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Feb 27th Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1,779.68609 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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27/02/2015 17:34
Netbill which exchanger do you use
Traffic Value: $380.03693 Pakistan
1 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 17:37
Traffic Value: $147.71564 Romania
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27/02/2015 17:39
Guys, did I miss something? news? the market is in a fast uptrend. even .045 will not hold
Traffic Value: $2,154.77891 Viet Nam
1 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 17:40
i wonder - why it happens just now... not yesterday? )))) strange
ah ... maybe it's a salary day for many members and they suddenly decide to buy all cheap shares?))))
Traffic Value: $3,456.01946 Belgium
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27/02/2015 17:40
Shares are going up!! Now at $0.045 and what's next??? wink
Traffic Value: $380.03693 Pakistan
1 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 17:42
They'll go down to under 0.04 in some time. If you are willing to risk you can make good profit.
Traffic Value: $147.71564 Romania
0 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 17:42
it had some resistance at .04, and now at .045 let`s see

surprised  .045 wipped out
Traffic Value: $3,553.39286 India
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27/02/2015 17:44
this bull is solid horny doesnt looks early breath
Traffic Value: $283.54589 Greece
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27/02/2015 17:46

Traffic Value: $2,209.45324 Macedonia
6 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 17:53
Woah, new lesson learned today :
Whenever there are cashouts done - expect the share price to rise!
Traffic Value: $2,545.40766 Turkey
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27/02/2015 17:58

I learned it today, too. smile
Traffic Value: $147.71564 Romania
0 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 18:11
so that was the news
Traffic Value: $2,154.77891 Viet Nam
1 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 18:14
ok i'm gonna sleep for a while , so drop share price to 0.035 plz )i have a bid there
and then just start buying shares up to ...... 100$ ))))))))))))
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
33 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 18:14
This is a very significant day for me today.

Today is MTV payday and you know what that means:



To Richard, the staff at MTV/PV and especially to the members!

As many know I have been here for over two years. We have seen some great times and some struggles, but today I'd like to say that MTV has paid me back everything I have put in to the site plus a little bit more.

Not only that but they have helped me to build up a shareholding of 80,000 shares, cash of $65.30 and BAPs of 7 million!!

I'm not giving this data to brag, I'm giving this data to show us all what Richard, Carlos and the MTV dream can do for people with a little time and patience. Not only can you get back what you put in but you can get a whole lot more if you stick with the site, do a little work and most importantly reinvest what you earn to climb the ladder of success!

I have butted heads with Richard a few times over the last couple years. We were both arguing what we believed would make the site better so it is all for the good. The bruises will heal and we will probably butt heads again in the future. That said, there is no denying that Richard has built an incredible profit center and he is taking many of us with him. I am one such example and I am far from the best example.

So now that i have been paid in full I just want to say thanks again and I am looking forward to building my income to an even higher level with the MTV opportunity.

In case anyone hasn't guessed yet, I am a very satisfied customer who plans on being here for a long time.

So fasten your safety belts and your helmets folks because if the next two years are anything like the last two we should be in for a wild ride ahead

Traffic Value: $243.61996 Macedonia
0 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 18:18
I am the only one who havent received PM cashout sad?
Traffic Value: $108.96522 Pakistan
1 like this post 8 people
27/02/2015 18:45
Time For Asking Tiny Ads Issue .............. sad

We Are Free Admin .... tongue

Thanx ... Ads Are Coming ..... Again Thanx smile
Traffic Value: $543.2322 Portugal
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27/02/2015 18:57
Are there any news on PayPal?
Traffic Value: $1,793.38751 Italy
1 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 19:06
Fix hmayda: 0 share in share market please
Traffic Value: $132.46681 Macedonia
6 like this post 1 people
27/02/2015 19:09

I don't believe the next two years will be ANYTHING like the one before. I believe they will be MUCH better. hehe

I've been here for 4 months (5 in March) and i am very grateful and satisfied. I even got 3 refs (3 of my best friends, that knew about me working PV) and once i start making a little bit more cash than now i'll for sure tell other people and especially my closest family. 
Traffic Value: $35.73259 Russian Federation
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27/02/2015 19:12
slosumo - Administrator
Hello. Dividends will be paid on March 2?
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