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Dec 17th - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $268.74104 Uganda
1 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 18:01
@asaxen: Thanks for the reply smile

@rattenplan: Swapping did the trick! Am now done...thanks smile
Traffic Value: $946.49199 Mexico
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17/12/2014 18:04
excelente, todo volviendo a la normalidad smile
Traffic Value: $837.06229 India
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17/12/2014 18:09
I have not received any Ads yet today. I am in Group 5. 
Am I missing something? Or the Ads would be available little later today?

Traffic Value: $83,353.00715 Netherlands
4 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 18:14

Yes you did receive ads. Here is your BAP-log:

17-12-2014 03:27:23 -3000 Ad issue: BA-1031205 / 230883164 54194
17-12-2014 03:26:20 -1000 Ad issue: BA-922957 / 230886880 57194
17-12-2014 03:22:04 -100 Ad issue: BA-854381 / 230901574 58194
17-12-2014 03:22:03 -100 Ad issue: BA-996449 / 230897910 58294
17-12-2014 03:22:02 -100 Ad issue: BA-838553 / 230894269 58394
17-12-2014 03:21:04 -100 Ad issue: BA-985379 / 230890597 58494
17-12-2014 03:20:03 -40 Ad issue: BA-466662 / 230915601 58594
17-12-2014 03:20:02 -40 Ad issue: BA-997275 / 230912105 58634
17-12-2014 03:19:16 -40 Ad issue: BA-972141 / 230908558 58674
17-12-2014 03:19:15 -40 Ad issue: BA-868161 / 230905055 58714
17-12-2014 03:15:11 -20 Ad issue: BA-973136 / 230919158 58754
17-12-2014 03:11:04 -4 Ad issue: BA-1023559 / 230925648 58774
17-12-2014 03:11:03 -4 Ad issue: BA-958923 / 230922407 58778
17-12-2014 00:56:12 -360 Ad issue: BA-1023692 / 212811199 58782
17-12-2014 00:05:02 -20 Ad issue: BA-793144 / 212592568 59142

And you clicked them all!
Traffic Value: $20,326.06559 Slovenia
1 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 18:14
You already got the main ad issue ads today! wink
Traffic Value: $904.8075 Pakistan
4 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 18:17
Thanks Jo.Paidverts is on his track.tongue
Traffic Value: $837.06229 India
1 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 18:29
Thank you for clarifying. I got little confused due to the timezone difference, was assuming them as the previous day ads.
Traffic Value: $1,699.92249 Lithuania
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17/12/2014 18:51
sorry i'm asking this here, but..

I'm fed up with one problem: Can I refer people with the same internet connection, but different computers or something. TOS say there must be unique IP to register and 1 person per computer is allowed. People speek different. No true is ever certain. I'm so fed up to here theese kinda questions - can I know one and true answer once and for allquestion
Again, sorry for posting this on the news..
Traffic Value: $7.66533 Indonesia
1 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 18:52
Traffic Value: $2,697.0796 Denmark
1 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 18:54

Yes I could have been a millionaire and therefor I have lost millions. I have been in the stock market for 2 years and I have failed more than once to sell at the top and buy at the bottom. I also had Vestas at 40 but sold at 42 and brought them again at 40 and sold again right before the big jump to 70 and then I thought maybe I should buy but I didn't. One day it was a little over 300. 

My point is that if you always see it as a loss and you are sad about it then you will not hold to the stock market. 

@ Jo did you see my post in yesterdays news? I had an idea and wrote in there. It is about getting people to invest their money(the 400,000 dollars you were talking about) 
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
10 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 18:58
It's looking like credit card option I had for Jo isn't going to work right.  IRS is already wanting to withhold 28% of all processing sales.  I forwarded the email from payment depot to Jo.  Well I tried. I guess I'll just have to get around to closing the business bank account and dissolve the business.  I'm glad paypal gave Jo the credit card option though.
Traffic Value: $294.70198 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
5 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 18:58
Bloody scavengers from IRS
Traffic Value: $1,181,925.44366 United States
8 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 19:02
Yeah America is pretty much the worst place in the world to do business.  They pretty much want everyone who isn't in prison already to just live off food stamps and government housing.
Traffic Value: $294.70198 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
0 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 19:04
I know, i've seen articles and stuff about.
Damn fascists.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
14 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 19:04
We'll see what PayPal / Braintree has to offer... it's all queued up regardless. It'll be after Christmas now for sure.

And yea, with an on-shore company and on-shore bank account; tax is always a problem. We'd have to speak to an accountant about that... US sales would definitely incur a tax; and offshore sales questionable, though they maybe ways around it.


And you can refer anyone. We don't ban people as a result of their IP address.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
5 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 19:19
Hi Jo,

You were asking why people were keeping cash in their accounts. With $181 in cash I suppose I'm one of those people.

Apart from cash being the most liquid of options, here are my three top reasons:

1. Saving for the next BAP grouping. Because I need over $800 to get into the next BAP group I'm just accumulating my cash until I can make the jump. As cash is the most liquid it is wiser for me to keep some on hand in case the shares tumble or something else comes along (maybe a personal emergency where I might need to cash out though I don't forsee this, but this could be why others are holding cash). So the BAP threshold is the #1 reason for me and maybe finding ways to get around that might free up more 'investment' by others. You might want to take a look at how much cash is sitting in BAP accounts that are at the lower end of the BAP bands.

2. 1% ads. PV is my third 'job' so to speak. Some days I can read a lot and participate but if my first job hours go crazy or my stock market trading goes crazy, I have to drop this job and focus my attention elsewhere. That being said, I don't have much time to spare looking at ads, so it is beneficial to me to invest in bigger chunks(currently between $100 - $200). The bigger I invest, the bigger the 1% ads and the less time/energy it takes to click ads. If I invest $200 in $20 bits, that is ten ads per day of 20 cents I need to click (I know it is not a lot but it does add up if you are always investing and you are also getting daily ads on top) whereas, if I invest one time at $200, that is a simple one click of $2 per day, so it does save time. We humans are lazy that way grin

The third is actually practical. I do have a sales promotion coming up for some product I'm selling and I'm waiting for the discount to click in so I am saving until I can utilize that advertising properly (so some reasons I'm sure are like this one)

I think, if you want to get some of that cash active, you need to look at your BAP bands. I think this is where much of the money is stalled. Someone talked in the past of maybe assigning a certain percentage to BAPs similar to dividends. I don't know if that would work in our format but it may get more people reinvesting sooner and at higher rates
Traffic Value: $6,128.74944 Portugal
0 like this post 12 people
17/12/2014 19:20
I can't understand the logic to issue the daily ads at 03:00 AM server time to be honest with you. Yesterday you issue ads normally and today you issue like 12 hours before the normal time. No logic in that.

I "almost" lost 93$ in ads because of that since I think I have time to click after I came from my job. And yesterday at 00:00 server time I have 0 ads.

Some people especially people from South America will lose ads. If they go to sleep at midnight (GMT +3) and came home at 18:00 (GMT +3) they will lose the ads. What's the logic to give the ads so early?
Traffic Value: $543.62195 Greece
0 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 19:28
Thanks for the clarification, Jo  about IP issue. Maybe it should be added at the FAQs section, because there are a lot of topics about that. 
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
5 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 19:30
Im from South America and I totally approve of that ad issuing time.
Traffic Value: $2,211.17614 France
7 like this post 0 people
17/12/2014 19:45

Message of bigbadmoose page 11shut eye
Ha ha ha ha ha I believe it when I see it I still say it going to be Christmas before we get on the new servers. But nice to see Yan is still dream it will be done before then.
bigbadmoose you became the largest weeping of forum every day always a complaint, very unsympatheticsick
and for work of yan it's easy criticized behind a screen

here's what jo to written about it.
Update from Yan:

Greetings everyone,

The testing phase is almost completed, Alex has been able to import the db to run the testing.

We are missing the redis server configuration, still looking the best approach for HA solution with the frontend in place.

Alex should be able to figure this out hopefully by today.

When this is completed i believe we are all set, we will make a final review of the whole thing and if we are good then we put the website into maintenance.
Make a final sync, this will take several hours during that time the website will be in maintenance.

I will also be available for the whole weekend if anything happen, I will be right at my computer watching the infra if anything happen.

We haven't had time to talk with David, server admin wise we are all set, once the migration is done it will only be routine check and expend so I can take care of this with no issue. However on Programming side the guys have mention they would require help, so they will get in touch with him any soon when the big migration is over smile

This is it for now, have everyone a great day !
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