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Thu 24th July - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
9 like this post 5 people
24/07/2014 14:23
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

MyTrafficValue is now accepting BitCoin:

We've added a "View All Bids" button to the shareholder marketplace:

PayPal cashouts are nearly all caught up after a $2800 release overnight; there's only 38pending right now for less than $5k in total.

Daniel has upgraded the PV ad issue cron; and its a lot faster now. So that's good. But todays ad issue is a few hours late for other reasons tongue rolleye My bad!

I'm investigating integrating PaidVerts with Facebook. I am wondering if we can use that as a simple means to verify one account per person.... And likely link it in with the BAP ads & Gameplay. Eg: Either link your PV account to Facebook, or you will only receive 1 * 25 BAP ad each day after 100 BAP views. And also perhaps block BAP gameplay until you link your account to Facebook. Plus if we can grab your profile photo, and display it on your PV profile; it'll make the place look more human! --- But that's just an idea right now; we'll see if its workable or not.

Other than that... really busy at the moment. But not a huge amount of visual progress in terms of Portfolio development. But we're working on it!

I'll reply with the PV numbers in the next few hours.

Jo smile
Traffic Value: $2.47626 United States
22 like this post 2 people
24/07/2014 14:34
I'd like to leave my opinion on Facebook, and that is I believe that is a very terrible way to verify users. Many people, like myself, don't use Facebook for a multitude of reasons that if you don't understand by this point either you don't watch the news or simply don't care about privacy. 

I enjoy your website a lot but I'm sick of all these companies thinking it's such a great idea to "log in with facebook" and get all your personal information. I don't think you have any business knowing about who my friends are, my posts, and everything else that Facebook provides to companies.

I'm begging you to please not do this because this is such a terrible idea.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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24/07/2014 14:38
privacy LOL, NSA already know all about everything, they think we all bad guys and we are online investing terror...

could be optional for rewards
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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24/07/2014 14:44
I don't think this idea (facebook) can prevent anything, I know people with hundreds of fake facebook accounts (all looks legit, photos, friends etc), they use them to some different competitions etc.
Traffic Value: $1,069.25294 Taiwan; Republic of China (ROC)
11 like this post 0 people
24/07/2014 14:47
I think it can be better if we verify users with cellphone numbers.Sending an SMS to the cellphone with a verify number and user have to type it to verify his/her account.
Many sites use this kind of verifying way.
Traffic Value: $386,747.05153 Netherlands
9 like this post 0 people
24/07/2014 14:48
Facebook would be a terrible idea. I do not want my reallife friends to know that I am earning big time with PV/MTV, as it is still not really normal to earn money online. The 'old fashion' way of earning by working, instead of earning online, is very common around here.
Thereby, if you do this, especially linking it with BAP Game playing, I think a lot less money would be earned (=debt reduced) by BAP games played. And all in all you said yourself that we still gave away to much BAP. 

some kind of verification with a telephone number would be better.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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24/07/2014 14:53
i think you misunderstand...even if i login with facebook on sites they will never know that i use some sites, it all depends on the requirements set up and you can verify what you want sharing and what you don't want to share, i always deny posting on my walls from applications, site mostly only need UID and who is posting public to all other to see?

mostly posts are set to private/friends so sites don't see anything more than other can who is not your friends, friends/posts should not even be open for public
Traffic Value: $219.55896 Philippines
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24/07/2014 14:56
I agree with the Idea But option like sharing a post should be limited or controlled by the user...(but strongly Disagree with the Idea of Grabbing Profile Picture to Post It here I think it was violating our privacy as a user..).. 
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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24/07/2014 14:59
Maybe giving the alternative of a) verifying through facebook.
                                          b) verifying by phonenumber.

Then people can verify the way they like. 

Maybe rather for the bigger users, by bank account, the big users use it to cash out so no problems with privacy concerns there I would think. 
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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24/07/2014 15:05
I agree with CPACash and Colasander. I have Facebook o' phobia. What shall happen to the likes of us if PV is integrated with Facebook sad
Traffic Value: $385,783.27887 Switzerland
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24/07/2014 15:07
It's almost impossible to verify people for multiple accounts, the more verifications we'll add it will only piss off normal members, not prevent anything. - 0,15$ each, perfect for making multiple accounts tongue.

That's why some time ago I propesed 2 changes to access bap games
-your account must be older than i.e 14 days
-you need to have at least i.e 50k bap points

These two steps will exclude most of guys making multiple accounts (as it will be long term process) and in the meantime not hurt much real accounts. It's not perfect solution, maybe someone else will figure out something better.
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
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24/07/2014 15:14
i vote to buy UP all facebook shares and do a hostel takeover grin

verifying with bank accounts and ID is the best way, most all other financial sites use some type of verifying, even i don't like throwing ID all over the internet for privacy concerns devil
Traffic Value: $303.22909 Belgium
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24/07/2014 15:22
Or we can do it like some payment processors do, a bank statement and a document that shows your name etc. But that maybe going a little bit to far?
Traffic Value: $983.3735 Netherlands
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24/07/2014 15:28
I don't agree with Kamil in one point...

I think the 50 000 BAP should be replaced for: buy 10 ad campaign...
Traffic Value: $114,601.66988 Spain
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24/07/2014 15:51
bad idea Jo, if you do that you smash the privacy of users.
Traffic Value: $4,007.84228 Netherlands
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24/07/2014 15:54
One can make the FB login optional, so anybody to his likes. 

Perhaps  make it more difficult to get a userid. 

Let the system check if that user id is taken.

Don't allow userids with only numbers, 
Don't allow userids who are the same and have just different numbers on the end. 
Don't allow userids that appear random in letters, like LSKJH and similar.  

Have a verification email that has to be clicked in order to have an account. 

Let the system flag accounts that have or have used the same email for  ec-processors.
Let he system flag accounts that use same or similar emails for sign up emails. 
Traffic Value: $1,909.96027 Netherlands
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24/07/2014 16:11
I think forcing people use facebook is a very bad idea. I have no facebook account and i am not intrested in a facebook account. Yeah i can make it and link it but i dont use it and shall never use it.
I and many people have it busy enough without facebook and simular crap.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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24/07/2014 16:13
Why not use the payment processors? I don't understand that. You can only have one ID at paypal right? Plus, they use the person's name when they send verification. Why not use that. Have the email search for repeat names.

That payment processors have done your work for you
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
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24/07/2014 16:59
Interesting topic, 
since this guy confessed he has 5 accounts. and uses the same paypal for 2 of them. 

so he is abusing the referral system. 

(Jo , I sent you a screenshot so maybe we can block him)

I vote the payment processor ID verify. 

~ I see LOTS of fake fb accounts
~I know how to get free forwarded phone numbers

So I think verified by only one account can use the payment processor. 
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
2 like this post 3 people
24/07/2014 17:04
problem is that is very easy to create lots of unverified paypal accounts with fake names also...

best to have DNA verifying identification system wink
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