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Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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28/06/2015 03:56
So, how do I compensate for the fact that the Market will do exactly the opposite of what I think it's doing. Been dropping all day. No ad issue, so should drop more tomorrow, so I sell shares to take advantage of that and BAM... market starts to magically start climbing as soon as my shares are sold...
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
15 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 04:30
I hope Slosumo/Marc reconsiders issuing ads today. Here's a screenshot of our ad stats:

If we don't issue ads today, we'll be down to 2 days by tomorrow.

Even if we're able to clear those campaigns the day before they get refunded, it spells danger for PV/MTV. A day of non-ad issue due to maintenance or because it's the weekend means refund for expiring ads which is something we can't afford to do so since it will deplete our reserves.

Here's what I propose:
1. Issue ads even on weekends until we have a healthy buffer.
2. We need to get those Recycled ads issued out. They're long overdue.
3. Temporarily increase the max click limit for Click Grid to 20 per day and offer a better probability of winning to entice people to click.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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28/06/2015 05:00
Day three accounts for $26,605.86.
The first two ads alone account for $23,115.34.
These are apparently some of those January overgrowth ad issues (thanks Jo).

It's not a horrible hit in the grand scheme of things, but that depends on what's after those.
If the two big ad issues were taken out of the picture, and barring other giant issues, the buffer would grow back nicely.
We shall see.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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28/06/2015 05:13
@MichaelKline, if you haven't checked, the 2nd one in the list is Marc's campaign. Just imagine the implications if we fail to clear that out but then all of a sudden we implement some suggestions to keep the others from getting refunded. So as much as possible, we need to get them cleared.

Also, I don't get the reason why we shouldn't send ads on weekends at critical times like this.
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
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28/06/2015 05:14
Yep, thanks Jo for crapping in the system twice. I've been reading the daily news since the beginning in Feb 2014, and each week he says he's gonna focus on multiplayer poker, and each week he says later, while issuing disproportioned big ads... 

Well, back to the undelivered clicks, I've been following them and Brainy's campaign is almost depleted, but the two campaigns from Marc are really close and those account for +$33,000 (1.6 million views) in refunds.
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
13 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 05:15
I'm clicking everything I can. I even won 10 cents on ClickGrid grin

Traffic Value: $196.67742 Mexico
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28/06/2015 05:27
could anyone tell me if the mini and super upgrade are profitable????
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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28/06/2015 05:28
Not issuing ads on the weekend was a two-fold idea.
1) Give the staff a weekend break.
2) Bolster the weekday ad issues with the revenue NOT issued during the weekend.

Still, there are micro packs issued every day. Bumping those to 4 packs was a decent idea to help trim the old ad issues. Suppose I'll click mine then...

And Marc IS Ceo now. I suppose it is within his authority to make an executive decision to extend his own refund deadlines... (just a hint there, Marc) [I would]
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
7 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 05:47
@MichaelKline, we were able to send daily ads even before we setup the 2 offices. I don't see the reason why an ad issue can't be done in just a few minutes. And it doesn't have to be a regular ad issue. A mini ad issue is better than no ad issue at all. And rather than refunding, why don't we use the expected amount that will be refunded to issue ads instead? This way, we're removing BAP from the system.

Another option we can try is to temporarily remove the click limitation for ClickGrid and do a contest wherein the top clickers daily will get a reward. We can run it for the next 3-5 days.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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28/06/2015 05:52
I can see the second option working.
The first option has issues. Yes it'll remove the old ads and yes we have plenty of available BAP to complete this operation, but you are potentially suggesting issuing ads that we have not received revenue for, simply to avoid refunding them. That raises ethics questions.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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28/06/2015 06:15
@MichaelKline, if we fail to deliver those old campaigns in 3 days' time, they will be refunded. The money to refund them will come from somewhere else (incoming revenue, selling shares or from development funds). What I'm suggesting is rather than let those ads expire and be refunded, use the refund money to issue ads to in order to clear them up.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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28/06/2015 06:16
Mods/Members you all failed to go to support for one of your debates:

"There is no problem with that whatsoever, you can help out a friend with that at any time to make sure he doesn't lose out on his adds. However, we do NOT recommend giving your account details to anyone, even your friends. If you will be away we suggest purchasing the vacation mode instead."

Also, Michael, and anyone trying to help that one member:

I don't know just how many ads are issued with the "Supplemental" Ad used to be 5-10c to all (that have a low enough filter (none))...I read that some are now saying it's 15-25c. Since I get 5 2/10th cent ads usually on avg about 3-5 times a day, with a filter set at $0.0015, I wonder just how many 1/10th and 1/20th ads are being sent each time.

Are you sure that people are receiving more than 1 Group Ad issue or is it these ads that you are referring to that you saw "hiccup"?
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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28/06/2015 06:25
I went through the user's BAP History for today. He was issued some 280+ ads that appeared to be repeated ad issues over and over. 15 * 0.0005, 10 * 0.001, 5 * 0.002, repeated several times in a row. 
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
1 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 06:36

You still cross an ethics boundary. However, since the portfolio account contains swapped monies and at least some of that money would've amounted to revenue used to issue ads that would have avoided a refund, I can see the rationalization of using those monies to avoid a refund by supplementing ad issues. Perhaps Marc can issue a general 'company bonus' using some portfolio funds to issue out the oldest ads to avoid the scenario of the company having to issue a refund...
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
4 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 06:57
@MichaelKline, I don't see any "cross an ethics boundary". Whenever it's required, PV gets additional funding via Development funds.

Amount Description
$38,122.00 Initial Setup Costs
$133,804.00 Misc Costs & Supplements (prior to Oct 2014)
$189,724.00 Misc Costs & Supplements (prior to Nov 2014)
$199,999.00 Misc Costs & Supplements (Nov, Dec 2014)
$400,000.00 Misc Costs & Supplements (Jan 2015)
$650,000.00 Misc Costs & 240plan upgrade purchase (Apr 2015)
$1,611,649.00 Total

If we fail to deliver those old campaigns, we will then again get the needed money from Development Funds. What I'm simply suggesting is a better scenario should there be a need to refund. Of course, the best option still is to clear them all out without borrowing from the development funds.
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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28/06/2015 07:12
I am not disagreeing with you, per se. simply looking for the most right way to achieve the given goal. I will concede my debate (mostly because it's midnight and I need sleep), however I will leave with this thought:
Ethics is not about whether you can, but whether you should.
Just because I can borrow/use money outside of PV's preordained revenue stream to avoid the company having to issue a refund to an advertiser doesn't mean I am right to do so. 
However, I still support the idea of some portfolio shares being sold and returned to users in the form of ad issue. Since this is swap money, it seems the most right source.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
7 like this post 0 people
28/06/2015 07:34
@MichaelKline, the development funds is used to create projects and to maintain them.

I think you simply misunderstood what I suggested. 

If we issue refunds, where do we get the money? We don't have reserve funds. Whatever amount you see in Paidverts' account is the money allotted for issuing ads. Therefore, to issue refunds, we have to do any of the following: sell Portfolio or Paidverts shares, use the incoming sales revenue of PV or borrow from Developmental funds.

My suggestion was this: the amount that was supposed to go for refunds be used to issue ads that will prevent doing refunds.
Traffic Value: $190.63036 Turkey
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28/06/2015 08:00
I have same problem like carpedes, yesterday random ads issue climbe over 250 ads, all of them 30 second timer and value of bunch (30 of  them) is around 4-5 cents. I'm just wondering is like that for everybody or what. 
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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28/06/2015 08:02
Michael said :

I went through the user's BAP History for today. He was issued some 280+ ads that appeared to be repeated ad issues over and over. 15 * 0.0005, 10 * 0.001, 5 * 0.002, repeated several times in a row. 

Ok, so when I get 5 2/10 ads those w/o a filter set/ at all, get 15 1/20 and 10 1/10 ads as well.

So, are you saying that by in a row, that they got these 30 (or sometimes 60) all the same minutes, not hour or more in between? That said, 280 / 30, even after subtracting 25-50 for the Group Ad issue, means 7-8 batches of 30...I don't think I got that many batches of 5 2/10ths. Just checked, I got that many throughout the day.
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
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28/06/2015 08:10
New batch of 30 ads, start clicking guys. 
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