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Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
1 like this post 2 people
27/07/2016 06:06
All working good at my end of the world.
Traffic Value: $26.17348 India
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27/07/2016 07:08
Is anyone getting recycled ads?
Traffic Value: $705.03735 India
1 like this post 24 people
27/07/2016 08:30
very disappointing ads in pv, even after sw@pcwy
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
3 like this post 0 people
27/07/2016 08:35

I got 3 today.


You have to be kidding me. We are getting pretty good and reliable ad issues. If you want ponzi returns, this is not the place for you.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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27/07/2016 08:40
What about the adfilter? Is it safe to turn it off, or will I be burried under the $0.0005/$0.001 (recycled) ads?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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27/07/2016 08:44
Safe to turn it off, ever since we caught up on Ads, way back last fall, I've had it off, never been flooded yet.

Then again, I don't get many, if any, recycles or instants and never have gotten a CT since last May.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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27/07/2016 08:51
Okay thank you Druth smile

Speaking about those ads... is this true?
Total Undelivered Clicks: 23711103324

2.3 billion to go within ~180 days? We're delevering like 1 million a day right now, so that would make 180million. We have to deliver 10 times this amount to be able to deliver them in time I think... something I missed or are we seeing a new problem emerging right here?
Traffic Value: $393.36782 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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27/07/2016 08:54
What is best processor to add funds in PV/MTV and buy ads or shares? And not BTC
Traffic Value: $2,911.10459 India
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27/07/2016 09:02
Can  I open another MTV/PV A/c for my family member under me from same ip address, or mobile which can be operated through shared network?

Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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27/07/2016 09:08
As long as you have different payment processor accounts.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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27/07/2016 09:09

Yes, if you use another payment account. Then you can I believe.
Traffic Value: $2,911.10459 India
1 like this post 3 people
27/07/2016 09:16
can i join under my first account as referral
Traffic Value: $2,179.00664 Slovenia
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27/07/2016 09:20
You'll get banned for that.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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27/07/2016 09:20
For months, going on a year, that undelivered ad total has been incorrect.

No matter what method of math I could do, I couldn't come up with close to that number.

We DO have lots of Undelivered Banners outstanding, and will continue to get many of them outstanding.

However, we are doing ok on Ad clicks, the ones we'd reimburse on.

Obviously, we had a huge influx of clicks bought for the reset.

There are 36 pages of campaigns, some with just banners left, most with only a few hundred max left, all b4 100 campaigns, rarely don't get completed Day 1. Which starts 5 days out.

On top of that, while there are 169 and growing campaign pages, only 65 of them are older than 2 days. ALL campaigns that still need clicks either need thousands, b/c they are big or just max couple hundred  And, if you don't follow the Ad Packs bought Page, clicks per campaign has gone way down. So, we will slowly catch up even if campaigns bought per day keep rising.

I'm sure Andraz will look into this, if need be. However, there is no need. I do check.
I do wonder when we will get more than just 2 ads for Group Ads, at least until we've taken care of the influx of purchases.
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
13 like this post 0 people
27/07/2016 09:24
@druth There is absolutely no issue with underdelivery of ads. We merely have an excess of a few weeks max of ads to deliver, which is the perfect situation, as it doesn't require us to use any of the generic campaigns.

Several numbers on the System statistics page are broken/off, as in the past 12 months, there have been a lot of changes to the way ads are issued, and various mechanics had to be adapted for targeted ads, reporting etc.

We will get access to precise data about many many things with the report tool, and also "debt reduction statistics".
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
2 like this post 0 people
27/07/2016 09:34
Only 1 FBG (MTV/PV) account per actual entity (commonly known as human).

Thus, each entity must be unique enough to have their own cashout processor account.

However, you can refer entities in the same IP/Household.

Just don't actively try to cheat the system.
We know that users do quit and sometimes come back, but unless way too sick, you are responsible only for your account as well as your referrals must do their own clicks/RP activity.

While it's not required, you all should get verified, not just for security of hacks, but so when/if the Admin/detentions spot your activity, you can prove more easily it's a false flag.

One of the main no-no's, is setting up a 2nd account just so you can get 100% of the ad clicks/buys from the 2nd account, while the 1st just ends up being getting that 5% clicks/10% buys. This is cheating. They can tell whether account #1 is just an unsuccessful, save 1/some active family members, and just the same person pretending to be 2 or more.

Also, don't play games with referrals and the RP Market. We have many hawks out there and they will spot you, long b4 you get a successful cashout.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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27/07/2016 09:35
Exactly what I was reporting Andraz.
Traffic Value: $960.00677 Portugal
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27/07/2016 09:47
Well, in my opinion, outside of PPal and their own defaults (but it is out of MTV/PV plans and maybe with a certain reason), other ones like we tell here in Portugal " the devil can come to choose one". I think that you understood the sense.
The great idea for a great business would be indeed the famous debit card, but I think that there is too much problems to implement it, right Marc?
Traffic Value: $3,330.3665 Spain
25 like this post 0 people
27/07/2016 11:11

GROUP 11 grin
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
12 like this post 0 people
27/07/2016 11:52

BARGACH123 ( new user ) 


same ip, he is trasferring rp in bap market at price of 2.
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