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Sun 27th July - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $219.55896 Philippines
8 like this post 2 people
27/07/2014 16:57
@krasko those downtime are not done by the admin its just the system reaching the peak dew to massive growth that mtv/pv is having at the moment it's inevitable ...Note: No System that is perfect so stop complaining without reading the last post sometimes you had to understand the admins side instead of complaining why not help lessen the admins problem and stop complaining problem that  is already explained...
Traffic Value: $557.48073 Bulgaria
0 like this post 4 people
27/07/2014 17:12
shinee_red  your post  not make  server more usable
I am  IT  specialist  and   i  now  what  i talk about 
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
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27/07/2014 18:02
We are working on the scaling issues and site stability. Just taking some time to catch up and then get ahead of our growth. We aren't especially well financed. So its hard to do things before they're absolutely essential.

But we're getting there. And even just a few years ago supporting this amount of traffic would have been unaffordable. 60million hits a month out of basically one server. Pretty amazing really.
Traffic Value: $1,294,085.21591 Germany
8 like this post 0 people
27/07/2014 18:27
@ Jo, well said and done... we will get there.

It might seem like a catch-up race at the moment but if we know a thing or two about building a business, we are going through one of those phases... the challenges that come with growth. Few months ago, we were begging for it and now, we have to sustain it. This is just another challenge, and like many before it, we will get over it.

It comes with the territory, let's learn to live with it for now while Jo and team figure out how best they can improve things on a short-run, long-run... if we care so much, we should help out by investing more, so that we can improve on the underlying IT infrastructure; get more servers, programmers on board and stop the yelling out when there is just too much for the current infrastructure to handle, just occupy yourself with something when the traffic is at its peak here...  

I used to see about a 1,000 online.... but now, I see over 2,000 online. That is very telling....  it is becoming clear, that is the way we can manage the growth, is by improving the underlying IT infrastructure.

Enjoy the rest of the day and the week ahead of you.

To Our Success grin
Traffic Value: $65,453.30658 Sweden
4 like this post 0 people
27/07/2014 18:58
Yes, this is sure the only "Company" that we can work together in this way, even without investing by doing all we can, how many companies is there out there like MTV?

None, really...take the opportunity to create your own advertisment job and use the system to create your income and at the same time bring in cash into MTV, how can we do that, contact companies ask for doing advertisement and if you are good creating banners you will get the cash they get the exposure

there are lots of sites for advertise your job/skills to do more to bring in advertisment

I do that so should you then we can make all other things happen
Traffic Value: $1,294,085.21591 Germany
11 like this post 1 people
27/07/2014 22:08
@rtrplay, you are on point... I definitely agree with you, my fellow investor and humble member of this community - even without investing by doing all we can, to support MTV is a good thing. We can keep our ads running on other networks or websites, promote MTV around the block (Even though, we might turn to drive more traffic by doing this... therefore, we will need a more robust IT infrastructure to handle the traffic). Other things members can do is to work on their strategies or fine-tune it... on how they can make MTV profitable to them and the community at large... or just go out for a walk. I am just coming in from the gym... had a great work-out cheerful while things were slow here because of the high traffic....

I was trying to drive home the message to some of us who worry too much about the challenges we are facing, bad mouthing and all of that... even though Jo has just posted a follow-up comment on what they are doing to fix things up, some of us do not bother to read. This is a young company and like many young companies or businesses out there, they hunger for growth and then, they struggle to sustain it and then thereafter, they are able to keep going with little or no hurdles because they have turns of experience of handling challenges under their belts. 

I have been opportune to be involved in other successful business and investment ventures which are unique in their own rights... and MTV just stands out in the way it does and handles business with its openness and transparent culture. It puts us on check and even so more, the management. For those of us who worry about the debts... I fully understand how there has been lots of talk on how bad it is to be in debts, maybe, from our growing home lessons but the truth is, many companies use debts in their accounting as a strategy to hedge themselves; get low taxes and all that. There is a thing called "Good Debt". The most important thing is if you have a workable solution or strategy on how you can work out of debt. And MTV has given us a roadmap... all we can do, as responsible investors is to keep ourselves informed on the daily news and give the management the room to exercise or opportunity to keep to their words... they owe us that and Jo is fully aware of that. I am in with this company because I see wide range of opportunities... it doesn't take a genius. If everyone could take the pain to do some reading and thinking, study the metrics and you will quickly see the potentials here and understand this is a growing business. All what MTV needs to do is to earn our trust... because that is the most important element for a business the way I see it... and so far, I think MTV is doing a great job at it wink

As we keep overcoming these challenges, we mold ourselves to a champion. Like I earlier wrote sometime back, we shouldn't hope or pray for less of these challenges but rather work on our skills to handle them.

Goodluck on your investments, dear investors.... and remember, in all you do, aim at staying profitable.

To Our Successgrin
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