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New Project: Texas Hold'em changes/fixes

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MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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20/10/2016 18:22
Here we'll be reporting about the changes that we'll be making/made to Texas Hold'em.
Feel free to comment to report any bugs that you've spotted yourself/additions you'd like to see.
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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21/10/2016 08:40
Hello all!

As Marc said, in this topic we will inform you about development of our Texas holdem game.
In this topic you reported bugs.
From now one you can report it also here.
If you don't already have, I suggest to you, to install screenshot program called Lightshot. (or simmilar)
Its super easy to use and you freeze the image on you screen with only one button and have time to save image for later. This is useful for screenshoting bugs while you are playing. I found and reported many bugs during testing poker, before releasing our game to public.

I will try to inform you on what bug/improvement programmers are working as soon as I get updated.

Meanwhile, our "whole day" poker tournament is already in play.

have fun smile
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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21/10/2016 13:48
We received some bugs reports and suggestions from our users.

I received information of what will be fixed first
1.) "Add chips" option.
2.) Skipping Big Blind exploit.
3.) A bug reported by DraKill. (you can raise your bet)

Later today I will post more info on what/how it will be done.
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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22/10/2016 10:21
Some additional info

1.) "Add chips" option.

Users can add chips "between hands". The limit of chips one can add is limited to adding a minimum of BB, and a difference between maximum and your current chips(max_chip_stack - your_current_chips).

Important rule: A player may reload, or add more chips to their stack, at any time between hands. Once a hand is started, a player may only use the chips they had in play at the beginning of the hand, during that hand. Any additional chips will not be "in play" until the next deal.

More news about fix 2 and 3 will follow. Need to write them in non programming way.
I will have more time later in the day. Stay tuned!
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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22/10/2016 17:54
2.) Due to alot of players joining the rooms at favourable times/positions (skipping blinds), we need to get rid of this "exploit".
A new player entering a room has the following options when sitting behind a table:

a) Wait for the big blind to come your way when you will start your first hand (default).
b) Post the big blind to be dealt a hand next hand immediately.

b2) if the joining seat is in between small blind and big blind, and you want to play immediately next hand, you can post the big blind AND the small blind. The big blind is added to the players bets, small blind gets added to the pot.

This should be implemented via a checkbox that is visible until you are either in big blind position for next game or eligible to play the hand (posted required blinds):

in case of b2, the text under it would show "uncheck to post the big and small blind and be dealt in next hand".
The blind post is deducted/paid when the next hand starts

Image of how this check box should look like, as our users suggested

Traffic Value: $3,726.38398 Lithuania
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22/10/2016 18:49
A few minor suggestions:
1. Slow down the card dealing when people go all-in. As it is now the cards are dealt instantly and there is almost no time to see what happened. If you slow down every turn showing up (flop, turn and river) the allins will be more exciting and easier to understand.
2. Slow down the timer after the hand is over a little bit. As it is now it dissapears to fast in my oppinion.
3. Show the hand that you have folded as phantom cards (transparent) or when you scroll over your name (most poker rooms have this option but i guess it is harder to program).

More suggestions will come smile
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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22/10/2016 19:15
thanks for suggestions.
will forward them up the chain smile
keep them coming
Traffic Value: $56.95699 Mexico
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22/10/2016 22:29
Add the option to download the hand history (logs of the hands played) during the session, this is useful to keep a track of the baps you win and loss and to review your game, it also can help to report bugs
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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23/10/2016 09:41

Colelction of explanations from our user who reported this bug with screenshot:
"I have also spotted a few bugs. Sometimes a player gets a move when betting round should be already over (not sure when exactly this occurs but looks like a complete bug). Its something like i call the bet, noone raises and i still get to raise. This does not happen every time."

"The extra move that i have mentioned in the post before happens when the small blind folds and the big blind checks, but the players who have called the blinds get a move again even though they have not been raised "

Tomorrow is Monday and I hope I will receive some ETA on this fixes.

Enjoy your weekend
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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25/10/2016 09:08
An update regarding fixing: "2.) Skipping Big Blind exploit."

progress so far:
- expended state machine with 'waiting state'
- added instant drop for 'waiting' players when he disconnect
- added checkbox to wait for Big Blind or force join following hand
- added part of method that validates quick jump over waiting state e.g. when one player sits at the table
Traffic Value: $56.95699 Mexico
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25/10/2016 15:45
I have a doubt about the "b2" option: if the small blind is actually putting 1.5 BB on the table, the player of the big blind (and then the other players) will have to call the 0.5BB to play that hand or he can just check?
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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25/10/2016 16:48
The big blind is added to the players bets, small blind gets added to the pot.
Player bets normal BB. Same bet as all others who want to play first round.
Small blind goes directly to pot, none have to call it in order to play.
Traffic Value: $182.0639 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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25/10/2016 17:56
i think that stats board can be good to add to  see how much i wagered in poker 
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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26/10/2016 10:05
various fixes

- start game timeout visual issue
- storage for all players that has played at the table
- omitting player's hand when he remains in waiting (for BB) state
- added separation of transition effects before player's state machine reaches junction point, that heads to 'stand up'
- added helper method for determining the areas covered by the additional fee (dead blind)
Traffic Value: $3,726.38398 Lithuania
5 like this post 0 people
27/10/2016 06:33
It seems to me that people are unwilling to create new tables to play.
Maybe that is why most if not all bigger poker rooms always have tables open (empty ones) for all the stakes they have.
We could also do that. If one room of those stakes fills up automatically another one opens up or you can do it manually like now
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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27/10/2016 10:30
Excellent suggestion DraKill - just waiting for approval of the task build, as I'm sure this is pretty much a must improvement/addition. Especially the lack of bigger betting rooms being available discourages players from playing bigger as it appears that there simply is no such interest.
casio8978 - Forum moderator
Traffic Value: $14,531.83197 Slovenia
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27/10/2016 17:49
some new updates:

- update for 'is player ready for deal'
- update for 'should force stand up' method
- added method for taking additional fee for joining players that forces sit in
- added addidtional siting charge before 'before flop' state
Traffic Value: $3,726.38398 Lithuania
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27/10/2016 19:30
A strange thing for me as a "once a regular poker player (not anymore)" is that people create rooms with very small stack sizes (small or minimal mostly) which in the eyes of any regular poker player is a gamble room not a skill room (luck is a bigger factor in those). Of course that could be explained by people being afraid to loose bigger sums therefore trying to bring smaller amounts to the table but that is not right.
If standard rooms would be created i would suggest normal or higher stacks for them
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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27/10/2016 20:18
For sure - I don't think we should create a room "for every combination", but those that we want to encourage people to use and what might attract bigger players.

I'll prepare my suggestion tomorrow, and would be great to get your opinion additionally when I do.
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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27/10/2016 20:26
Tables/sb/BB : 10/20 BaP, 25/50, 50/100, 250/500, 500/1000. You are allowed to sit in with at least 50BB. If you won and left the table, you have to sit in again with all your BAP you won at least for 3hours.
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