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Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
70 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:33
Todays fast tracks have been sent!

* Reminder *
If you find a security exploit within MTV/PV, and you tell us about it (without first trying to cashout/spend your illgotten gains - we'll give you a $100 cash finders fee!

Todays news is in progress, i'll reply to this thread throughout the day with updates.

We've turned off the ad view page for the moment, as we have too many users for our current server configuration. And if you're all viewing ads, it's killing the website... We're working on the necessary to scale our servers & coding to cope with our huge growth of late, and as soon as that's ready, we'll put the ad view process back online.

* We have extended all active ads by 48hours (and we can extend further if necessary) , so you won't lose any ads as a result of this maintenance. The ads will be waiting for you when we get everything fully functional (and speedy!) again.


I'll copy a few programmer messages to show you where we're at:

Daniel K. a day ago
- reff daily stats to redis - frequent lock on stats table
- partitioning issues table
- investigated some other things which should be moved to redis, to be continued tomorrow

Daniel K. about 14 hours ago
- preparation for DB repliacation
- audit results analisys
- moving ad interaction to Redis

Alex (last night)
Ok quick update before I head out to bed.
I have successfully set up 2 Mysql 5.6 databases replicating. Simple replication works fine.
The next test is to create a quick CodeIgniter testbench that will allow writes on DB1 and reads on DB2. Then stress test it all to see if it can cope with load.

Good night all

Alex... This morning:
Good morning,

The replication has been successful and I am now in a position where I write on DB1 (master) which then replicates on DB2 (slave), then I can read back from DB2.
That way we can theorically offload the big page generation like portfolio onto a different server, keeping the main one free. Backups will also be able to move onto a slave.
Now there are several other things I need to try, including a replication failure - how can we recover from it...

I'll keep you updated, but I think we should order 1 new DB server to be slave. What do you guys think?

That's a very good news smile

In the worst case, we can use this old server which is still connected. But, I also prefer to have a faster one. With more cores for operations and a bigger disk of course.

So, maybe we should simply order a new DB server, with configuration copied from the current one ?

That was my thinking yes. We keep using the main server as we are, change it to be a master server and add a new server which will be the slave. Ideally we need the same server in terms of hardware and software.

In the long term, it may be possible to have more than 1 slave and use some kind of sharding in order to query the right database. For example, let's consider we have 1 Master and 3 Slaves.
Everything gets written on the Master which is as we are now, but we want to perform the hardest reads on the slaves by sharding the connections. We could use the user ID modulo number of slave servers... Meaning that User ID 1 will get its data from Slave 1, User ID 2 from Slave 2, User ID 3 from Slave 3, User ID 4 from Slave 1, User ID 5 from Slave 2, etc...
And if we need to add more servers, then we change the modulo divider - simplez


To which I have just replied requesting the programmers place the order with iweb for the new equipment. And i've insisted that they buy not one, but 2 additional dedicated servers, so that we have some spare capacity to tap into as of when.
* As i'm certain that if for nothing else, we can make use of the 3rd database server as we build multiplayer poker... That's definitely going to require extra capacity in one form or another; so I don't mind spending a few hundred bucks a month to have a spare server lying around, connected & ready for instant utilization as the programmers require it.


I've also told the programmers to turn the ad view process back on as soon as they think the site can handle it... But it's still offline for the moment, so I suppose there is more work to be done.

But Alex seems to be actively helping us right now; so that's great news. And I would imagine we'll get a very speedy solution to our problems - provided iweb doesn't create a delay installing new equipment.


And just to reassure people...
Our problems are good problems, we simply have too many users viewing ads for our current server architecture and coding. But that's a straight forward fix, just takes a few days to deploy.

The system is completely liquid.
There are $464k in user account balances (that can potentially be withdrawn)... but last time I checked we were sitting on almost $900k in cash assets. There's $440k in PayPal alone.

So this is no ponzi that's lost its momentum, and is going to bankrupt as a few people panic & cashout... We've simply incurred a small problem, like hundreds before, these last 3 years... For which we'll get it sorted, and be back to business as usual before you know it.

We just require a bit of patience... the website is still online, you can cashout your balance at any point. We're good... there's just some work to be done, like always!

Jo smile


Shareholders earn weekly cash dividends, paid every Monday, based on the volume of new investment into our Fast Track Queue plans that week.

Turnover This Week: $120,000.00
Shareholder Cut (19%): $22,800.00
Dividend Per Share: $0.0006

Dividends have now been paid on all turnover up to 1,420,000.00

Buy/Sell shares on our marketplace:

Jo smile

* I'm rounding the weekly turnover down to the nearest 20k in anticipation of the share split that will happen within the next week or two. The difference will be included with next weeks dividends.
Traffic Value: $525.45188 Serbia
11 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:37
My support only to yourself to a nice fix to function even if it waited a week and my referrals and I and the vast majority of you here that you are supporting our light and we love you and MTV and PVsmile
Traffic Value: $1,079.62867 Hungary
0 like this post 9 people
01/12/2014 12:38
I lose hmm......

Traffic Value: $904.8075 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:38
Thanks Jo for the update.wink
Traffic Value: $400.99303 Pakistan
1 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:38
thanks for info
Traffic Value: $1,023.94805 United States
1 like this post 5 people
01/12/2014 12:39
i lost 6 ads worth of $5+ shocked
Traffic Value: $1,731.04643 Sri Lanka
3 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:40
we are with you though it is a long wait from our end.smilegrinshockedsadhappy
Traffic Value: $1,903.73424 Poland
4 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:41
The 48h ad delay does not work properly, I lost ad too. Check it.
Traffic Value: $235.33376 Viet Nam
0 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:42
You're doing it very good mr. Jo! Keep it up smile
@Bagi: you're not losing it, the ad status is still active and it hasn't been sent to other yet and it will still stay in your account angel
Traffic Value: $52.03086 Algeria
3 like this post 2 people
01/12/2014 12:44
Jo if i were a woman i will marry you grin
Traffic Value: $115.33786 India
11 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:46
Kingkong is not even a human so forget about being a womangrin
Traffic Value: $4,013.67386 Canada
9 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:47
* We have extended all active ads by 48hours (and we can extend further if necessary) , so you won't lose any ads as a result of this maintenance. The ads will be waiting for you when we get everything fully functional (and speedy!) again.

This function not working correctly dont wanna complain more did that in other topic already fact based but did wanted to point it out here.
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
2 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:47
Will there be share dividends today?  I got some fast track money.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
24 like this post 1 people
01/12/2014 12:48
From Paul:
There was ad issue still in progress yesterday and it looks like some ads were not extended because of that.
Recycle cron is turned off, so there shouldn't be much problem to recover them.


So don't worry about it... the programmers will sort out the ads before we turn the ad view process back on.

And i'll do the dividends in a few hours... i've got to pop out first.
Traffic Value: $4,897.89575 Italy
0 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:49
Did the programmer contact you? The one I found, from UK.
Traffic Value: $2,283.11151 Italy
0 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:50
The problem is with the ads that came out after the Paid Ads section was disabled.
The ads that were active when the section was disabled were correctly extended, but the ads issued after that time had the usual 18h timer, so they are being recycled... I already lost four 1$ ads, and have other ads issued later than them.
Traffic Value: $115.33786 India
0 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:51
Dear Jo,
       One more doubt 2000 Bap deduction was found on many account. Can you please explain why this happened...?? 
Traffic Value: $620.17754 Malaysia
0 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:51
Thank you so much for all the info
Traffic Value: $1,023.94805 United States
0 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:51
Traffic Value: $1,491.12314 United Kingdom
0 like this post 0 people
01/12/2014 12:51
Not complaining as only lost about $4 which is nothing really but not sure when the recycler was turned off...presumably in the last couple of hours as ads were being recycled at 10:30...can't find any since then
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