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18/07/2015 08:01

I suggested some months ago but disliked by most.
still suggesting again.

Put a 30% cap on either side/every day like real Markets work.
How it works ?

Suppose at 00:01 server time (19th july 2015) , the share price is $0.0119 - 0.012
Then for the whole day the trading cap will be at 0.0156 - 0.0084 (30% cap calculated)

once the market reaches the limit (higher or lower), trade can't happen outside the range.
After some hour, the market will naturally function inside the given range till 00:00 server time

Again on 20th july 00:01 server time, market cap for the day is calculated by the system
and all day, the market will operate inside the range.

30% looks very small compared to our stock price. But the actual range is 60%. Day traders won't suffer at all & long term investors will feel safe surely.
Think well, it can control the manipulation some how.

Dislikes are most welcome as always.
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