderator section, it's clogging the system for nothing.
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