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OFFICIAL - report an ad

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slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
36 like this post 0 people
14/03/2015 13:42
This is the official thread to report any ad violating our TOS at PaidVerts (porn, bots, hackign attempts, phishing, etc.)

Simply provide the ad campaign link /ad campaign number and the reason why it's violating our TOS.

Shareholders with sharepanel access please have a look at this thread, submit the reports in the sharepanel and block ads/punish the offenders.

slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
22 like this post 0 people
14/03/2015 13:47
That's the idea - I'll likely do a simplified version of that later today, after I do some other stuff.
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
12 like this post 0 people
24/08/2015 13:49
Note for other moderators with shares to view the Shareholder Panel. 

Once you see that a campaign has been edited go ahead and delete the post. That way it keeps this topic clean and its easier to keep up on violation reports.

Just post is the number after the two letters of the campaign. This is also listed at the top of Click Grid ads on the text boxes page. 

Report if showing repeat popups that interfere with viewing the ad please report the ID number. 

If your posts here disappears that means the campaign has been edited. Just trying to make it easier to get campaigns edited and approved quickly.

Only report ads that have one popup if it is malicious. For example if it is saying you have a virus or some other fake warning. If it is just a special offer or one last try to get a sale those should be fine. Anything that seems like it would harm innocent users should be reported. 
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
4 like this post 1 people
28/08/2015 13:04
When doing click in the Click Grid the ID Number on click grid ads at the top above the larger banner. You can only copy it before viewing the ad so it is easy to forget. If there is a problem ad in the Click Grid just post the number from the URL instead. 

Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
7 like this post 0 people
03/09/2015 11:12
Please, report here any ad you believe is breaking PaidVerts TOS. In alternative, if you have 10.000 shares or more, log into SHP and report it.

All comments on this topic concerning campaigns already edited will be deleted in order to keep it clean and avoid confusion.

Thanks to all active members reporting ads wink
Traffic Value: $509.03945 Spain
6 like this post 0 people
23/10/2015 17:29
We need a bigger BAP fine, maybe 100k, or delete the entire campaign with bap fine worth all campaign without refund.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
3 like this post 0 people
24/10/2015 19:47
How big are the campaigns of these repeat offenders?
Traffic Value: $3,515.97345 Canada
5 like this post 0 people
25/10/2015 19:43

I would say 10%. 

Last Spring, I made a long research about these recidivists and sent a ticket to support. Nothing was done because it is a long and hard work. I also have written a long post on how to make this control better, with easy to use columns, how to have a progress fine system, etc. But as almost of the time our posts are not taken into account, nothing has been done neither from support team. So we are still with the problem that we can only fine them with 10000 BAP without any option to cancel their entire ad campaigns or banned recividists or at least having an alert system sent automatically to support to warn the team about recidivists. 

One part is also due to the fact that there is no sentence rewriting our TOS for ad campaigns (banners and promoted sites). I think it would avoid many of these annoying / insulting / inappropriate / porn banners of sites. Then, members could not say later they were not awared of.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
4 like this post 0 people
27/10/2015 20:11
What are the TOS interpretation of using someone elses banner?

I just saw a banner that had an Recommended by Brainy Network, and yet the advertiser was not Brainy.

Thing about banners, unless they buy a lot extra, we can rarely get there in time anyways.

I also have no idea if they are a downline member of Brainy and/or they were given approval.
Traffic Value: $9,334.85757 Spain
5 like this post 0 people
14/11/2015 12:51
Casio thank you very much for your help. I am deleting already edited campaigns posts so this topic is much easier to read for you.
Traffic Value: $291.56473 United States
2 like this post 0 people
22/06/2016 04:50
I'm not sure if this ad was reported or if this is the right area to report these types of ads. Anyway, I'm tired of searching so here goes the ad. It has the words "Pornepedia Mundo" on it with both female and male private parts on the ad. Sorry if I repeated something that was already posted:

casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
5 like this post 0 people
22/06/2016 14:16
Thanks for reporting. you can always report it, regardless if it was reported before. we will easily see if we already edited it or not.
Traffic Value: $6,536.65854 Bulgaria
2 like this post 0 people
27/12/2016 12:30
Ad Campaign: BA-6133481 / 3410968018

report for porno site
Traffic Value: $847.36798 Viet Nam
2 like this post 0 people
08/01/2017 00:43
PLease remove all ad with URL:

Ad Campaign: TA-6138491 / 3419593689

And Back my BAP was deducted on two days (07, 08/01/2017)
Traffic Value: $847.36798 Viet Nam
2 like this post 0 people
08/01/2017 09:43
OMG, have lot ad is error
Paid Ads: Interaction TA-6135196 / 3419619228

Ad Campaign: TA-6135196 / 3419619228
Total Value: $0.20

Error: "Please wait...
           0 second"
The Ad is stop here and not paid
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
08/01/2017 09:46
We are aware that there is some problem with viewing ads. Try swaping ads. If that won't help wait for news from administration
Traffic Value: $847.36798 Viet Nam
2 like this post 0 people
08/01/2017 16:07
Thank, casio8978 - Forum moderator
I post because "Swap ad" did not run, not have anything change after click "swap ad" button sad
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
08/01/2017 16:25
Hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow when all programmers come back to work.
Just read tomorrow news so you will be updated if you have to do anything to get your lost bap returned
Traffic Value: $25,276.97238 Saudi Arabia
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11/03/2017 11:07
Please edit this ad which is porn. That guy deserves some fine.
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
12/03/2017 22:39
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