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Padiverts Idea

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Traffic Value: $289.3857 Malaysia
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01/02/2015 03:54
It's a good idea. But it is too advantageous to those who are only intended to buy ads in PV. They could just buy the cheap ads that you mentioned, instead of buying bulk ads. Therefore, it is a no no from me. That is an opportunity cost to PV.
Traffic Value: $846.44882 Canada
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01/02/2015 04:02
maybe for who ever does not want ads only 2200 bap instant of 3100.  however, the rest of 900 would be got in to the pool for who able to get out side advertiser, like local store etc.
Traffic Value: $1,069.25294 Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC)
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01/02/2015 04:05
I had submitted one similar idea 5 months ago.
Traffic Value: $210.46293 Romania
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01/02/2015 04:12
Yes you're right, "is too advantageous to those who are only intended to buy" visits:
- if it "is too advantageous" for them they will pay, PV earns, users earns more money
- you can use it in your own advantage, to attract more advertisers from outside and you receive 5% commision. They'll be real advertisers that don't need BAP and produce proffit for PV and for PV users: uplines and resellers.
- Those visits are already paid by resellers, this means that PV earn proffit

It's a huge oportunity to attract outside advertisers with our best prices for them and also for big users here that will spend aditional money for promotting their bussiness very cheap. If they need BAP they will buy Bulk Ads but if they need only to promote they will buy very cheap from resellers and PV and users earn aditional money,because as I said those visits are allready paid. PV sell one product two times and reduce some debt second time with the help of resellers.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/02/2015 04:16
I notice that Banner/Icon views are completed very quickly.

Why can't we satisfy Paypal and Payza's "buy a product" terms by offering BAP for Banners?
Maybe even other products.

We wouldn't add more ads to our massive ad backlog and I'm sure these "BAP only" advertisers would be willing to just use banners.

They'd still cost something close to $1/$1.05, for the same amount of views, so the conversion rate stays the same vs BAP from Shares.

What am I missing here?
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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01/02/2015 04:59
@druth8x, banner advertising as the sole product with 3100 BAP was suggested before in order to lessen the ads in circulation. The potential problem with the idea is that if more people switch to it, we'll find ourselves with less / no ads to click in the future. But I think the main reason why it's probably not going to be entertained is because between banners and the PTC ads, the banners offer a higher conversion ratio. So for those who wish to have more banner credits, they will have to pay the extra options when purchasing bulk ads. Since the member doesn't get additional BAP for it, its an added revenue to PV but it doesn't incur further debt.
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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01/02/2015 17:46
Replying to bump up sense I like the train of thought smile


It's exactly the same idea... I did not see it because it's a hassle to see a post that was posted on this forum 5 months back lol!
Traffic Value: $12,357.633 Singapore
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01/02/2015 17:50
PV is a PTC. 

BAP are just bonus. 

If no website to advertise, then join 186% or 250% or do shares. Or just make a site and get the 155% ROI. 

If you still do not want to make a site, then 186% and 250% plans have better ROI. 

Or am I missing something? 
Traffic Value: $40,205.23673 United States
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02/02/2015 01:44

You are missing the whole point. The point is to provide more investing paths so that there is more revenue. If the system remains stagnant, gains remain stagnant. Therefore other ideas must be incorporated into the system.
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