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Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
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30/04/2020 21:49
According to the daily results, April 2020 brought a nice result for MTV.
So, here my logical question, was it good enough to pay the last $4250 to the backers of PTCShare?

Then we can finally start looking at restarting to repay the FTQ.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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30/04/2020 22:11
No, because the month before that wasn´t good at all and we had the crypto dump.
Believe me, I want to squeeze that payment out badly, but during recent months I haven´t even been taking any salaries.
This was a good month for us though.

P.S.: There is 1 other thing I am waiting for that might allow such a payment though, but Carlos needs to solve an issue with his bank and I´m hoping they release that payment.
Traffic Value: $17,409.62296 Romania
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01/05/2020 10:19
Don't take me wrong but where all the money goes?? As hoppa sayd this month results are 30 000$ and the one before, the bad one, around 11 000$. This is logical to ask because you didn't take any salary, all casinos are self susteinable and even add money to results, paidverts is self susteinable clearing around 30 mil baps monthly, so where the money go?? No accusation but is logic to ask questions. 
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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01/05/2020 10:41
We have a pretty big team.
Multiple offices.
Lots of overheads.
When I came here 5 years ago, running costs were about 100k a month. Now it´s around 30% of that.
Had we not cut in every corner of the business, we wouldn´t even be online right now.

But then there are tons of unforeseen situations, like I´ve been trying to explain in the past week..
And those cost money.

Other than the things that I´ve tried to explain the past week, there are tons of other things that can end up costing money as well:

-Crypto volatility
-Shutdown of processors/accounts
-Yearly subscription fees (ssl/domains/licenses and more)
-Processor fees (When paying salaries, exchanging funds to keep things balanced etc)

Maybe it would help to know that just the server costs are already $5000 per month.
That´s what happens when you deal with a lot of traffic.
Traffic Value: $17,409.62296 Romania
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01/05/2020 12:10
Why the hell you need "a big team" when people earn just cents for years, you should have just a small management team and just pay for other programming jobs when needed if that management team can't do it. Also why the hell you need "multiple offices", we are just an online comunity. I always heard from you only bad things like we were hacked, we had a bad month stuff like that, never said about positive results to not increase the value of ad issues...

  One more thing because i don't want to make another post to spam: what is the purpose of the "random" winner of 50 000 baps daily because i checked every day the winners and all the winners have 0 baps when they won? 
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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01/05/2020 13:21
Do you have any idea what it takes to run this business? Seemingly not.

We have a legal team that´s necessary to operate, without paying taxes and what not, to open payment and bank accounts..
We have a marketing and design team to make all of the advertising you see on and off our websites, to run our social media pages, run our forum accounts on bitcointalk, Beermoneyforum and a handful of other websites..
One of them also does all of the public accounting sheets, so you can keep up with everything.
We have a team working on games such as Warclicks, World Domination and more..
That team also deals with the hiring and legal aspects of running an office/team.. And they do pay taxes on every single thing happening within warclicks and other games, which means they deal with a considerable amount of accounting work as well..
Then you have our server administrator, who has to be a reliable and knowledgeable person, to ensure the safety of our sites and not being offline for too long (as long as it only requires his input)
Then we have an external designer that we only use for the bigger work, like site revamps, new pages and what not. He also does CSS coding to speed up the implementation, something our own designers can´t do.
Then we have an in-house programmer that runs all of our sites and expands on them whenever we have something new..
Then we have the support to deal with the HUGE load of tickets on all of our sites.
They´re literally dealing with 1000s of tickets per week.
Other than that they host our livechats, have to find all of the abusers, verify all of the cashouts on all sites..
And then you have me.. I keep an eye on everything, make sure everything runs as is necessary, I do the accounting, the marketing plans, I am the public spokes person, I come up with expansions in every way (This is a shared task with Andraz) and more.

We run:
World Domination

All these come with things you have to keep up with, renew, innovate and what not.
Running this business is not easy what so ever.
Traffic Value: $17,409.62296 Romania
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01/05/2020 14:37
Thank you for answering first. I just sustein my words but stop this debate... No one in the world would keep a position like you such a long time without haveing big benefits. A bit more shared to those that sustein all this would be respectful and fair. 
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
13 like this post 0 people
02/05/2020 00:52
We are committed to make it work.
As of now, with the additional traffic and volume, it seems we can make the necessary revenue to continue repaying the FTQ.
Add on top of that the addition of PPG, which should start to generate volume, traffic and income over time and the addition of World Domination in the near future..
Seems promising if you ask me.

And like I keep reminding everyone:
If we all put in a bit of work, things can become far more lucrative.
A few referrals here and there and who knows.. You might find a big advertiser or gambler that makes a difference for everyone.
And especially now, during quarantine, it can be a nice income source for you as well and there are far more people online.

I´m working on ways to secure the stability of the external casino´s and our traffic.
Whenever those sites go offline, we lose some of the momentum.
I am also working on methods to further reduce some of the overheads, to have a lower profitability point.
What the end game is, I do not know yet.
As of now, we simply wish to stick to our promises, no matter how hard it is.
Traffic Value: $13,419.4675 Netherlands
0 like this post 2 people
02/05/2020 19:19
Might just be a crazy idea. 

What if you use the money from the ftq too pay Carlos? I know you dont want to swap again but i guess most people dont came back all this time and think their investment is gone. The other part is probably supportive and would understand as it would stabelize MTV.

Not that anything is lost when you swap as it still holds a value just not as much at the moment as it is now as an investment. But nobody knows how long until it is payed off so you can accept a smaller portion of the value now or wait untill it reaches the value you agree with.

Might be a chance to pay Off carlos. He might accept some sort of "loan" instead all the money upfront.

This way you can realy move forward. No ftq just paying off Carlos to "free" the site and finaly do what you want to improve everything.

Just a thought smile.
Traffic Value: $680.27326 Philippines
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03/05/2020 13:07
So our target is:

1. Pay the FTQ; then
2. Buy off the partner.

In that order.

Do we have a number on how much we need to pay for the FTQ?
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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03/05/2020 16:06
@ marc 

Have you checked out the payment processor Tipalti that is neobux using now. This one offers paypal payouts as well and i must say that it works really well, i got my payment in my paypal within 24 hours.
Traffic Value: $3.56464 Spain
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03/05/2020 16:08
Hi Marc, I have one question. Are going shares to be worth for someting one day? I mean not necessarily in the near future but maybe in 6 or more months. I'd maybe start a hold campaign if I know we will be given dividends or something like that...
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
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03/05/2020 16:33
I am more curious to know what happened with Carlos. Can someone explain me ?
Also why don’t we have a discord server ? It would be easier !
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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03/05/2020 21:45
We used to have skypechats, but now barely anyone uses skype still.. Telegram is the new thing. Not sure what you wish to use it for, though.
Traffic Value: $325.96126 Canada
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04/05/2020 04:48
@ marc why did you  guys take out shoot out champs?
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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04/05/2020 06:18
SC was disabled as it's multiplayer play was abused to mule and hide money from offerwall abusing multiaccounts.

We'll re-enable it once we get the time to either remove multiplayer or make some changes to it.
Traffic Value: $1,804.70567 France
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04/05/2020 12:47
Because it's a bit tedious to use the forum and discord is more engaging smile
Traffic Value: $325.96126 Canada
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04/05/2020 16:10
@slo . please take away multiplayer option and put in extra layer of security in order to play sc. 
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
2 like this post 1 people
04/05/2020 18:31
I'm still not happy about the amounts of free BAP being handed out on both sites though. Definitely not as long as fixed auctions aren't covering for it, since most are on most days generic anyway.

Start-up bonuses, rewards, daily BAP etc. are in core fine, but not with the amount of users we have over a long period of time, especially considering the situation.

I was thinking that it would be a useful measure to implement an additional BAP log/count/track feature, that would keep track of every users BAP, the amounts gained for free and amounts gained from BAP purchases - the point being that there would be a limited amount of BAP you could gain for free.

This way each user would for all intents and purposes still be able to get enough free BAP (say up to a few 1000s), but after that no more. After that activation ads would become just that, with no BAP - same goes for daily bonus. In case of ad issues, betting, buying ads with BAP any normal BAP would be consumed first, leaving the limited free BAP for last.

There could still be incentives to increase the free BAP limit though, either through some achievements or that for every X outisde dollars spent, the limit would increase by some amount.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
8 like this post 0 people
04/05/2020 19:53
Free users are your lifeline. They come with many and bring advertisers. It´s up to the site´s owner to find a balance. We are doing that. Paidverts cut 25 million BAP debt in the past month and has been cutting debt for a loooooong time.
It used to have a BAP pool of 1.4 bil BAP if I am not mistaken.. Nowadays it is 1.14B.
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