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Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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07/03/2017 12:08
Jo purchased a plan upgrade that cost 500k.
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
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07/03/2017 12:08
jpla1991, I'm not sure about the exact date it happened, but if revenues were really huge, it's most likely because on that date portfolio account bought annual membership for 240% (or 200%, I don't recall now) FTQ investment plan. It cost $500k so this amount went to daily results, which helped a lot to clean few rounds of FTQ in one day.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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07/03/2017 12:47
All numbers on a screen... Don`t even consider those "revenues".
Traffic Value: $25,276.97238 Saudi Arabia
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07/03/2017 14:59
But some of Jo's buddies made a lot of money from those numbers, ofcourse with some inside info.
Traffic Value: $1,654.17 Spain
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07/03/2017 15:18

And people can't blame "You know who i mean" because of market manipulation, STOP!

A market is all about manipulation, it's a collective psychology... Manipulation is part of the game, in every "free" market or CFD .

The "Free Market" is only a tool to transfer money to one balance to other, that's all about, no one wins if no one looses.
Traffic Value: $14,823.02214 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
12 like this post 0 people
07/03/2017 15:26
Redigaffi, there is a big difference when some shareholders try to manipulate market and when CEO tries the same. CEO has all the relevant info to make a move before anyone else can and this is strictly forbidden in any official market. For obvious reason.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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07/03/2017 16:56
That is in companies in which they only give quarterly reports though, not in a transparent business like ours.
In a business like ours, in which we give near real time updates, personnel buying up stock should be considered a sign of trust.
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
19 like this post 0 people
07/03/2017 17:05

Manipulation was done with the previous management. Using unrealistic figures/revenues.

You don`t see anyone with the so called "inside info" getting advantage of the market. What`s happening is a natural uptrend based on REAL things happening. Many old members are returning and buying RP`s because they see that what Marc has been saying for the past 2 years is finally happening.

This is what we have worked for for a very long time. It didn't happened overnight. It`s the result of 2 years of hard work.

We always told people to get advantage of the really cheap RP`s when they were 0.0024/5. We knew this was coming and the progress was never hidden from anyone. So the true "believers" did it. But this is just the start. Every single one of us still has a big opportunity of owning a big chunk of the company.

(Now let me give you some inside info: we are soon launching MyMatrix, Sumo Roll, New PBG, New PV, a big marketing campaign for CE, another one for Warclicks, another one for PBG, PPMG having a great week, and a NEW product not yet announced)

Oh, and did I mentioned that FTQ will probably start being paid soon and, who knows, some dividends in some upcoming month (not saying it will be next one so don`t misinterpret my words tongue )

Monthly expenses getting lower, results going up.

Ok, enough for "inside info". Take your own conclusions wink
Traffic Value: $520.60691 United States
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07/03/2017 17:29
Babycare if you notice all most of them left with him too. So now the ones that stuck around will make real profits off the pie in sky turn real business that he tried to run. It amazing what has happen in the 2 years since he was replaced.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
1 like this post 0 people
07/03/2017 18:29

The 33/50 ads still DO get sent automatically.

I think in your case, you bought right during GROUP ADS being delivered, so your campaign got caught up in that, and made it harder to tell which were the 33 instant.
Traffic Value: $22,303.8091 Netherlands
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07/03/2017 18:49
Thanks for your post, Vecors. I know I won't be selling RP's or cashing out anytime soon. As long as my financial situation permits, Ill reinvest any dividends/FTQ investments that become available in either more RP's or another crowd funding project.
Traffic Value: $1,521.59112 Croatia (LOCAL Name: Hrvatska)
17 like this post 0 people
07/03/2017 21:09
Marc and the team just showed us a perfect example of a " Law of attraction"; You get what you focus on. 

They worked just as hard when we had no revenues as they do now, but the overall mindset of the community changed from negative to positive, and that makes a huge difference that we are seeing now. 

I'm just happy they had strong nerves to keep up with all the whining when the times were tough :- )
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
5 like this post 0 people
07/03/2017 23:35
100% profit ....its going to 1000% soon.
Thanks i am Group 6 now. 
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