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My first Month !

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Traffic Value: $9,256.78261 Slovenia
13 like this post 0 people
13/09/2014 20:18

its one month since I register on PV/MTV. Have to say Im very happy cause I joined!

Many members are asking how much time do they need to come one group higher, or how much they can earn. I can tell my numbers after one month.

12.8.2012 - Registration
13.8.2014 - Investment 117$ (124,91$ - with Paypal costs)
16.7.2014 - Investment 359$ (382,94$)
30.7.2014 - Investment 10$ (10,95$)

So alltogether costs me 518,8$. Im in group 9 now nearly whole month and I bought shares with $ I had extra.

Untill now I have invested 86,68$ into shares and I have 793 shares.

In one month I have earned 86,68$ with PV. And if I sell all the shares now, lets say average price 0.128$ I can get 98,45888$. So with MTV I have earned extra 11.77888$

Thats nearly 19% back in one month !

98$ = 303800 BAP

If we take one month average, it takes about 5 month to get investment back, or to come one group higher. Thats more then awesome !You gotta love PV and MTV !
Traffic Value: $9,256.78261 Slovenia
3 like this post 0 people
13/09/2014 20:41
Best part comes now.. While I was writing that post infoModel made a bid =  1000 shares/0.137$

Thats +7$ ASAP !
Traffic Value: $85.20716 Romania
0 like this post 0 people
13/09/2014 22:01
Congratulations, I am very happy to see some awesome results posted here by members grin keep it going like that smile
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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14/09/2014 08:07
Nice to see you diving into the share market like that ! smile CG on your profits.
Traffic Value: $1,294,085.21591 Germany
1 like this post 0 people
14/09/2014 09:52
@ Tribrzinec

....And now, infoModel is here commenting on your post... nice post... smart calculations, Thank You!

The odds are likely in your favor... as the user base grows, more products are release... it is only natural that the demand grows. The share market becomes more attractive for the sellers. I can only imagine what your statistics will become... way more attractive smile

Carry on... good luck with your investments.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
0 like this post 0 people
14/09/2014 11:06
Well done smile
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