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Explain me more About Shares Please !! :D

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Traffic Value: $165.54943 Dominican Republic
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29/08/2014 15:15
Hi, I just want to know how does Shares Works?...
How many days it takes to get my money Back?...

I want to Buy Some Shares But i dont know how it Works!!

Can SomeOne Explain me more about Shares..?

Thanks smile
Traffic Value: $9,354.801 Slovenia
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29/08/2014 15:46
You earn $0.0000001 per $1 of main investment turnover.for each share, so it depends on how many shares you own and how many turnover was that week, you get paid onec a week and you need quite some time to get money back but you can earn by buying shares at low price like they are now and wait for them to grow more and than sell and get 100% profit (eg. buy for 0,14$ sell for 0,28$) and you have just doubled your money. Hope that explains it for you.
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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29/08/2014 19:05
Yeah you can basically make money in two ways by shares: 

-Buying low and selling high via basic marketplace principles + knowledge of the development of MTV, which is obtained by reading the daily news and participating on the forum (which you are doing now smile)

-dividends, recent estimates amount to about $0.17 per 1000 shares per week.
Forum - Questions - Explain me more About Shares Please !! :D
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