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Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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09/11/2018 15:23

I replied to you.

Short answer "No."
Longer answer "a few".
Even longer answer "Advertisers are not buying ads faster than the AA ads need ads do to the FA's not being bought, even still there would only be a few more than a few as there was not much of a backlog anyways as advertisers weren't buying huge or as much anyways. We always way over deliver as well.."

Look here.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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09/11/2018 15:46
Exactly Andraz, I don't think we could sell the product for the porgrammers work, save for years (hence your bigger membership reasoning as then there would be more buyers).

Unfortunatly, vacation days does noone anyone any good b/c save for planned days off, you are screwed.

Life is unexpected and one day that something happens and it's bound to happen to most everyone and like I said least of your concerns is logging in to PV (or it should be i.e. a loved one is seriously needing your attention and the few hours you normally have as a window for doing ads is now devoted to that, heck you probably don't even remember that you hadn't done so b/c once you hear the news that is all your attention) or internet goes down (even in 1st world countries that happens. I was lucky that I had my 2FA on a laptop and had the ability to drive to the library's wifi, but that seems a burden). Or, what if you yourself get so sick that getting out of bed logging in would take a lot of effort when you are suppose to be taking care of yourself. Heck while rare, this login daily is also a no go for those who have a condition that they often sleep for more than 24hrs. OFC they already know that life is an issue for them, but still, be nice if we were more accepting to all.

Which all leads me to how much is login daily mattering and should it be removed?

Only way newcomers stand a chance is that the membership will grow and so mretotal X% will exist at each level. Same with those that have to keep trying to reach the full year mark (everyone has hit half a year who started anywhere near the beginning and now have a nice leg up.)

OFC, there are more ways to gain APS, but according to the APS page (which btw I have no way of knowing how much APS I got from each task (i.e. how much from vieing ads, from buying ads, from logging to until that level.)  Thus, the APS I do have, even with some guesstimate of lower levels does not seem to add up.
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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09/11/2018 18:36
I'd say let's remove the daily login. I had life coming in the way days and it made ad viewing to feel the whole thing more like a chore than something we like coming back to to do. For me that's kind of slavery.
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
10 like this post 1 people
09/11/2018 20:11
That's the WHOLE POINT. Achievemen't aren't meant to be easy, they should provide a reward for the most loyal and active members.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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09/11/2018 20:37

better overdeliver advertisers then bombing members with only 30 second ads .
If you get 1 link per site per day its fine but not all 24 of them mostly 30s.
Or instead make them 5 or 10s

And honestly i missed your message because you reply on everything and i dont read all your messages anymore cause you always know better , to much bla bla ( not meant as an attack btw ) smile
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
2 like this post 2 people
09/11/2018 21:31
The point is, people goes where earning is easier. Keep it hard without need, people will keep going somewhere else. 
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
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11/11/2018 15:11
You don't want to see a cat doing a Hitler-greeting 50 million times.
Just disabling the 125x125 banner, please confirm:
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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11/11/2018 19:36
Cat doing a hitler greeting?now im curious.
Traffic Value: $15,993.01608 Canada
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11/11/2018 20:58
What a surprise. It's MikeM
Traffic Value: $11,569.46477 Australia
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12/11/2018 02:10
Coinflips revenge!  Good to see the positive results return.
Traffic Value: $36.71462 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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12/11/2018 14:31
@MisterDD sign is it possible to get your contact to talk a little to ask if it is worth investing in here or not after the third I was reinvigorated smile
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
13 like this post 0 people
14/11/2018 19:43
really after an announcement like this i would at least expect to see improvement. Instead it went worser with the ads and i am getting for days now only and mostly 30 seconds ads to click.

Changed ad filter now. Its pretty sad to come up with this announcement that ads are going to be taking much less time.
If there is not enough ads being sold then give the advertisers that buy ads more impressions instead of bugging the members with 30 seconds ads and forced view ads or change them also to 5 seconds instead. Or just sent out lesser amount of ads . This is no fun
Traffic Value: $23,441.96122 Spain
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14/11/2018 20:01
yes, i dont think generic ad views should be forced, that consumes too much time, as of now most ads i get are generic, people will stop clicking
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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14/11/2018 20:50
We could cut it down to a lower timer, and, instead of a generic ad, replace it by a "you can advertise here" with a link or something smile
Traffic Value: $23,441.96122 Spain
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14/11/2018 21:04
i would let that to admins as they have statistics and sohuld know better how to handle it. There is an interesting post about that subject, but i dont think it is worth risk losing people forcing them view the ad or with a 30 secs ad. They appear more than enough to get noticed
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
1 like this post 4 people
15/11/2018 00:14
If people pay for a 30 second ad, why wouldn´t we portray them?
Those advertisers pay for your ad issue.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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15/11/2018 00:41
We are talking about the default ads that you or Andraz put in rotation so when supply is low there is at least an ad to view.

They aren't paid for.
Traffic Value: $868.5955 Netherlands
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15/11/2018 06:03

99% of the ads we view right now are purchaser "SupportTeam"
i dont think its really paying money at this moment .

Its time for some discount and free hits giveaways smile
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
18 like this post 1 people
15/11/2018 07:09
We'll change the default ads to 5 seconds duration. I've wanted to do it in the past week once you alerted us about it, but simply didn't have the time yet.

So expect the default ads to be 5s today or tomorrow smile
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