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Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
8 like this post 2 people
24/07/2015 15:54
As far as market manipulation, the best method would be to raise the cash sale fee back to 3% or higher, where it used to be.

You will always have day traders.

The raise in fee would also raise revenues and help with FTQ payments
Traffic Value: $266.9439 United States
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24/07/2015 17:01

"Peanut, please read the news of the 21st and you'll have your question answered."

It sounds like you are talking to your 8 year old child. Haha. Peanut is such an endearing name!
Traffic Value: $1,701.2323 Honduras
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24/07/2015 17:09
i dont understand why stupid people keep selling.

Personally, I wouldn't worry about them at all.

I'd rather have the lowest price possible price now when it's time for buying than a higher one. Just buy and keep hoarding all you can.

In a few weeks the impatient ones will be out of shares to sell and with all the coming developments showing results and more shares in less hands (that are holding), price will have forcefully to shoot up.
Traffic Value: $782.10887 Venezuela
13 like this post 1 people
24/07/2015 17:40

Learn to do the math, I'll do it just once this time for all to see.

Current situation at PV: (Last Day)
Activation Ads (Free Baps): 9 763 650  $4881
Daily BAP Tax: 2 983 395  -$1495
Bap Games: 5 252 762   -$2626
Share Transfers:  1 748 569  -$874
Total: 221 076 -$110

Debt is not increasing for giving Free Baps. Now, lets see the current debt:
Bonus Ad Capacity Remaining: 1 677 630 817 So:

Total Debt: $838 815
Cash Amount: $27 000
FTQ Amount Waiting for Mature: $357 600
Current Shares: 6 651 296
Share Price needed to repay remaining debt: $0,068
Share Price needed to INSTANTLY repay ALL DEBT: $0,12 (Not needed but for illustration)

Everything is feasible and under control. Now, my personal opinion, when shares go up the 2.5x, PV shouldn't sell them for cash, cause that would lower the share price and defeat the purpose. What PV should do is buy BAPS in the BAP Share market, and then erase that BAP. This actually decreases remaining debt, and won´t decrease share prices.
Traffic Value: $360.6696 Philippines
4 like this post 0 people
24/07/2015 17:49

I know how to do math.

The fact debt is not growing has nothing to do with what the 50% is supposed to do.

It is supposed to do the following:

It stimulates growth in MTV, which increases the development fund, as well as it increases the daily ad issue, which in turn increase overall sells in PV as well as stimulates money going into the FTQ, which increases dividends, which in turn increases share price (which allows PV to sell any shares they own).

Repeat cycle.
Traffic Value: $2,148.94717 Philippines
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24/07/2015 17:53
@Agency, if PV doesn't sell its shares for cash, then there won't be a boost in daily ad issue. Remember that the purpose of PV buying shares is to sell them at 2.4X its value to be able to repay the committed ROI. If PV sells shares in exchange for BAP, it decreases the BAP in circulation but it won't increase the daily ad issue at all. The daily ad issue will always be based on the 10% purchases instead (not unless matured FT investments come into the rescue). A stagnant or (worse) low ad issue won't stimulate excitement among members. Less excitement = less promotion and lower purchases.
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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24/07/2015 18:09
btw mike has cancel his 10k cashout too.
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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24/07/2015 18:10
Because he can only ask 3 k now?grin
Traffic Value: $960.97608 United States
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24/07/2015 18:17
Only reason the FTQ isn't functioning the way it should is because of over-investing during the month of April. It'll slowly catch up as revenues build and people wait. Besides, there's nothing in the policies that I know of that doesn't allow Marc to take chunks of the no-ref commission and apply it as bonus FTQ payouts, if they were to happen to feel so generous.
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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24/07/2015 18:20

but last brainy's cashout was accepted grin ( 10k yesterday) 
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
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24/07/2015 18:33
The lower the better for share prices until the log jam is done. 

Some members have been clicking 10 hours a day. Low shares are a nice reward. 

The smart ones arent selling.
Traffic Value: $13.70432 United Kingdom
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24/07/2015 18:39
[for programming issues please open an admin ticket, posting in the forum wont solve the problem and the admin is no programmer]
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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24/07/2015 18:53
Boosting PV with selling shares is a reality. But that's not this business model anyway. PV will boost itself more slowly of course without doing anything. Users will strive to climb a bigger group. I would like to see the first user who is clicking ads and doesn't want to climb a bigger group. Maybe oetek...LOL

And its all being worked out into the designed business model now that paypal arrived. It wouldn't be possible before because sells were so low that 10% of them would make low ad issues. Got to keep the motor running. "paidverts" account is being better manage than ever along with "portfolio". And after we are sure that there are no refunding situations, ad issues will increase along with FT investments and buying shares.

Agency's math proves that paidverts is healthy. Let's oil the machine with fresh cash and use the acquired experience to make it to the top.

Portfolio is even better. Although some shares are destined to Marc a current swap to FT could be made with $0.0164. That's lower than the current share price. And as soon as we hit 150k a week with the rising of paidverts and more features share price will rice making a lot more easy to clean debt.
Traffic Value: $3,374.40028 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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24/07/2015 21:45
Yeah, Peanut as in Jeffff Dunham lol
Traffic Value: $3,374.40028 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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24/07/2015 21:49
Seriously, things are looking much better now, debt is dropping, avg rev a tad below five grand with a tendency to go up for sure. We are under a million for R65 and 200 days, dropping every day, not like 200 days for two weeks, you know what I mean.

Almost feel like its worth investing again in R65... 60% profit in 200 days is not bad by any standards.

Looking guuuuud.
Traffic Value: $56.87241 India
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25/07/2015 03:23
when are we gonna see rise in the share price? smile
Traffic Value: $62,710.15909 United States
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25/07/2015 03:26
Mondayish it should rise. 

Dividend, large result payout, and paypal pv purchases will have a week to convert to cash.

I feel a tank job coming this weekend. Ive seen the signs.

****we had a another hack by the gaming bandit(thread up now).
Use a pin,lock your processors,lock your games, change password alot.
Traffic Value: $129.024 Peru
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25/07/2015 05:36
Tank you Marc smile
Traffic Value: $358.42302 Indonesia
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25/07/2015 06:48
@ MarcdeKoning, can i have/ask your contacts or Facebook ?
Traffic Value: $1,193.5857 Brazil
1 like this post 1 people
25/07/2015 06:49
Anyone can follow Marcs facebook - and should
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