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payment to otcshare

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Traffic Value: $264.40909 Turkey
0 like this post 0 people
22/03/2024 09:21
I made a payment to ptcshare from my payeer account yesterday. Acoount shows funds were sent but deposit not showing in my ptcshare account. Contacted support who said it was now ok but is still not showing. Sent proof to support. No reply and no funds in account. Anyone help?
Traffic Value: $1,557.77199 United Kingdom
0 like this post 0 people
28/04/2024 21:06
i sent payment aswell with payeer been pending for over 2 days
orlan12fish - Administrator
Traffic Value: $5,500.61933 Guatemala
1 like this post 0 people
30/04/2024 04:11

We're sorry to hear you had trouble with your deposit. Please send a Support Ticket with this information:

- Amount
- Memo (Payment ID)
- Account Number

Our team will check the information and help you to credit the funds to your balance
Forum - Questions - payment to otcshare
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