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Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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01/09/2020 01:15
PTC 1 BAPs from 8sad.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/09/2020 03:36
OK glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that oops. 1 BAP is almost like why botherwink
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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01/09/2020 06:07
This change was announced well in advance, BAP activation ads were lowered by 4 BAP/ad.

If you buy at least 1 Bulk Ad monthly, you will be far better off now as well, getting 2360 extra BAP, compared to 960 less from activation ads before this update
Traffic Value: $25,276.97238 Saudi Arabia
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01/09/2020 07:04
Watching an ad - sometimes for 30 seconds - for a single bap, is certainly not my cup of tea ether. sad We are seriously devaluating those activation ads.

(I rarely see a mistake from you SS, but you would be better 'off' with a correction.) wink
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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01/09/2020 07:49
Hey, @slosumo, the BAP bonus seems to have arrived but it pops-up some kind of a server connection error when you purchase a pack. The pack is still purchased though (mistakenly bought 2 because of the error) but there is no bonus.

PS: It's only not working on PV, on PTC it works fine.
Traffic Value: $9,606.72522 Portugal
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01/09/2020 07:54
How about adding another bonus to the first 1$ purchase, like if you buy on the first day of the month you get the rest of the month BAP tax free instead of 14 days, or more click-grid clicks ( 1st week of the month 20 extra clicks, 2nd week 10 extra clicks) etc etc

Adding more value to that 1$ purchase would make it more worth to hold and reinvest inside the system instead of being cashed out.
Traffic Value: $8,965.30221 India
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01/09/2020 08:01
bought $1 ad pack, got server error, did not get the extra 2400 BAPS sad
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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01/09/2020 08:22
There were only 2 options to reduce free BAP given away (and it definitely needed to be based on how things were going):
a) deduct from activation ads
b) from bap bonuses

BAP bonuses are much harder to reduce across the line, as some don't even have a 32BAP bonus to start with to be able to reduce it by that much. Reducing that would also devalue the attractiveness of the bonus being as a sort of a goal/something you grow towards. b) option also didn't have the benefit of being able to clearly lay out the change after 30 days.

Choosing option a) does bring the con of reducing attractiveness of activation ad, but overall it is the better option.

We will see how this changes things and how many stop viewing because of this, and adjust the pricing if need be - which we intend to do re-check anyway.

@Vixthra By any chance you can take a screenshot/copy the error you get when that happens? Would help out a ton smile

@unthink We'll see how this goes any see if any additional incentive is needed. One of the core goals with the bonus was for it to be super clear and easy to understand. That's why the bonus is also "100%", as we can promote it as "double your first $1" etc.

I don't think that adding more perks to such a bonus would help much, potentially even cause less sales. If you're aware of those extra features and want bonus for them, it means you're already an advanced user of the website/purchaser, and would buy the $1 anyway.

The $1 isn't meant to give more bonuses to those who already purchase regularly, but to incentivize those who don't, to start.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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01/09/2020 08:22
@yasirxx What server error did you get specifically? A screenshot or copy of the error would help a ton!
Traffic Value: $521.67297 India
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01/09/2020 08:36
in ptcshare, i did not get any bonus on purchase. same username.
in paidverts, get internal server error but purchase was success.
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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01/09/2020 08:53
Bought another pack just for you @ss smile, but this time it poped up something different:

Traffic Value: $521.67297 India
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01/09/2020 09:05
also... in paidverts
on closing the error message, the purchase option reappears. re-clicking purchase makes another purchase with bonus, so i got 2 bonus
Traffic Value: $8,965.30221 India
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01/09/2020 09:40
@slosumo was some gibberish error on a popup message, sorry couldnt take the screenshot at that time.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/09/2020 11:32
My bad Andraz, It was just a shock to see only 1, as I hadn't realized it was 5 (I thought it was 8).

Also, yes buy a BA monthly and one sees a net gain of 6 BAP per AA ad clicked.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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01/09/2020 13:14
We deployed some fixes for some of the errors you have been getting. Let us know if any issues persist!
Traffic Value: $4,070.2228 Spain
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01/09/2020 13:40
The fast track queue debt is still showing same numbers from last month, even if the 212k moved the number of the round didn't, i guess u already know but just in case!
Edit: ok, now the number from the round moved, but not the total debt.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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01/09/2020 13:53
Maybe that page only updates once a day, we'll see tomorrow I guess.
Traffic Value: $202.47858 India
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01/09/2020 14:18
same here purchased a Bulk AD in ptcshare and no bonus seen is that something will update and credit hourly or after a day at server time
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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01/09/2020 14:34

I was only clicking one AA ad per issue day on PV but you convinced me to buy one for the bonus. Only spent $1 on the ad but also did buy 60K banner spots on top so you did capture some extra cash from this 'rich' guy on the site
Traffic Value: $17,409.62296 Romania
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01/09/2020 15:52
Can you please add the prizes from wagering contests in PV and ptcshare? It is so hard to do it in short time after ending?  Set up an alarm or something. Thank you!
 I said before that people may depend on the prizes to be in a particular group. 
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