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Traffic Value: $304.2158 United States
5 like this post 0 people
10/12/2014 22:24
If they are caught a second time, I think they should be banned for a period of time. It's not like they haven't been warned and fined already. As for shares....I think the fine should be as steep as this round was. They need to know that you aren't going to tolerate cheating.
Traffic Value: $4,129.21683 Netherlands
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10/12/2014 22:29
Traffic Value: $786.59298 Poland
8 like this post 0 people
10/12/2014 22:30
Traffic Value: $890.84567 Canada
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10/12/2014 22:32

Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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10/12/2014 22:33
I think 50% deduction for shares is enough, they'll learn the lesson.
But someone who got caught second time should be banned without any explanation.
Traffic Value: $8,649,585.93592 Spain
22 like this post 0 people
10/12/2014 22:34
I don't think banning is effective, as they'll just signup again.... Better to just keep fining them over and over again. More lucrative for our business model that way.

And there are no innocent users being caught with our method. We'll publish it as soon as the bot makers figure it out, and then you'll see. But we ran a trap before; and we published the method; and there was no drama / debate... The same applies here, but if we reveal the exact method, then the bot makers have something to work with to avoid future traps.... And this trap already required two separate traps to catch the two different types of bot.

*** But as I was saying to our programmers... spotting bots is going to become one of the core pillars of this business. As we want to get into multiplayer gaming, and preferably skill gaming. For which, we will have to become experts in identifying human users vs bots. So this is good practice!

- Also we have a direct line of communication with SolveMedia, who notified us that our bot traffic is increasing... and thats why the captchas went insanely difficult earlier this week... As they were testing their systems to see if uber-hard images would stop the bots. But seemingly not! As the bots don't care; they're using image libraries + user manual inputs; not decoding the images themselves.... And uber-hard images just make it impossible for humans to continue. Which is no good for anyone.

But SolveMedia has a dilemma on their hands... their whole business model runs the risk of redundancy as captchas become obsolete... via the likes of Googles NoCaptcha etc.

... Anyway, ad issue!
Traffic Value: $2,368.44924 Iran (ISLAMIC Republic Of)
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10/12/2014 22:34
pv and mtv gets better & better every day

and pv just need some financial improvements to be Long-term advertisment site without high amount of debt

anyway thanks jo
Traffic Value: $230.34065 Indonesia
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10/12/2014 22:38
Good u get on chapeco safely, chapeco eh? grin
Thanks jo, keep doing this, u just make the best day ever in pv history for me grin
Traffic Value: $4,129.21683 Netherlands
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10/12/2014 22:39
good to hear about the trapping training
regarding the users who were not punished because they had no BAP and no $ , think they still should have the same treatment as the others for what they did and penalize them with shares
Traffic Value: $2,697.0796 Denmark
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10/12/2014 22:40
Catt it dosn't matter if they brought them with bot money or with their own. Some users have just clicked on 20 ads with the bot in the time period the traps where running. They got fined like all the others. 

Joe I think maybe you should just take 1500 dollars and 50% BAP. If they haven't enough dollars you take it from the shares. If it is not the way you would like to do it, then take 50% with a minimum of 1,000 or 5,000. 
Traffic Value: $304.2158 United States
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10/12/2014 22:42
So if the banning won't work because they will sign up again then I think a fine of 50% of everything each time they are caught will be sufficient. They won't be able to make up that amount if you are running it on a regular basis. Hopefully they will get tired of losing money and just leave on their own.
Traffic Value: $107.32124 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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10/12/2014 22:42
:oo THEY COULD WRITE THE SICK CAPTCHAS :oo and i was raging why i cannot write correct any of it.
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
4 like this post 0 people
10/12/2014 22:45
Jo I say if you get caught using a bot and you have shares you should be fined 50% of said shares.

Your welcome Ghosty1.
Traffic Value: $1,861.92054 Canada
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10/12/2014 22:47
That's great to hear Jo! I was worried that simply clicking on every ad including the small ones could get someone flagged.
Traffic Value: $504.87372 Venezuela
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10/12/2014 22:47
I remember those captcha impossible to write lol
Traffic Value: $786.59298 Poland
0 like this post 1 people
10/12/2014 22:51
Another PTC (which I joined long time ago before PV) uses shapes.. and users have to draw a shape otherwise they can not confirm they saw the ad.
Maybe it may work here as well?
Traffic Value: $1,367.86746 Romania
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10/12/2014 22:54
Googles new NoCapcha is the best, you just have to click I'm not a bot, that all, no filling any fields or anything, they calculate if you are a bot from the mouse over movement and some complicated algorithms. This will greatly increase the easynes of completing adds and stop the bots forever because that capcha can't be solved by any bot and can't be submitted to capcha solving programs.
Traffic Value: $4,129.21683 Netherlands
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10/12/2014 22:54
Traffic Value: $4.98196 Portugal
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10/12/2014 22:55
Hi guys,

If someone's kind enough to answer me I would really appreciate it. I'm having a bit of trouble accomplishing what I had in mind regarding the ads purchase. According to my paidverts account, my weekly limit is $110 ("Payment Method Limitations: Maximum $110/week (Your limit: $110)" ), although I was thinking about investing $200. I read that the "week reset" is set at Sunday at midnight, leading me to the questions that I hope you can clarify: Firstly, is that information correct (regarding to the week reset)? Secondly, is it possible for me to invest $100 at, let's say, Sunday,11:30pm and the remaining $100 the next day, totalling my investment at the $200 I want to invest?

Traffic Value: $590.24783 Albania
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10/12/2014 22:55
Hi to all,
I'm a new member of paidverts, so i would like to greet all.
I need a help from anyone that is familiar to this:
I invested 20$ yesterday and i received 2 dollars from ads, and i transfered this 2 dollars to my paypal account (just to test my cashout with paypal), but i didn't receive anything on paypal, while in paidverts it says that the transaction is completed yesterday.
Do i have to wait more days to see my money on paypal or should i open a support ticket now?

Thank you in advance,
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