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Jo threats solution (My thoughts)

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Traffic Value: $632.85421 Venezuela
13 like this post 3 people
17/06/2015 17:45

First of all I like to congratulate Marc , Slosumo, and everybody behind the scenes for your great work and dedication, I'm sure MTV will reach new highs with you as a team.

Regarding Jo current situation, he stills is a majority shareholder and that can be a problem for MTV grown: I thought of two possible solution both of then legal smile
1. The friendly one smile Simply set an agreement Jo will keep his share but won't be allowed to buy/sell more that a tiny percent of his shares in a period of time, this is the same method that ripple labs applied with his current founder Jed McCaleb (reference: This way he will also benefit from the site grown but won´t be able to manipulate the market like he has been doing over the last 6 months.
2. Not so friendly method : Paid him over all his shares at current price (after all he is the one that wanted the price to be low), according to shareholder control panel he holds 56,460,484 shares at current price of 0.0189 that's like 1,067,103.1476 $ Plus 768,114.45605 $ plus 875.19155 $ minus the funds for Bitcoin account. If the payment of that amount prove too much for MTV to handle you can paid him monthly, yearly or however the Spanish law allow it (since futuros negocios seems to be in Spain).

Just my thoughts and my two cents smile
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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17/06/2015 17:48
Sorry you guys out there, anyone knows if there will be an ad issue today? Just want to know.
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
2 like this post 1 people
17/06/2015 17:49
there was... look at daily news
Traffic Value: $662.25516 Germany
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17/06/2015 18:07
Catt - Forum moderator - Oooosps I overlooked that before, no marvel with all these amazing mews today, lol, but thx
I just didnt see this post, sorry.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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17/06/2015 18:11
Amazing mews?

Catt, did you take over writing the 'Mews'
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
6 like this post 0 people
17/06/2015 18:16
might as well start the ´Daily Mews´ thread... maybe people will read it since they dont read the daily news lol
Traffic Value: $632.85421 Venezuela
2 like this post 2 people
17/06/2015 18:20
What about my idea?, Got 5 replys and neither touch the main topic! @Catt you are a moderator, should'n you moderate?
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
17/06/2015 18:22
Indeed, this became a totally mundane talk thread.
Traffic Value: $3,470.72088 Sri Lanka
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17/06/2015 18:29
@gaven.  Good thought. I am in for No. 1 option. MTV is advisable not to antagonize jo at this point. MTV can still be using his services and knowledge from time to time. 
Traffic Value: $1,975.98679 India
5 like this post 10 people
17/06/2015 18:36
well according to me there shd be 1000 or 5000 share limit in market to buy or to sell  in single step/attempt.there shd be strict guidelines for insider trading. this will stop manipulating the market. and secondly market shd have 10% upside and downside ceiling and bottom where trading stopped for minimum 1hr time. those who trade in real share market know these things and then there will be real supply and demand which gives real share value ,in addition to this there shd be different commisions for intraday trader(0.25%) and long run investers(2.5%) and most important there shd be top management say like first 20 or 50  top shareholders who make major decisions. they can talk in separate chatroom exclusively permitted for top shareholders only . if we try to make legitimate company then these steps r important.besides CEO we need more people to manage the company. 

those who agreed to above ideas pls like else disagree. and mtv management shd consider these for long run of mtv
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
3 like this post 1 people
17/06/2015 18:47
hell yeah I should moderate, not make people say what you want.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
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17/06/2015 18:51

Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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17/06/2015 18:54
I have agree with Gaven offer him a buy out option minus what he already has in bitcoins that belong to  us. I would even say if their is records proving he was using incoming Bitcoins for personal use deduct that amount from the offer too. 
Traffic Value: $19,824.91092 Slovenia
14 like this post 0 people
17/06/2015 18:59
If Jo decided to swap investments at an overrated price of $0.30/share, perhaps the new CEO could decide to sell Jo's shares at an underrated $0.003/share angel
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
3 like this post 0 people
17/06/2015 19:02
you know you love me angel
Traffic Value: $236.92954 Philippines
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17/06/2015 19:27
JO purposely used psychological manipulation to cause panic for his own profit. That is NOT cool. Marc did the right thing suspending him for now. 
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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17/06/2015 19:29
He manipulated? You just wrote psychological manipulation in a sneaky slightly different style! grin
Forum - Brainstorm - Jo threats solution (My thoughts)
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