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Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
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30/05/2014 13:37
hi every one i want invest in here... but i didn't understand fully is there any help for me ?....What if i invest in 260% plan ..and where to cashout the ROI money
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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30/05/2014 16:36
The 250% plan requires at least a $100 upgrade, it is only interesting if you invest more than $400. For smaller investments, use the 186% plan.
Traffic Value: $63.40612 Philippines
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30/05/2014 16:42
Hi slimgeld, can i ask if i invest on 186% do i have to do anything to make it profitable or i just wait till it grow and how do i know if its growing? Please reply thank's
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
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03/06/2014 15:27
Ya tell me too...i want to hear the answer from you....what if i invest ( $500 ) 180% pack and how much time it will be take to month or two months...just clarify it ...I'm a bit confused about it...
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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03/06/2014 15:35

One simply has to put money in the 186% and wait till it matures. That's what they mean with 'fast tracking' on this website.

Currently, the estimated time it takes for an inverstment into this plan to mature is 116 to 166 days, depending on the daily revenues of the coming period and also on the website's growth. MTV has many products creating revenues, and these change the fast-track time. MTV also has many more revenue generators in the pipeline.


slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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03/06/2014 16:10
Actually, the ETA is around 80 days if you take the last 28-day average revenues, as I think they show the picture better for the next few months than the 60 day average used on the site.
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
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04/06/2014 14:39
I can understand it a the way What is ETA ?...and i have one more doubt....In home page investment ( Premium )section..." $200 14 days access day limit $100 " and another two ....what is it ? this mean we get ROI in 14 days...
Traffic Value: $76,730.43625 Portugal
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04/06/2014 14:57
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival .If you invest today and based on the last 28 days revenues you will get paid in 80 days (this is an estimated time, it can be more or less and it depends on the revenues made from MTV).
If you invest in that plan (250% plan) you need to pay a fee. To start you need $200. $100 will go to the fast track 250% plan. And the other $100 is to pay a fee to enter in this plan. Than for 14 days you can invest $100 every day. You will not get ROI in 14 days. You will get your ROI based on the ETA that appears.
This plan should be used if you will invest more than $400. Lower than this use the 186% plan.
Traffic Value: $612.76237 Romania
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04/06/2014 16:34
You can invest max $100 per day during the 14 days?
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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04/06/2014 17:20
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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04/06/2014 19:36
As long as MTV can average at least $1000 revenue per day without PayPal that should keep everything moving forward nicely. 
Forum - Brainstorm - invest
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