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idea: video platform

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Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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08/06/2014 12:39
I had an idea that could maybe be usefull for the MTV portfolio. I was thinking about a site where advertisers could advertise through video ads. For every video ad a member have seen, he would get a certain amount of credits. These credits could than be used to buy or rent stuff. This could be very broad. But I was thinking about giving the option between renting movies, buying movies (by download). Where buying of course would be more expensive. Like I said it could be very broad. Also some kind of streaming service for music for a certain amount of credits could be created. Maybe also e-books could be sold.

The people who don't want to view the ads could also enjoy the system but would have to pay a certain amount of dollar for renting/ buying stuff. Maybe a link could be made, that funds from MTV or PV could be transferred to this project.

It could be set up as a whole new product,or integrated in Paidverts. Although I think it's better as a product on it's own.

The only real problem I see is getting the resell rights for the products.

It's just an idea, could it be something?
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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08/06/2014 12:48
Any reason they need to earn credits for products? Rather than just viewing video ads for cash?

But that's an idea... though I think we need to be a bit bigger. As most of our advertisers are small scale; and don't really promote via video.
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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08/06/2014 12:55
I would do it with credits because you buy reselling rights so you have them and basically whether you sell or not they cost the same. So there is one stable cost. And so the more people watch ads the more earnings and the cost keeps the same. When you would do it with cash. Your cost will be the same, but people could withdraw and which earnings would be left then?
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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08/06/2014 12:59
On gone the advertisers. Maybe an advertising network could be an option? And maybe it could be supplemented with video ads from the advertisers which we have at the moment? 
hrjustinptc - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $8,376.82638 United States
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08/06/2014 14:53
Instead of just videos I think a good platform would be a live presentation exchange. Just as a basic idea it would be similar to a traffic exchange only members could earn time instead of being credit based. Users would need to watch presentations from other members to earn time to present their own presentations. Presenters could use live chat, live audio, live video, recorded content or just display websites in a frame. It is basically a live chat discussion platform that anyone can interact with potential customers. 
Forum - Brainstorm - idea: video platform
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