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Play perfect money games

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Traffic Value: $2,283.49818 Spain
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23/02/2024 21:27
What’s going on with this page? Is it still paying?? I have 37$ pending cashout for hours.
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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23/02/2024 21:28
Cashouts are usually sent in less than 48 hours, but it could take up to 14 days.
Traffic Value: $2,283.49818 Spain
0 like this post 0 people
24/02/2024 12:18
I’m talking about PLAY PERFECT MONEY GAMES. Is yours as well, right? So, what is the issue with the payments??
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
0 like this post 0 people
26/02/2024 11:52
Yes, the same applies there. But you can contact the support team there and they will help you with that.
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