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Traffic Value: $126.13469 Macedonia
9 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 12:29
I think this man (Agency) Deserves something extra for the effort he made both on forum and clicking....
Don't you think?
Traffic Value: $25,276.97238 Saudi Arabia
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03/07/2015 12:32
It would be a great boost to our click grid if those who won anything there will post their resul in a seperate thread or in here, once in a while, in such a way that it will not make news thread lengthy. Or it will be even better if some of our modes can start a thread and update it because many of the winners might not have come to our forum ever.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
4 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 12:34
I agree! Agency has done a pretty good job on motivating users to click. I guess he has additional work in two weeks as for sure Slo/Marc will think on some nice reward.
Traffic Value: $3,599.46795 Portugal
8 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 12:42
all my campaigns reduce to 5s, please
Traffic Value: $19.6411 Macedonia
5 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 12:45
I am a fan of Agency, at least someone cares... while, there are people who are somewhat entitled to help, some of them seem to care only about being grumpy on the forum.... (no offence to any exceptions)
Traffic Value: $203,540.80977 Malaysia
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03/07/2015 12:49
what a stupid refunds terms
just remove it and these guys should refund all bap from those refunded campaigns
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
3 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 12:54

That would ruin business reputation as word "bonus" does mean anything LOL
Traffic Value: $50.87922 Poland
9 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:01
I dont have big campaigns, but if i can some help with that pls reduce my campaigns to 10s

ID Kampanii 728*90/468*60 lmp 125*125 lmp Klikni?cia Status
BA-3144067 25/25 100/100 32/50 Active
BA-3134952 25/25 102/100 22/50 Active
BA-2898246 0/0 0/0 45/100 Active
BA-2878492 100/100 400/400 76/200 Active
BA-2870005 125/125 500/500 102/250 Active
BA-2866367 125/125 500/500 90/250 Active
BA-2863122 125/125 500/500 106/250 Active
BA-2857844 0/0 0/0 105/250 Active
BA-2852946 125/125 500/500 90/250 Active
BA-2824794 0/0 100/100 27/50 Active
Traffic Value: $7,549.88278 Germany
4 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:03
Do we have any rules or not?, simple question: my campaign should expired on last server restart at 00:00:00 server time. Then if its not delivered i should get refund from it. So i waited yesterday to see what will happen and after "restart" my campaign was still active and nothing happened with it. After 6 hours when i woke up it has status delivered. I made screenshot to prove that. My question is simple: why i did not received any refund when others still receive… because of cron? this is not my fault… someone should take care of this. This is simply not fair with or without Jo. In my opinion everyone should get refund who deserves it - not some lucky guys.
here is screenshot, with server time and other details.:
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
7 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:04
Excellent news Marc, leading in this effort. Like a CEO should do.

Slosumo, I overstated the refunds saying it was around 30-35k, but 28k seems like a perfect number to me. Keep the good work! 

Guys, no need medal or anything, I just care for this business and wanted to chip in. And I know most of you also care. 

You can also help to promote that sense of engagement and make our community grow.
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
2 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:04
Reduce all my active campaigns to 10 seconds grin
Traffic Value: $270.54775 Venezuela
10 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:07
Please reduce my campaigns to 5s.

BA-2638311 25/25 0/0 30/50 Active
BA-2599892 100/100 0/0 94/200 Active
BA-2594018 125/125 0/0 126/250 Active
BA-2558607 218/125 0/0 117/250 Active
BA-2540854 125/125 0/0 216/250 Active
BA-2527247 125/125 0/0 108/250 Active
BA-2505049 125/125 0/0 118/250 Active
Traffic Value: $920.8297 Poland
6 like this post 1 people
03/07/2015 13:09
@MarcdeKoning - Administrator

Marc, could you clear up our current stance on debt swaps? When we would eventually made one, rough estimate, would it be a full ftq/bap swap etc.? Make them in daily news or something. I'm asking because I've noticed people are curious about this after all the changes and right now they are probably hesitant to invest.
Traffic Value: $4,069.99578 Germany
5 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:24
I'd like some more clarification regarding debt swaps as well. Because I would really like to invest in paidverts again, but after getting screwed over by Jo TWICE, I'm hesitant. I'm in this for the long run and I know that the share price will rise at some point so that's fine, I'd just like to also have a more consistent stream of profits with paidverts. But if it all gets swapped into shares again in the near future, why would I even bother? I understand that no one can guarantee anything and I expect at least one more swap at some point, it's just a matter of when. Would be nice to have a general statement about the matter.
Traffic Value: $1,079.85003 Bulgaria
0 like this post 4 people
03/07/2015 13:24
What of debt swap, stop with this... how many times need to ask this, we got limits and u ask for debt swap ...
Traffic Value: $47.1711 Spain
7 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:28
Hi, you can reduce these campaigns:
BA-2891818 , BA-2851807 , BA-2840660 , BA-2833601 , BA-2822494 , BA-2921355 , BA-2915208 , BA-2540394 , BA-2532483 , BA-2519682.
Traffic Value: $4,069.99578 Germany
12 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:30
Sorry for trying to get some information before making important financial decisions. I should just throw my money around blindly like most people, my bad.
Limits are good, but that doesn't mean we're entirely safe from debt swaps just yet. Like I said, I expect at least one more, if it's a year from now I don't care, but if it's in the next 6 months for example, that would make my decision a bit harder. Again, nothing can be guaranteed and nobody can predict the future, I understand that, but it would be nice to here something from the CEO regarding this. People keep saying Marc doesn't like swaps, I've never seen that statement. Not that I think people are lying, I just haven't seen it myself.
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
7 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:35
What about Carlos vs Paypal?
Traffic Value: $1,920.09705 Portugal
4 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:36

Please, feel free to reduce all my active campaigns to 5 seconds smile
Traffic Value: $143,889.23643 Spain
15 like this post 0 people
03/07/2015 13:40

Not big campaigns, but you can reduce the ad timers as much as you want smile (or mark as delivered if it's possible).
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