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How long does it takes a payout?

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Traffic Value: $11,007.43755 Albania
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23/03/2024 11:38
I asked a payment and it is exactly 7 days today.I also choose only the money available for a quick cashout which they say 1 business day or 7 max.
So is it 7 or 14 days max ?

Status: pending
Created: 03/16/2024 10:10
Transaction Type: cashout
Method: Litecoin
Gross Amount: $5.48
Traffic Value: $11,007.43755 Albania
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25/03/2024 20:32
Well it is going near 10 days now,I was checking my other cashouts of before and maximum I have waited three days,it has never taken this long,still pending,meanwhile I have already made more money from clicking ads than the requested cashout,so I have the next cashout ready when this will be processed but really strange so far.
Traffic Value: $1,841.19111 India
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26/03/2024 14:16
After requesting cashout, I didn't got the confirmation link. Tried many times.
Traffic Value: $11,007.43755 Albania
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26/03/2024 17:08
I got that cashout exactly today after 10 days of waiting,however after I request another cashout I also cannot find the link and I have the email open if it will come in delay,I guess they have problems with the emails again but they will fix it as they always do.
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
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27/03/2024 11:21
Yes, we are aware of the issue with emails, it will be solved as soon as possible!
Forum - Questions - How long does it takes a payout?
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