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Traffic Value: $228.85395 Venezuela
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25/12/2016 06:39
Greetings & Merry Christmas / Happy times for everyone.

Well, i, as others already pointed out, i'd also like to do recap of how much we've overcome.

I also came here like a month before jo started to drag mtv & everything down, anyway, that's not the point. The point is this was in a state that everything was kinda wrong, and since we had a new management a lot of things were accomplished even when we tought they would never be done:

* LOTS of Real development: Old MTV had a "portfolio" but it wouldn't ever grow, if anything, a new game would be made in a bunch of time, and those were the products... the same money would cycle forever between members. Meanwhile we've seen here a lot of real work:

- Paidverts Look & Feel, New, Simple Captcha (Honestly i waited so much for this that i tought it would never happen, lol), Forum, etc.
- Technical stability and general website improvements in order to keep running smoothly (no more constant "CRON" fails, fast websites)
- We survived the MEGA BULK ADS DEBT AVALANCHE (Hundreds of ads everyday)
- REAL, ACTUAL products were made and continue to be made, success has been mixed, but what matters right now is that they are there and will be working for our big goals to get accomplished (Reworked Paidverts/Targeted Ads/New Advertising Options/PBG/PPMG/BarterMyFunds/New Games/Sumo Roll/Coinflip Evolved/Multiplayer Poker/Etc)

All of this has been done and i'm sure it will pay off eventually all the hard work into making a stable system and set the bases of a well built and managed platform.

I, like many others who have suffered the consecuences of $wapping, am still waiting to achieve some profit from this adventure, it's been a long time, but i'll keep my rps until that moment because i believe we can do better.

Good luck to everyone and lets hope for a better year and continuous growth.
Traffic Value: $393.36782 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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25/12/2016 07:13
Beautiful MTV of all other sites
Shining afar through shadows dim
Giving the light to those who want more
Guiding the wise people on their way
Unto the place where money lay
Beautiful MTV, shine on 

Merry Christmas everyone!
Traffic Value: $22.31948 Pakistan
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25/12/2016 07:59
'The More You Struggle. The More You Achieve' smile
Traffic Value: $13,962.16825 Australia
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25/12/2016 08:19
Merry Xmas 2016!

Wishing the crowd all the best and happy investing.
Traffic Value: $23,441.96122 Spain
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25/12/2016 08:33
first of all merry christmas to everybody! grin

I am going to tell my story, some years ago started in this world we all know about making money online, tried some programs like buxbery, publiboom, anuntiomatic... all of them sc@ms, also tried paidverts wich in that time was more of the same, some could gain money if u were one of the 10% of people who understood the program but for the majority of us we lost money. I was about to give up but sudenly the CEO changed for a guy called MarkdeKoning, to be honest i was really suspicios and tought it was just the same thing but with other face, couldnt be more wrong, in the time Mark has been runing this company i have seen how the direction of the company has changed from being a sc@m to be a real company trying to make money with external products and not with the money of the members, now it is a real crowdfunding company that is trying to have it´s piece of cake in this world with all of us who stick with it.
I know we are just in the begining and there is a lot of work to do but i believe we can reach our goals, this is why i have started to buy rps in the last weeks and believe it or not but my christmas present is going to be rps as soon as i get my account in bitstamp verified.
Again merry christmas and dont eat too much!tongue
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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25/12/2016 08:49
Where i can see the ranking about bulk ad purchases competition? 
Traffic Value: $773.5176 Portugal
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25/12/2016 08:50
Looking back in my RP's trading history I had to slap myself in the face when I saw that I spend some money in buying them at over 7 cents. After a few sw@ps, (thank you very much, Mr. Banana) I decided that I wouldn't invest anymore in MTV and just try to make some money for free. A few changes in staff, a new office and some months later made me change my mind. We all know MTV's story because most of us are here all day, so instead of boring you with what you already know, I'll just write paste here my letter addressed to Santa, hoping he can give me these presents in 2017:

  • A new and updated platform - Not only a total face lift on MTV and PV would be able to bring more investors due to their curiosity, but it would also bring some fresh wind to the users who come here and click everyday for so long. Some things that I would personally like to see changed: an update on old and not-current info that is still laying on both websites (like promises of 100$ daily in ad issues to top groups, a totally obsolete FAQ page in MTV, etc.), the removal of the 3 lines before viewing an ad (funny story: first time that I came to PV I have given up on it because I was writing those 3 lines for fractions of cents, and only about 2 months later I have found that I could click on the icon, that is when I came back), among other stuff...
  • Legalization - This would be the turning point for MTV, this is when more serious investors may start thinking about investing in here. I don't mean to offend anyone in the MTV community, but this is when we may expect to start seeing deposits in the hundreds of thousands order or even millions. That would drive MTV up, create more products, which would lead us to...
  • Dividends - The mother of all the gifts I am asking Santa. Dividends are only possible as soon as we have profit, most of us know that, although some people conveniently seem to forget. Personally, it would be an enormous pleasure to use my dividends to reinvest in MTV, but it would also mean that the boat is floating and on full gas. But to get them, we need some other stuff first...
  • Improved Paidverts or a new advertising platform - I have read about Marc stating that it would be good to have a more clear distinction between ad viewer and advertiser (11th December news - and also rewarding the oldest, most loyal ad viewers), which I totally agree. It may be confusing for pure advertisers to get BAP, why would they want that? So we could improve PV or leave it as it is and build another platform (I have no reference in any of it, just want what brings more profits for the company), and that new platform would be like I described in a post whose title is "New way to see ads". It is not a direct confrontation against Google, Facebook and other advertising giants because we still don't have their size and resources, but we could be the first step before advertisers send the ads to those big platforms.
  • Update of casinos - Here I will be taking a few steps out of my "knowledge zone", because I am not an avid online casino player, but I can see that the online casinos that have more volume are much better structured, have better graphics, an enormous legal department, among other stuff. It is good that our casinos are giving us enough profit, but there is no denying that we could improve them, that whole "bling" we see on other online casinos is what brings forth some serious players. We can argue that as long as they make money they could even play on black and white, 80's graphics, but maybe bigger players don't take us so seriously. People asked a lot for a Texas Hold'em in here and there are 2 thing that I never understood: 1. Where are those people now that we have it on PV?; 2. Why don't we have Texas Hold'em on MTV to play for cash?
  • More project funding - I think that this is MTV's biggest achievement of 2016. The page is really neat and polished and I can only hope that soon enough we will be able to fund more projects. Maybe all or some of the stuff that I mentioned in here could be a project for us to fund?

I had my moments of doubt in MTV but I am now 100% sure that we have people here who are responsible and want to see the company grow, although not always I agree, I reckon we all have the same goal. I sincerely hope we can all achieve financial independence, and while we struggle to achieve it, we have lots of fun in here. Thank you to everybody who contributes to MTV, to the ad viewers, to the advertisers, to the gamblers, to the staff in both offices, to the mods, to Slosumo, to Marc, to you that are reading this, and to Carlos. Although he is almost invisible in our forum, I am sure he's paying close attention to what is going on around here. Thank you for having come up front with the money and launched MTV in the first place.

Enjoy the season, enjoy the last week of 2016 and brace yourselves for a new year. 
Traffic Value: $159.22316 India
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25/12/2016 09:10
merry xmas to all,it so funny to see everyone trying hard to get that giveaway RP ho ho ho ho may santa marc-clause grant your wish and you all win cheerstongue
Traffic Value: $159.22316 India
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25/12/2016 09:12
btw i saw paidverts fb pages that 5m baps prize's wallpaper, that two girl looks so hot who are they marc, can i get their number tonguetongue
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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25/12/2016 09:39
MTV's present and former admin are like Rogue One against The New Hope. grin
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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25/12/2016 09:57
on cashier section, on neteller account we should put email or ID ? 
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
9 like this post 0 people
25/12/2016 10:31
Roses are red
Violets are blue
There isn't a site in the world
That cares this much for you

Traffic Value: $17,409.62296 Romania
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25/12/2016 10:49
Hope is everything keep us going forward, never give up no matter your believes are. We are in a point where only us, as a comunity, as a family, as a believers, can make it possible.

I wish to all of you a Merry Christmas, lovelly moments with family and to not forget about the ones that need sameone close because small things could mean everything for them.
Traffic Value: $3,330.3665 Spain
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25/12/2016 11:20
I can not find the image that you speak in PV fb page whistlingwhistlingangel
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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25/12/2016 11:45
People have really gone sentimental here xD .
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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25/12/2016 11:54
Loreena, it's surely there.
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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25/12/2016 11:55
He's referring to this post:

Traffic Value: $3,330.3665 Spain
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25/12/2016 11:58
I can not buy TA I get an error message
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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25/12/2016 12:00
Could you post a screenshot of the error or copy/paste the error you get?
Traffic Value: $3,330.3665 Spain
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25/12/2016 12:02
I was looking at the other page of fb xD
Thank you for brightening my eyes xD
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