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Traffic Value: $6,068.9465 India
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30/04/2018 06:37
and marc had said first FTQ payment is about to happen in days/already happened
Traffic Value: $684.68747 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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30/04/2018 07:37
When all debt is paid on MTV i will be happiest man on earth...
Traffic Value: $6,068.9465 India
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30/04/2018 07:53

why, how many shares do you hold?

Edit: yes i saw that you hold just 5k RPs but remember they are too less hold at least 100k-400k RPs as oldies would take this advantage of extreme low cap and very great prospects share market and which research also many fails to give people smile

Traffic Value: $684.68747 Bosnia and Herzegowina
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30/04/2018 12:54

Im not saying that above because im a holder or not. Im saying that because of health of  the company in overall prospective view. Clearing debt means clearing FTQ which will be one hell of a milestone when achieved. 
Traffic Value: $30,993.31104 United States
5 like this post 1 people
30/04/2018 12:58
Too true, clearing out the ftq is a huge burden, but with time it will happen. 
Just imagine once the ftq is gone, then we can bloom!
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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30/04/2018 21:26
Paid a $5k FTQ to the first user (illiquidity removal) and I paid everyone with $10 or less invested in the first round.
Traffic Value: $13,804.15918 Singapore
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01/05/2018 00:11
I was told that the current FTQ queue not the real statistic as antoncar was paid fully by carlos individually?

which mean antoncar get double pay?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/05/2018 01:00
Not exactly easy to understand, and I'm not 100% sure I get it.

Carlos paid antoncar out of his own money, but ofc Carlos wants the site to reimburse him.
Thus, the site had a $5K illiquidity to pay off. I think there is more as well, but the max $10 helps get many ppl able to spread the word/happier and the amount isn't much to do so.

When Marc says he paid "$5K to the first user", he just means that he refunded Carlos and made the FTQ "look better".

If you look up the user's history you see this:
BC -$5,000.00 BC Admin adjustment $0.00
BC +$5,000.00 Fast Track 130: Fast Track Payment $5,000.00
Traffic Value: $13,804.15918 Singapore
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01/05/2018 03:22

This company own by Carlos, why do we need to "refund" to Carlos? lol
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
5 like this post 0 people
01/05/2018 06:14
Well I thought this was well enough known understanding but:

1. Even Steve Jobs gets compensated for his work. So, if say he wanted to give Steve Wozniak, compensation NOW for his contributions, but the board said only when we have X profit. Then Jobs says, I will give him some of my fortune now, and I'll take what you the board would give him when the company has X profit.

In this analogy, Carlos is Jobs...he used his own finances to pay antoncar aka Wozniak.

2. Carlos is technically the owner, but mostly just for legal reasons. He was actually the main Investor in MTV (where as Jo was the face/idea/bring it to life man). Carlos doesn't actually have much to do with MTV and it's subsidiaries. He doesn't even reply within the same day at times, they don't talk with him much at all. Carlos just mainly leaves us be.

3. Carlos actually has other buisnesses that he makes his livelihood off of. He (as well as Marc) kept us afloat through many personal loans throughout the years. They will want their money back at some point, but they really are invsted in the project's potential not to come calling to cripple it. Besides, even if they gave up on the potential, what they could get now is not much vs what they invested, better off leaving the eggs to hatch.

The main thing to get out of this is that Company money and Personal money are 2 seperate things. Even owners take salaries. While I'm not sure if Carlos gets any salary (I do know his office does, so I bet he gets some take of that). It was his own money he paid, not the company. The company was going to have the money in a mere couple weeks (until bad news hit), but for whatever reason Carlos paid antoncar slightly ahead of schedule (who is someone that he personally convinced to invest at the beginning of MTV.) It makes no sense to tell Carlos that since you personally paid the company bears no responsibility anymore, even if it is legal.

Also, I have no problem if as we get healthier that if Marc wants to get some (and with time) his back pay that he is owed, that he go ahead and do so. YES, many companies owners in their first couple years don't take a salary or only enough to live on, but the company had terms when he agreed to become CEO, and we as a company can fullfill our promise. Heck, I'd even be ok with a reasonable interest rate (at least COL increase).
Traffic Value: $15,174.80528 Netherlands
13 like this post 0 people
01/05/2018 14:43
I got paid a part of my ftq investment. Thx MTV team!
Traffic Value: $50.20947 Singapore
1 like this post 0 people
01/05/2018 17:08
When we will get April cashback. Should we do anything for April cashback? Thank you
Traffic Value: $114,601.66988 Spain
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01/05/2018 18:17
Marc, is your purpose to pay FTQ every month?
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/05/2018 18:23

When we have profit, then the FTQ will get some/most of it.

No guarantee we get profit every month, nor how much, but that's the intent.
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
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01/05/2018 18:25

Can you restate your question/provide more info?

I have no idea what you are trying to ask.
Traffic Value: $73,032.40453 Netherlands
9 like this post 0 people
01/05/2018 19:16
Great news about the FTQ!!!

Congrats on doing a great job turning things around, making MTV profitable.
Traffic Value: $50.20947 Singapore
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01/05/2018 19:43
Hey druth8x. I got a email from mtv. They said if play and lose they will return at least $5 it's April cash. Any cashbacks will be paid in the first week of May as it was described in the email.
Unfortunately i deleted my email that's why im asking
slosumo - Administrator
Traffic Value: $28,438.4426 Slovenia
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07/05/2018 06:59
April cashbacks have just been paid to all participating users who opted-in!

Thanks to all who participated, congratulations to those who ended up winning, and to the rest for taking the opportunity to minify any potential losses smile

Is this sort of promo something you guys enjoyed and more people would like to see/be able to participate in the future?
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