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Long, qualitative post about MTV.

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Traffic Value: $143,889.23643 Spain
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02/10/2014 22:51

First of all thank you for all the suggestions and support you made in the past and now in this forum and entire MTV. Really I learned a lot from you and I thought that all of this are being rewarded.

Now I'm 20, And I'm here for more than a year. I became very surprise when the debt swaps and the launch of PaidVerts Rocket the value of my shares up to x10 times higher. In that way. I achieved to transform a 500$ investment into 5000$. Currently i'm studying a degree wich don't allow me to work in a serious way but a big part of the money that I get off and online goes to MTV/PV. (Now i've invested something around 4000$ and I cashout around 2000$).  I'm here everyday reading the forum and I really enjoy my stay here.

Really I expect a huge succes of this company. (Maybe it's only a dream/wish; but I would like to see MTV in a stock exchange).

(Sorry for my english).

PD: @Marc  I'm interested about talking with you. May it can be possible?

Kindly Regards to everyone.
Traffic Value: $12,691.63746 Australia
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02/10/2014 23:07
Great write up @Marc 

At the moment my goal is in trying to find confidence in a payment option . 

I was going to invest 2k a while ago but lack of support, sudden changes and all the issues with the server attacks made me decide to keep my money in the bank.

Again I am considering this move as I have seen the potential here and how PV?MTV came through the other side, even if I didnt personally like some of the changes or how they were implemented, but hey Jo didnt make this to make me personally happy so its all good. 

The only thing that delays me making such a move is lack of support in helping me make an informed decision, and when you do get support which is short, unfriendly and you can tell clearly from the reply that the question was either not read or misunderstood it makes you feel like you're only a pain in the ass and not welcome. 

My ticket has only been open 1 week and 14+ hours but still I wait patiently hoping at some point someone will give me the information I need to take that step. 

Although I have no new ideas, Ive never been the "ideas guru", Im more a worker than a brainiac
I agree 

It would be good to see support system improved.

It would be awesome if we could chat directly to other members, or at least message them.

I also think it would be cool to have access to a mass mailer, even for a small fee where we can choose to send our referrals an email in one click rather than emailing hundreds of people the same email. There would possibly need to be restrictions so people wouldnt find it easy to abuse and over use this feature? Still it would be handy and a major time saver.

Over all, very happy and hope to make some good money here in time. Im not greedy and dont need to be rich. Im happy with any kind of profit
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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03/10/2014 09:49
I'm glad to hear that my post inspires a lot of you and I can see that I've opened a topic in which people like to write about their own history within mtv/investments.

I like to bond with other people on the forum as we need to work for each other to make this project work, together we can achieve way more then alone.

I hope most of you are still excited about mtv and feel free to promote it anywhere and expand our community so we can profit all from it in the end and really go somewhere!

Thanks for all the stories so far and I hope to see many more on this page.

Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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03/10/2014 10:55
Thanks for this wonderful topic.

My goal is to achieve a nice portfolio with PV, Shares and 186%/250% Investments.

But i believe when MTV grows very big the sharks will take over it. Other by tryng to destroy it or buy it. Hop not.

Long live.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
8 like this post 0 people
03/10/2014 14:10
Too bad that MTV only shows the latest 6 topics in which people posted so people lose track of most topics pretty quick. (Room for improvement!)

I saw someone disliked my first post of the topic, how can you dislike such a topic? shocked
Could you share with us what you did not like about it please? tongue
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
14 like this post 0 people
03/10/2014 14:21
Added that to the programming list. Some button to expand that top display and show the latest 20 forum posts or so.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
8 like this post 0 people
03/10/2014 14:29
I'm here in MTV now for about 1.5 years.

I had a friend who was making money online (still one of my, if not my, best friend) and I wanted to earn money too! So I talked to him, but I had not so much options back in the time. My parents don't like the online earning process, so I couldn't invest any money (was underaged, but now I'm an 'adult' tongue )

So he told me of PTC to earn, and I started there. And I was also clicking on a traffic exchange. Really, $0.06/hour on average, was really painful. I spent 1-2 weeks in it, very intensively, and when school started again, I did it in the spare time at home. But I had a deal with my friend, if I managed to reach $10 with those Traffic exchanges and PTC sites, he would give me $25 to invest here smile And after one month of working (the first time I worked for something!) I reached the goal!

So I invested $25 here in the 194% plan in the time, and I was a member during the last two debtswaps. When PV finally launched I started clicking there, and I've 700 shares right now, so when the price would finally hit $0.20, I'll have ~6x more money then on the start. Not really big money for the big investors here, but for me it's an achievement. I don't have any money left in the powerplans, I don't like them anymore without the daily little return, I liked that part to reinvest every few days/weeks smile 

My big goal is to reach $5000-10,000. When I got that, I want to start investing in shares of 'realworld' companies, resources etc. That's the main goal so yeah, still a long way to go smile 

I'm really waiting for some new businesses here in MTV, some new PV's! 
EDIT: I would also like to see the forum coming to mobile again. I can't post anything on my smartphone and I would really like that, because most of the time I read the forum when I'm not on the PC wink

And if someone has great ideas to earn money with other things online, let me know, I want to make more money to invest here!
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
15 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 02:14
Enjoyed reading all that. 
Since we make a round of introduction. 
I joined in June this year.  

I know MTV actually a lot longer, then I am a member.
Found it a while before the last deptswap, belurkt it,
decided to wait, forgot a bit about it.
What I found great back then was the community and all the wild discussion that
was going on. 
I like memberforums, that aren't exclusively adoring fanpages.
 I appreciate genuine feedback of people and in the end
is criticism free advice and therefore priceless. 
Then I read over PV on a forum, decided to check it out
and discovered that it was from MTV and I had a bit of cash to spare.
As such is PV  the second project online in which I have invested more
then 100$, because most aren't worth it.  

What I like about PV/MTV is it's transparency, community and that it is an out of the box
I simply love the battle between the BAPangels and the BAPdevils. 
It is pretty mythological when you think about it. 

I am probably a lot older then most people here. 
Mother and Grandmother, but don't let those two words fool you thinking into pattern, because I have never lived a mediocre life and I am a hardcore freethinker. 
Online money making has become my new little hobby two years ago, because
I have done anything else on the internet since it exists and because my son makes
a lot of money online with his business. He inspired me.   
If anybody can believe, that one can build big from scratch it is me, because I have seen
two young guys counting pennies, falling and getting on their feet again and finally living 
their dream.   

And that is my vision for PV , because history repeats and I 'd love to see it again. 

Cheers and the best of luck to us all smile
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
3 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 09:30
Added that to the programming list. Some button to expand that top display and show the latest 20 forum posts or so.

Nice to see that my comment mattered smile

I like to see some new idea's for future products in this topic maybe. 
Are there any creative people reading this right now?
In MTV everything is possible so don't hesitate to post any idea's. 
Maybe we'll use them and improve MTV, maybe we don't but it won't cost you anything either.

Also keep those stories coming about your past in MTV people, I find them quite entertaining to read!

Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
2 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 10:25
lol Jo poor programerscwy i am still waiting on premium smiley paks lolgrin
Traffic Value: $620.17754 Malaysia
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04/10/2014 10:28
i would like to thank everyone for sharing their wonderful success story.It is like a motivation to us.I joined this site for 5 months already and i have still a lot more to be like you guys.I too hope i will be success like you guys.Wish me good luck.grinsmile
Thank you.
Traffic Value: $44,357.61024 United States
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04/10/2014 11:05
Hi, my name is moggle.

I like puppies, sunsets, ice cream and long walks on the beach.

But enough about me..... whistling
Traffic Value: $5,145.88309 United States
0 like this post 3 people
04/10/2014 11:47
hi moggle i like sex money sex income sex and stupid forum posts
Traffic Value: $3.48489 Netherlands
6 like this post 0 people
04/10/2014 11:52
Hey Marc,

It took me a little while  to read but it was worth it.
it is good to know that have such a big community here, it kinda feels better then being part of a site you can make money with from where you know nothing about.

First of all let me introduce me,
I'm Bryan, 18 years old. (from The Netherlands :angelsmile
I joined 1-2 weeks ago and I was just curious if the plan Jo had in mind for MTV & PV was working.
So i just started and I put some of my spare change that was left in my paypal account into my PV.
And it seems it is working, wich is nice. i'm thinking about making a bigger investment ($120) wich actually is all the money I can spare sad.

So in the future i hope that the development of MTV & PV doesn't turn out to be a scam like all the others. I agree about the BAP concept it is Genius. And if you go gambling you forget that they actually have any value (had a little experience with that). MTV & PV seem like a solid theory to me and it seems to be practically working as well.(don't ask me how:ermmsmile
And if I may ask you Marc, would you give me some advice, as I am just a beginner.

And furthermore I like a PM system on the forums and profiles (etc.) I also like the idea of multiplayer casino games such as poker.


PS: Maybe you got a dislike because the post was pretty longtongue
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
6 like this post 0 people
05/10/2014 11:03
Ofcourse I can teach you guys some stuff if you like me to.
I like to help people out and it builds my karma haha.

At the comment about my dislike I only have 1 thing to say: IF the dislike would be because of the length of my post then he obviously didn't read the title of the topic tongue
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
13 like this post 0 people
05/10/2014 11:48
Finally, here’s the post of ol’ MisterGreen J
So back in early 2012 I was surfing around trying to find a way to make an extra buck in my final year as a student. I found a few things that got me interested, creating content and hyip’s mostly. Using basic math, I quickly found out that these hyip’s had to be scams. For fun, I tried some anyway and lost a small amount of money. Somehow, I ended up at MTV, which looked much better, though at first I didn’t understand much of it. I didn’t do thorough background research like Marc and his disciple. I decided to make a small investment anyway and just see how it would go. Over time, I got more and more involved and slowly started to understand the whole project better and better. I became active in the forums, asking questions and helping people as well. Slowly, I started to get a glimpse of how the system worked and the inspirational direction MTV was heading.
Then the first debt swap came, I ended up with a small stack of shares. I decided to profit from it by making bigger investment of about $1400 if I recall correctly, which I mostly put in the plans and a bit in shares. Luckily, this investment was cycled at least twice before the second debt swap came not long thereafter. In this way, I ended up with 9100 presplit shares and my account was drained otherwise.

Now right after the second debt swap MTV hit a bit of a low point in my experience. Marc was banned from the forum, which was a very bad sign for me because it dealt a blow to the community, while the share price dropped to a historical low point. Also interesting to note is that before both debt swaps I voiced my opinion on the forum against it. I began to accept MTV had failed and that I had lost most of my initial investment. Meanwhile I was using my weekly dividends to put into the 186% plan. I was far less active during those days. Slowly, however, MTV started recovering, Marc was unbanned and the share price started to rise. Jo and the team kept making improvements and the daily news began to be interesting and motivational again. I got involved again and posted more frequently, meanwhile eagerly following the share price. My understanding of MTV improved further, I think I can see through it’s mechanism now and I’m not afraid to share these insights as you’ve hopefully seen in the forum posts.
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
13 like this post 0 people
05/10/2014 11:48
[part deux]

The shareprice kept increasing and then there was the 10fold split. Suddenly, I had 91000 shares !! I couldn’t believe my luck when the price hit $0.05 and sold off about 40%. I cashed out the money and was relieved that MTV actually paid, and uploaded a payment proof. From now on I trusted MTV more fully and more than my bank. With hindsight, of course, selling off 40% of my shares at that point was a mistake.
Initially, I didn’t really notice the launch of PV, besides the increase in daily results, but the concept appealed to me and I made another investment of $2400, used for the 250% plan upgrade and PV. I tried PV for a bit but didn’t like it as much as I’d think I would. I decided to slowly consume my BAP’s and not reinvest. Then, last week, Mike’s great offer was made, selling shares for 400 BAP ! After some math I decided to convert all my BAP’s to shares, much obliged! PV’s great for those who like to earn daily, but it didn’t work for me. I turned vacation mode on and off all the time because some days I simply didn’t have access to internet. I have about 60000 shares now and a decent amount in the 250% plan.
So a few final words about debt swaps: I’ve come out with a big profit thanks to them. They’re a challenge to grasp and scary to go through if you haven’t been through one before, but it is indeed a way to propel the system forward. If MTV can solve the problem of share dumping right after a debt swap because of the firesellers, and later of the undercutters, then you will get value for your money afterall, even if you have to wait a bit longer. People who see through these movements can make the most money here, by doing the opposite of what the masses are doing. In any case I’m not worried about another debt swap, I see them as an opportunity now.
In addition I’ve come to love the community more and more and I try to help others see through the system as well so they can make money. If you think about it, MTV has about 200000 users, of which perhaps 0.1% makes an effort to really get to grips with the system. This number can be increased without doing harm to the small club of ‘early adaptors’ already existing. Hence I don’t mind sharing strategies and insights openly. I think the friendly community is one of MTV’s strong points, one of the reasons I like it here. My advice to new members: educate yourself about MTV, ask questions, read the daily news and become an early adaptor.

We haven’t even arrived at the reasons why I like MTV so much. It’s because of its experimental, creative, daring, ‘anything is possible’ and ‘cowboy’-like attitude and direction. MTV can keep branching off into many new directions, it’s a dynamic and very exciting business model. Members can aid in the shaping of the future of the project. So when Marc asks about the long term viability of the project in terms of ‘product life cycles’; while parts of MTV may become outdated over time, the project as a whole will not, because it’s fluid and experimental. Therefore it will always find new ways to maintain itself. I think MTV could last about 25 years, perhaps longer, who knows. It’s an exciting project to be a part of.
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
9 like this post 0 people
05/10/2014 11:49
[part trois]

Now as for MTV’s role in my personal life; I’ve made a few posts about this a while back. But let me sum up by saying that I live very soberly and that with the right investments here, I might be able to live the dream of being an artist. If things keep going well with MTV and if the government and taxman don’t get in the way, I wouldn’t need to work and I can just put my efforts into art and writing. I could become a ‘crowd-funded’ artist in a way J. Then in time I could perhaps live off my art but I won’t forget MTV ! So you see, that’s quite a significant role MTV has here, a golden opportunity, a dream becoming reality. In time, I could share some of my art, which is mostly music, with you guys if you’re interested.
As for ideas for MTV, recently I posted a reflection on the two plans, which can be found here:
Furthermore I would still like to see the standalone casino site MMG (moneymygame) realized. And there have been some suggestions like buying real estate and renting it off, buying a whole software development company and other wild ideas. I think they all hold great potential. Some other ideas I would like to see:
-An MTV chatroom to cement the community even more
-More support staffing, a specialized member or team of members to help Jo out
-The idea that members can fund certain new portfolio products directly for a % of their profit
The sky’s the limit!
Finally, Marc&Me; and Stethoscoop have set some things in motion regarding taxes and legality as some of you might’ve read. When that’s all cleared up and the message is a good one, I shall make another deposit. I want banks to have as little of my capital as possible and MTV to have a significant chunk.

Traffic Value: $1,779.68609 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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05/10/2014 11:58
Interesting story Mr. Green, speaking of chat room i think most people here would appreciate it a lot smile
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
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05/10/2014 12:06
A very interesting post   MisterGreen 
because it is a lucid post on MTV with the ups and downs 

For my part I have never known  a default swap so I'm a little confused, I just hoped that the next default swap will arrive before a very long time

 anyway you are right MTV is a project in constant boiling, there is great potential for the future 
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