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Traffic Value: $28.3459 Brazil
0 like this post 14 people
05/08/2016 09:24
It is not the time to rise that RP/BAP fee to 15% again? People can still get more BAPs than in ad packs,  and it can reduce baps 2-3x faster
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
14 like this post 0 people
05/08/2016 11:25

Slosumo, who normally sends our ad issues, is on a holiday.
Currently someone else is taking over, so perhaps he did change it a bit as it's really up to the person sending the ad issues how he/she divides the cash.

Today will be sent by Kamil once more, Slosumo returns on monday, which is when i'll talk to him about it (And our overall productivity will pick up pace again)

Yes, Paidverts cashouts are paid within 24 hours. Most of them are under $10 btw.
At the same time I'm also paying the cashouts under $10 on MTV.
This makes a lot of people happy for very little money and prevents a decline in people talking about us/promoting us.
But do not fear! In the past 2 days we've gotten in about 3,5 bitcoins and those were used to pay a lot of cashouts. We need about 3 bitcoins more so your cashout will be paid as well.
All cashouts will be processed within 14 days, the longest ones waiting now are waiting for just over 3 days.

@Luxadm1: It's fine to spread the table, but please don't spread the script.
Currently it's being used by just a few people, but I rather not see everyone using it on our website constantly.
If people want to know how many RP's are left on the market, please use the "how are the rp's doing"-topic and either willihr or one of the few others will show you a full overview asap.
Traffic Value: $10.09586 Israel
0 like this post 0 people
05/08/2016 11:58
pen Sans"> 
Some1 can explain me what is upgrade 1% value ads? mini in 2.99$..
I know that only I get every day Paid ADs from campigns that pepole buy..
How does it go exactly ?
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
19 like this post 0 people
05/08/2016 12:01
As of now I would NOT advice you to buy that upgrade.
Wait until we get through most of the other upgrades, it will make the upgrade far more attractive and increases the odds of profiting from it.
Traffic Value: $10.09586 Israel
0 like this post 0 people
05/08/2016 12:14
@MarcdeKoning - Administrator
its already bought..
Traffic Value: $159.22316 India
0 like this post 0 people
05/08/2016 14:46
hey marc on 4th august 820 baps consumed but i not received any ad but today i got 0.414 ad and again my bap got consumed plz fix it
Traffic Value: $56.95699 Mexico
10 like this post 0 people
05/08/2016 18:47
what about making an option to cashout to a BMF account, that way we can cashout to more processors or crypto coins, it also can increase the use of BMF a bit.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
5 like this post 0 people
05/08/2016 19:45

Why don't you just admit missing the ads and quit blaming the system. 

The ads were issued to you, and they failed because you didn't view them. Your account shows NO activity during those hours that the ads sat there, not even any game play, which is unusual for you. 

It happens, you were busy, and you missed your ads. Move on and quit making up stories.
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