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Long, qualitative post about MTV.

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Traffic Value: $3.48489 Netherlands
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05/10/2014 13:07
Indeed intersting mr green , alot of usefull info in there.
Maybe we should make a dutch topic tongue to share our experience. (or some other way to communicate)

@marc i'd like the idea if you would teach me the basics of MTV & PV
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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05/10/2014 13:18
add to my earlier post...even if i do not like talking about myself really to much other things are important, chatroom could be additive but need some security so we don't have lots of spam...

living in a small city and having a country parliament that hunt down basically all unemployment and forces people to move around and split families apart only to get a short-term job in a big city, they simply don't care of peoples health, i'm rather happier living in a small city than living in a big city and take the jobs i can do online and for the company i helping with computer tech/programing when they need me.

that's why started my own project 2011 to try earn a little extra and build some investment fund, started first with forex but that was pure luck that didn't ruined the system when the Gold crashed but earn a lot at the beginning but learned to never put to much without having a reserve...then i found all investments sites "hyips" but i was lucky not to invest in those short-term but rather in the long-term and got some profits at the same time invested into basebucks (former name of MyTrafficValue), i was sceptically at first but when MTV launched it was better than all the other because of the open-minded system

later i have started with the sharemarket & crypto and also lending business and all have been re-invested to grow rather then cashing out because now when Bitcoin is going down i doing the opposite this is the only way to make the goals...but i investigate all i invest into even if that's not always helps and we all must have that in mind.

I try to have high hope for the future but we all know that will take time and also money, and i have goals to change my family's life & future, and i think many have similar goals to help theirs

Have i nice new revenue week smile

Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
9 like this post 0 people
05/10/2014 13:30
I must have missed this thread.  Here's some quick answers.

I'm curious what most of you people are trying to get out of this and what your visions are.
I would love for MTV to be a major retirement supplement for me in about 10 or 20 years, perhaps enough of a supplement to retire earlier, rendering my pension insignificant.
What are your goals? 
Maximize profits, withdrawal weekly, monthly, or a few times a year once MTV really makes it big.
What is your life expectancy of MTV?
Multi-generational.  The concept is that good.
What would you like MTV to develop in the future?
I'm most excited about MTV programming some really cool money games, stuff that makes marketglory and goldentowns seem laughable in comparison.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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05/10/2014 14:22
Good story Mister Green,

I like what you say about MTVs dynamic business model and I agree. We don't need to worry about competition because if a better idea comes along when can tap into crowd funding to adapt to it.....or even buy out the new business outright and roll it into MTV.....similar to what Microsoft or google does.

and what would happen if, once we got everything legal and clean, someone like a google came along and wanted to buy MTV? Would Jo and the major shareholders be willing to sell? Also, what about going public with the company in a few years? We could make a killing on the stock market once we build up a multi year track record.

So many possibilities
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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05/10/2014 14:56
I love your idea's Dguy.
But at the moment most online companies that go to the stockmarket all fail sad

So let's wait it out a while, at least a few years until we're a serious business. (As companies like Google would laugh at a 7 million dollar company i'm afraid)
But there's room for a lot of expansion within MTV, i'm very sure of that smile

I also enjoy to see that we're hiring more and more people and expanding our productivity a lot!
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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05/10/2014 16:43
Definitely a few years. Maybe four or five years of growth after MTV becomes a very large company and the price of current shares are in the tens or hundreds of dollars

We are still in the early stages and still building our infrastructure. Wait until MTV becomes a solid corporation turning out significant cash flow and has a few million members. Then you offer it to the public
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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05/10/2014 19:07
Hey marc, can you tell us a little bit more about:

"-A tycoon game(You could use the gladiator game Jeroen once made for you, Jo?)"

If  you remember anything about it, sounds interesting. If the game is simple it could be based on same way as it's the game i play in free time (BiteFight) old but gold.
Traffic Value: $4,984.48385 Netherlands
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05/10/2014 19:57
What I designed back then is no longer available for MTV's use. Sorry.
Traffic Value: $228.24163 United Kingdom
4 like this post 0 people
05/10/2014 21:03
I want to tell you a bit about myself.. I’m a very quiet and secretive person, and that’s it really.
Traffic Value: $3.48489 Netherlands
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08/10/2014 16:45
@marcdekoning , did you already speak to the acountant ? about the taxes is you want to withdraw the money ?
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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08/10/2014 17:16
It's taking long, he's pretty busy..
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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08/10/2014 17:27
Thanks for the update. Let's hope we find our answers soon.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
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08/10/2014 18:29
What is his hour price?
Traffic Value: $294.70198 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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28/12/2014 18:26
Well my goal with MTV is to give me financial stability ,and even maybe retirement fund who knows, even though i'm 20 years old.
It would be great to have countless products that bring revenue to the system smile
Even physical products even though much harder to manage, but not impossible smile
Maybe i'm being over enthusiastic , but one can hope.
Traffic Value: $5.08499 Portugal
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31/12/2014 11:32
wooow, so much motivation!! i don't know.. i'm just "new" in this world, i'm new in paidverts and mytrafficvalue

i started the adventure one month ago +or-.. you ask why.. because my mother unwant to feed my "things"
and the things i learned from here, from all of you
it's all about patience and investment!! this whole things make me feel diferent, feel great... i didn't so much yet but... i will invest time here

take you guys!! you all!! JO, MARC, MR. GREEN!! Thanks a lot

And a happy New Year!! For you all from paidverts, mytrafficvalue grin thanks
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