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Pyramid scheme!

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Traffic Value: $60.77536 Greece
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12/01/2015 19:24
yes, social services, gov pension funds etc are pyramids
Traffic Value: $1,138.94861 Pakistan
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12/01/2015 19:26
I can understand why your friends think like that. They are actually PYRAMID-SCHEME-STRICKEN or likewise. They are fearful and have no trust in online income. And, you should not ignore their point. There are definitely plenty of Pyramid scheme (and most of them are advertized on PV too, lol).

Actually, you are doing it wrong. Don't debate. You can't convince them, that's my word grin

For the sake of your clarity, what a pyramid looks like.

I sell a product of $20.
I convince my four friends to do the same thing. So, the company will get $80 from them and will return $30 to me. I get $10 profit.
Those four friends will copy me. This will go on and on.

But, the problem is, if someone stops (in most pyramid schemes) the whole upline collapses.

Do you find this bloody old cheap trick in PV ?

There are many top earners who don't even have a single refferal, but they are earning $100+ daily.
Traffic Value: $30.53104 Greece
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12/01/2015 19:33

look at this sort video about United States
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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12/01/2015 19:36
Just tell your friend that paidverts has never and will never sell a pyramid
Traffic Value: $60.77536 Greece
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12/01/2015 19:38
pyramids have nothing to do with referrals, but with fresh money flow and there is no matter from wich part of the pyramid the fresh money comes- they may come even from the top to create momentum
Traffic Value: $605.49135 India
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12/01/2015 19:38
PV have so many earnings features to pay all the  BAP issued to its  members @ 1 BAP = $0.0005.
 Important earnings scopes: -  PV invested amount in MTV Plans, BAP Games, Share Market PV- BAP investment, Share Market BAP com, other types of Ads etc]
PV have BAP Debt Swap and Restructure strategy on relevant occasions to keep its sustainability.

You can read more on PV Business model on the following thread: It explains how $1 can be repaid as $1.55 or more.

[On the other hand Pyramid Schemes distribute earnings to any member by sharing  the earnings received from the more down line members. So its saturation and end  are  definite at one time point]
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
16 like this post 0 people
12/01/2015 19:40
All economies are based on growth. So in that regard the whole world is a pyramid scheme to one degree or another.



MTV is simple... you invest, we build our portfolio, when that portfolio returns 3.6x its development costs. Everyone gets paid!

PV is also simple.... you buy ads, it creates instant paid advertising, and half your money is invested at MTV. When MTV pays, PV pays. Everyone gets paid!
* And PV has a bunch of features to remove the debt, so it never needs paying in the first place... eg. BAP Games, Recycling, Bap Tax, Cheap Traffic Ads, Banner Ads, Cashier Fees, Upgrades, etc etc! PV is doubly sustainable in that regard.


More Advanced:

People invest, creating debt.

But at the same time, people being here creates value; "traffic value" ! More people come to PV and MTV, adding value to the business just by being here. That value can be realized by ads, selling users products etc etc.

Periodically we swap that debt for value (shares). This then zeros the debt, but the value remains. And because there is no debt, there is a void in the system (as a result of the legacy portfolio, that now has nobody to repay)... Thereby, people rush to fill the void, and pocket the instant profits... This creates MORE value, which increases our share price. And that repays the original debt.

* And all the while, we're constantly building our portfolio bigger and bigger and bigger. Which further adds value to the business driving the growth behind our share price.

Boom. Everybody wins!
And quickly!


This is not a ponzi scheme... but using growth and the crowd to save time and minimize the risk, by not relying on any one product. Both are perfectly reasonable and intelligent functions.

And at the end of the day; we're waiting for our portfolio to return 3.6x its construction costs. But why wait? If we can shuffle things around to make every individual earn in double quick time. The actual debt removal can happen in it's own time. So long as it happens, it happens! All good. Job Done!
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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12/01/2015 19:48
In ANY Ponzi scheme you need a ladder of referral making money off of you in order for it to succeed. Here you only have one upline at max. The money ladder stops there.

Speaking of which: Is Incognito007 even still in this program, or am I a referral to no one?
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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12/01/2015 19:48
There are more people turning 18 this year than in the entire MLM industry combined. Do not worry about growth.

We also have an entire third world that is willing to work hard that we can lift out of poverty with this opportunity.

Hey Jo, that could be an idea is selling super cheap laptops, smartphones and internet service plans to people who can then work on our site! We could have the paidverts site preinstalled in the form of an app or a custom browser
Traffic Value: $866.95481 United States
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12/01/2015 19:50
Awesome explanation Jo!

I feel like people keep thinking you guys are a Ponzi scheme because you offer investments (the main and only revenue ponzis use) yet you guys have various other products and revenue streams that help mitigate debt. Also the fact that you guys have debt make a lot of the close-minded people believe you are a ponzi (again they pitch bad arguments). To me this is all sustainable and profitable.
Traffic Value: $538.25641 Spain
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12/01/2015 19:51
lol michaelkline we brothers thats my sponsor too havent seen him here in a while though last time it was in the forum but it was in december
Traffic Value: $1,654.17 Spain
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12/01/2015 20:07
Thanks all for great explanation. And Thanks @Jo again for great answer.  Thank you very much!!! great answers, thanks @Jo for dedicating time for us, and other users helping! That's why MTV/PV is amazing!
Traffic Value: $437.32954 Portugal
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12/01/2015 20:24
Wow, so important info here! This should be sticky. And more, Jo and the guys that understand really how all of this work should consider making some kind of an official tutorial explaining all of this to be published on PaidVerts and MTV. So, it makes it easy to users to understand and then making others understand by reffering them. Please, consider to create a detailed tutorial simple to understand for everybody on the "How It Works" page. smile
Traffic Value: $6,650.95153 Finland
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12/01/2015 20:30
Really nice answer from Jo Himself. I copied that one in my files for future reference. smile

Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
9 like this post 0 people
12/01/2015 20:48
MTV continues to grow.  Maybe I'll be a billionaire in 2016.  Then I can run for President of the United States on a platform of making BAP the new world currency.

A man can dream can't he?  Well, I'm still too afraid to leave my pyramid scheme job at UPS where I'm perpetually at the bottom, so I'll view the rest of my ads when I get home.  Good image prothe.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
2 like this post 0 people
12/01/2015 20:54
Carefull. grrr That didn't go so well for Ross Perot... downer though he did get popular... cool smirk
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
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12/01/2015 21:04
Maybe I could run for Governor of Illinois first.  Only Jesse Ventura ever made it to Governor of a US state without party affiliation and that was back in late 20th century.
Traffic Value: $294.25745 Portugal
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12/01/2015 21:52
Good luck Mike!!
And I hope I will be a billionaire around 2030  w00t  
Traffic Value: $64.86159 United States
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12/01/2015 22:05
In pyramid schem you haveto recruit in order to paidverts you dont have to recruit to earn. You will earn without them. You earn from revenues, ads, etc..

If your friend ask so Why do you recruit me if there is no need to rcruit??
Answer: I am not recruiting you  I don't have to.. I am telling you that this is a great opportunity to earn not recruiting you. If you want to join fine if not It is also fine. Either way I still earn.
Traffic Value: $2,514.00519 Sweden
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12/01/2015 22:17
you can also ask if your friend dont have a bankaccount....

since banks run the largest ponzi there is today!

check out how the monetarysystem works, it might chock you
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