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Wed 9th Apr - Daily News!

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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10/04/2014 12:34
We'll look into more displays regarding BAP and summarising Active Ad campaigns. I already have that info in the admin area... Just needs presenting to users.

However, there are no fixed value groups...
I just chop the membership up by any value of BAP that comes to mind / looks best... And then try to issue them an even return, via appropriately valued ads. Within the constraints of the money we have available to be issued out today; whilst also trying to issue as many ads as possible to deliver the quota purchased...

Obviously if you're right at the top of a group in terms of quantity of BAP, you'll get a smaller percentage return than someone who's just squeezed into the bottom of the group. But you really can't do anything about that, it's just dumb luck... And it'll change from day to day, as I don't use the same values all the time.. And if there's lots of people at one value, then that'll become its own group. So it's all dynamic. You've just gotta roll with it. Some days will be better than others for both individuals & the whole system.

But initially, PaidVerts is best suited to $1-$100 purchasers. If you buy more than that, you'll get your full return bit by bit. But in terms of a daily percentage; it's difficult to keep you happy with the funds we have available, baring in mind that none of the PV re-investments have yet to mature. And recycling has only just begun to erode the debt away. It's not adding up to anything meaningful yet.

If you're looking to invest large sums, I highly recommend the Fast Track 250 plan. Especially now we're offering free year long upgrades to anyone depositing $5000 this month... That should pay you 250% in 3-6months. Less if PV really rockets. (And even that outstanding performance is only 1.3-2.6% daily equivilent!)

* Also we're working on the paid ads filter at the moment; I imagine that'll be ready in the next couple days. And for large investors, I definitely recommend buying that... That way, you can get your full return via minimum effort (ie. cutting out the tiny ads, and just waiting on the bigger ones)... Might take a bit longer; but way easier!

That ad filter will also allow me to issue tens of thousands of tiny value ads across the entire system daily. (Not targeted by BAP groups; just issued to all that accept them). That will help give people willing to work plenty to do. And it should also help with the power of recycling. As with so many ads in circulation, inevitably more and more will get recycled; increasing the amount of money in circulation compared to debt. And that's when the ad values will start to creep up, as ads get binned on mass, and then re-issued.

But I do see PaidVerts as something that will improve with time. It's first days are somewhat it's weakest point, as there's little recycling. Re-Investments aren't nearly ready yet, and so on. But give it time, and it'll get good I reckon, especially once you can customize your account to receive only the ads you're looking for.

And in the mean time, 1-2% daily for a big investment is pretty good. Especially in addition to all the exposure we're giving whatever you're promoting.


We'll look into the shares thing next week. We don't really have time right now... And whilst it's a psyhchological positive influence on the price.... The fundamental value is no different to now. So let's keep the focus on exploding PaidVerts!

As that's growing nicely; and if it keeps going for even just another month on this track; it'll be enourmous.

* I was actually thinking about that... Our transparency kinda dulls down the effect of explosive growth. As when you see the reality of it; it's not quite what you expect. Seems slower almost... Whereas a company which hides everything; may appear to be exploding, even whilst the numbers are tiny. And that false appearance, helps compound the growth and get the numbers actually huge!
... But PV is doing well. Just remember, this is still our first week. You have got to allow time for word to spread, confidence to build, and for people to spend the necessary amount of time procrastinating before they make their move.
It's a snowball... first bit is tedious. Then it exponentially increases!
Traffic Value: $1,095,877.628 Canada
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10/04/2014 13:10
'But initially, PaidVerts is best suited to $1-$100 purchasers. If you buy more than that, you'll get your full return bit by bit. But in terms of a daily percentage; it's difficult to keep you happy with the funds we have available, baring in mind that none of the PV re-investments have yet to mature' Jo

By that you mean that if I invest $100 or $500 or $1000 I would probably receive the same amount of money back everyday?

I was looking to invest a few hundreds more here to compound my earnings, as the daily returns are currently good.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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10/04/2014 16:04
You will likely receive a similar amount back daily; yes. As with todays issue for example; someone with $500 worth of BAP got the exact same ads as someone owed $1000.

All progressing towards your ultimate goal; but little to no specific benefit on a day by day basis. Until we either see a lot of growth, or the re-investments start maturing; there's little room in the current daily budgets for extra large ads to specifically reward big purchases... Today the biggest users got $6-7 worth of ads in total (before any 1% ads they may be receiving)

Buying ad packs is good for the system overall; I don't want to discourage that, and you'll generate your 10 * 1% daily ads for the next ten days... But like I said, PaidVerts is best suited for millions of small to medium investors. Bigger users should deposit the bulk of their funds directly into the MTV Fast Track 250% plan.

Just keep a small deposit active in PaidVerts for the novelty factor. Cash-in on what's on offer. But for big investors; a passive income is far more practical.
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