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Tue 15th July - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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16/07/2014 10:31
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

MyTrafficValue is now accepting BitCoin:

Improving server performance and general website availability is our top priority right now. As I'm pretty sure that our physical ability to permit more users on the website is the only thing holding back our growth.

I think PV can double its active users within the next month, if the website will just work, and be nice and speedy in the process.

We've talked to incapsula about our TCP setting, to try and reduce all these Error 20 messages that you keep seeing. And we've asked them to check things on their end, as the delay via going through their proxies is usually 0.2seconds, but during the middle of the day it seems to jump up to 2seconds. So we're trying to find out whats going on there.

We're also doing a bunch of things behind the scenes regarding caching certain data, images and all the rest of it to generally try and speed things up / reduce the server load.

Today we should be upgrading to the latest version of MySQL, and also switching something over to NGINX. Both of which should significantly improve our server performance... We actually began this last night, but our database is so huge, it took forever to properly backup, and migrate over to the dev server for testing (currently its over 25GB).

We're also hunting down other random issues; like strange quantites of active connections to our server from two IP addresses (one of which being our database server).... Something is not right there; but we need to figure out what exactly. Some bug / some process is doing something wrong, and hanging up the server.

There's quite a lot going on, which you'll likely never see, beyond whether or not the website loads / is fast or not! But our traffic might not actually be source of the problem; as our server loads seem fairly consistent throughout the day. There's some process that's screwing things up we think.

Todays PV ad issue is in motion; i'll post the numbers later once that's completed.

My PM bulk pay is also installed, so I've cleared all but a dozen cashouts there. Waiting on more PM funds to sort the rest out. (Those users can either wait, or request to be paid via another method; up to them -- but non are over 7days yet, so no biggy)

And i'm still chipping away at PayPal cashouts as fast as the released funds permit.

We've also added a "Latest News" page to PaidVerts. Where we can post random updates, and try and direct people to the MTV daily forum news for the PV numbers etc.

In addition to the pending account history rebuild, i've also added a low priority task to create a "history balance graph" -- which will show the range of your balance each day (min-max) and plot that over however long... Then as you select a range in that graph, it'll display all the history entries for that time period.
This feature is meant to help the admin check pending cashouts; as we can quickly see where your balance spiked; and jump straight to that part of your account history. But we'll throw it out to the user side also.
* And later, we'll build in a daily summary thing, which will compile your daily history into a bunch of statisics for easy viewing. Show what incomes came from where, and where you spent / invested / cashed funds. All in quick stats; save you having to crawl through thousands of referral commission entries - it'll just summarize them all.

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $11,566.00604 Pakistan
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16/07/2014 10:34
any today news 
Traffic Value: $1,717.8092 Canada
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16/07/2014 10:40
hey jo. have you guys ever looked into people soft database. seems to be able to handle the pressure from user logins quite well. 
Traffic Value: $15.2222 United States
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16/07/2014 10:44
you should edit Jo, no ads issue in 15th July
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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16/07/2014 10:46
you mean this

we soon see if server working now when all big boys comes online smile
Traffic Value: $2,278.5198 Poland
0 like this post 0 people
16/07/2014 10:48
"My PM bulk pay is also installed, so I've cleared all but a dozen cashouts there. Waiting on more PM funds to sort the rest out. (Those users can either wait, or request to be paid via another method; up to them -- but non are over 7days yet, so no biggy)"

Jo check campaign BA-88391
My Ref buy campaign PerfectMoney for 245$ and has the status of pending
maybe more people waiting for the launch of the campaign, and that is why you have deficit
Traffic Value: $1,717.8092 Canada
0 like this post 0 people
16/07/2014 10:56

yes thats the product. i always found it easy to navigate and always is a workhorse for me. just spitballin some ideas
Forum - News - Tue 15th July - Daily News
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