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Group 9 users, how long in group 8?

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Traffic Value: $2,218.90192 Korea Republic of
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27/08/2014 06:24
Did it take you over a month/?
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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27/08/2014 06:50
That is different for everyone.

Without investing extra money I think it will takes about 2 - 2.5 months. If you have some active referrals, it will be slightly shorter.
Traffic Value: $23,532.27415 Netherlands
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27/08/2014 07:10
if you have 720k BAP and reinvest everything you earn in ad packs.
Assuming you have 0 referrals it takes 145 days (based on yesterdays earnings).

For every dollar you invest, you make a profit of 1100 BAP.
Yesterdays earnings show that group 8 earned $4,80, this is 9600 BAP, reinvesting gives you 14880
which leads to a profit of 5280 BAP each day. after BAP tax and 200 free BAP, you have 5380 BAP.

going from group 8 to 9 you have to go from 720000 BAP to 1,5 million BAP, this is a difference of 780000 BAP

780000/5380=145 days
i didnt calculate with the 5% your lvl 1 referral is getting, so it might take a bit longer.
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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27/08/2014 07:16
Daily results go up and down, so it is not very accurate to use only yesterdays results for your calculation. PaidVerts is also growing. So one thing for sure: it will most likely not take 145 days, it will be longer or shorter wink
Traffic Value: $23,532.27415 Netherlands
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27/08/2014 07:26
ofcourse it is just an estimated guess.
Since daniel asked the same question yesterday for going from group 7 to 8, i assume he knows that you earn a different amount every day.
Traffic Value: $23,532.27415 Netherlands
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27/08/2014 07:31
and going from group 9 to 10 takes about 92 days
10 to 11 takes about 95 days
11 to 12 takes about 316 days
All calculated with yesterdays result. (in case you are wondering)

Maybe in a week or so i will take all the results of the past week and caculate an average for each group.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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27/08/2014 08:05
Nice sharing Stethoscoop tongue
Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
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27/08/2014 08:28
Why is nobody calculating with the 5%? It would be 950 bap per dollar.
Btw. am I the only one who thinks the bap groups (besides of 11->12 should take more or less the same amount of days to climb?
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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27/08/2014 08:30
Not really because the lower groups receive proportionally bigger earnings to encourage them to invest more.
Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
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27/08/2014 08:36
Well for the first 5 groups or something okey but 7->8 and 8->9 takes extremely long compared to 9->10 and 10->11
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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27/08/2014 08:39
It varies each week. Sometimes the 7-9 groups have relatively bigger earnings, sometimes the 10-12 have. Number of members in the groups change and Jo doesn't adjust the percentages every day.
Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
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27/08/2014 08:44
Ok, will observe if this changes.
Atm it is
6->7 62 days
7->8 141 days
8->9 170 days
9->10 106 days
10->11 108 days

Would be bad for me if not, i basicly skipped the low groups and cant afford the very high groups yet.
Feels like beeing stuck in the middle tongue (like in real life sruck in middle class)
Well at least iam investing into fast track with 2$ daily of the earnings. (Probably enough to keep me in group 8 until i get paid)
Traffic Value: $23,532.27415 Netherlands
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27/08/2014 10:20
@theDarkness: I didn't use the 5% because i just woke up and my sleepy brain couldnt understand how to use the 5% in the calculation tongue
Yet, i still don't understand how you get 950 after 5% per dollar.
A dollar is 2000 BAP, 5% if this is 100, which leaves 1900 BAP

But thanks for noticing, i will most certainly use it in my next calculations.
Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
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27/08/2014 10:27
2000 BAP equals an $ 1 value, after viewing the ad you'll receive $ 0.95.

Reinvesting this $ 0.95 (theoretically) gives you 2945 BAP.

2945 - 2000 = 945 BAP profit per $ 1 earnings.

Edit: daily tax and daily free BAP ads are not included, because this is per day and not per $1 earnings.
Traffic Value: $5,278.37238 Germany
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27/08/2014 11:25
My method of calculating is more simple. (*edit* no its not but my thought was more simple in my opinion tongue)
You get 3100 bap for 1$. 5% of the bap is given to your upline so it is 3100*0.95. And since we know 2000 bap = 1$ which is required to keep your bap group it is 3100*0.95-2000.
And for the bap it is [(next group bap)-(current bap)]/[Earnings*(3100*0.95-2000)]
Forum - Questions - Group 9 users, how long in group 8?
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