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Traffic Value: $477.38965 Poland
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02/06/2017 06:56
I've got a question - what is wrong with Fast Tracks?
Month ago my investment was 28 days from completing, today it's... 28 days. Is it moving or is it stuck?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
8 like this post 0 people
02/06/2017 07:13
Where have you been?

FTQ is on hold for a real long time now.

We hope that MyMatrix etall can give us profits in order to repay all our investors.

Our FTQ is holding us back from expanding/becoming legal.
Traffic Value: $477.38965 Poland
1 like this post 13 people
02/06/2017 08:18
That explains much, almost everything.

Few years ago I had great faith in this project. I expected that with a little investment of money and huge investment of work and patience I can create a source of low, stable, additional income. Since then I'm only loosing.

You may say that I'm complaining, cause I'm not 100% commited to this project, but tell me - how can I not be complaining? Swaps, holds, loses, revolutions and other stuff... come on, nothing works here as supposed to. I was supposed to get paid for watching ads, instead I have to put a lot of money here to only hope to get some money back.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
18 like this post 0 people
02/06/2017 12:14
I have just added an additional $750 to the portfolio for PlayPerfectMoneyGames.
Earlier this week we also paid an additional $200 to the backers of the marketing campaign.
Slowly but surely things are improving for our external casino's!
Traffic Value: $329.227 Philippines
0 like this post 7 people
02/06/2017 13:15
When is the dividends sharing? Is it still every Monday? I didn't receive any.
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
10 like this post 0 people
02/06/2017 13:25

I think you must have been absent for a long time on the forum, there have been some changes.
Dividends will be paid again, but as every other business, they will be paid with money that doesn´t have a better use at that time. And at this time, there are a lot of things we are working on to improve the site.
If you want I can give you a more detailed explanation of what has been happening since you weren´t around for a long time I see
Traffic Value: $461.98399 Russian Federation
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02/06/2017 14:30
I can not go on paidverts something wrong?
Traffic Value: $461.98399 Russian Federation
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02/06/2017 14:38
What to do Respond!
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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02/06/2017 14:47
Mark remember me
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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02/06/2017 15:38
Milford121 if you still cant get in send a support ticket with the problem or post here with what kind of error message you are getting. Really not much anyone here can do  with cant get in that could be  the results of many many different things. Also check this board . Seem like there a few people there that might have the same problem.
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
9 like this post 0 people
02/06/2017 15:46
It is a temporary problem and nothing to worry about, the programmers are already working on it!
We apologize for any inconveniences

It is due to a renovation of the domain, so a new propagation has to ocurr in order for the site to be correctly displayed, which can take up to 24 hours in some places, less in others.
Any lost BAP or ads will be refunded by writing a support ticket
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
3 like this post 0 people
02/06/2017 15:55
Thank you for the update felibaudino.
Traffic Value: $453.62586 United States
4 like this post 0 people
03/06/2017 02:47
So no ads for Friday?
Traffic Value: $329.227 Philippines
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03/06/2017 05:13

Thank your for your reply. Yes! I've been gone for quite some time so I was kind of out of the loop. So what did I miss and when will the dividends be paid out?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
6 like this post 0 people
03/06/2017 06:51
Noone knows when dividends will be paid out.

We hope to have a proof of concept sometime this year payment.

However, beyond that, don't expect dividends until the FTQ is paid fully off.

Maybe even a few months longer than that.

And, no, we don't know when the FTQ will be paid off either.

All that said, don't sell your RP, they will be worth a lot more than diviidends will be worth, eventually.

In the meantime, promote all our products, as the more revenue they generate, the more profit they generate and the more money that can be redistrubted to the members.
Traffic Value: $8.37862 India
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03/06/2017 11:13
i dont get any ads on friday. Does anyone else got?
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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03/06/2017 11:52
They will be sent with the next ad issue.Don't worry so much.
LAte edit:Can't see the activation ads,it keeps going to the expired page
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
32 like this post 0 people
03/06/2017 12:36
I have just added $1320 for PlayPerfectMoneyGames.
During the past month it made nearly $11.000,-
This makes it by far the best month ever and the first time we reached our original goal of $10.000,- per month.

On PlayBitcoinGames our volume more than doubled compared to 2 months ago.
Domingo is doing a great job over at bitcointalk smile
Traffic Value: $770.95545 Argentina
15 like this post 0 people
03/06/2017 17:13
Since I don´t know what was the last "news" you got, I will make a quick resumee since Marc became the CEO.
Well, Marc became the CEO some time ago, and he decided to turn this business into a real one and take away the ponzi part of it, since there weren´t any real products making money apart from the PV and MTV games.

He started to cut some costs, there were a lot of unnecessary things and really expensive server costs, by doing this he reduced the monthly bills that were about 120k per month to a really reduced number compared to that one.(I can´t recall if that was the exact number of the monthly bills, but it was near)

He also focused on developing products which generated more revenues to our site, like CoinFlip Evolved, an upgraded version of coinflip, which has it´s own site, you can find it here
PBG and PPMG, two online casinos which are improving month to month, one for bitcoin users and the other one for perfect money users,respectively. And I would like to add that PPMG this month made a profit of 10k which was our target for it. Both can be found here,PBG and PPMG.
One of our programmer offices also developed WarClicks as a side product, which is also increasing it´s user base each day, found here.
Also, an online exchanger was developed, BarterMyFunds, which had a setback at the beginning but it has a good volume and is performing well, found here.
And our latest product, was SumoRoll, a mobile phone app that lets you earn satoshi while playing a game.
We are actually developing MyMatrix, a matrix program that offers advertising credits to their members, as well as a TradingFund which is already taking place and we are near to they payment to it's investors.
A funding page was also added which was has always been the main idea of this company, at this page users funded projects and would get a return of their investments, SumoRoll, a marketing campaign for PPMG and PBG, the MyMatrix development and a fund for CryptoTrading were funded and developed since the addition of this page.
You can check it out here.

You can see that all this products and improvements have been made to make the company better, bring profits and pay the FTQ which was a ponzi element and a debt that was left by the previous CEO.

Why I stated all this? First, because as you said you haven´t been around, so you have a quick resumee. Second, because you wanted to know about dividends, well, dividends on companies are usually paid with money that is left spare and wouldn´t have any good use at the moment, as you can see we are actually repaying the debt that was left, so paying dividends would be unnecesary.
They will be paid again, yes, but right now money should be used at other places.

Hope this can help to answer your question and if any member reads, it will be a quick look to the past and remember all the path we have already walked.
Traffic Value: $7,212.45963 Malaysia
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03/06/2017 17:17
Marc ...if i am not mistaken we already achieve 1 time >10K revenue for ppmg last year on December 2016 with total ppmg revenue 12K...

great to see revenue to reach what we are expected...hoping this month the result will be consistent...hehegrin
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