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Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
7 like this post 0 people
22/07/2016 00:31
@Ricardoalina i got 1 rp with 1 bap, do not underestimate it tongue
Traffic Value: $294.60488 Philippines
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22/07/2016 00:42
1bap to 199bap =1rp and also 200 =1rp .This for only sw@p (I got 4 sw@p PV)sad.
Traffic Value: $169.03014 Brazil
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22/07/2016 00:49
I give up on cash offers, i tried personaly and always redirect to the wrong link/app, tried adscend media redirected me to a "your android is inffected , update now" virus. Then super rewards and surprise, it works, but everything needs a purchase xD
DomingoX6 - Administrator
Traffic Value: $2,272.07399 Venezuela
3 like this post 0 people
22/07/2016 01:15

You should try "CrowdFlower" smile
Traffic Value: $56.95699 Mexico
0 like this post 7 people
22/07/2016 01:45
Looks like resets are a good way to remove deb, we should make it more often
Traffic Value: $822.81278 Australia
11 like this post 8 people
22/07/2016 02:26
Here's where I am at after being with Paidverts and MTV for approx 2 years and approx $300 investment.

Before Sw@p: 10,000rp approx + 1.52 million BAP

After sw@p

Approx 10,000 rp + 9600 bap

Well done Marc and the team. You have been able to swindle the masses out of what was rightfully theirs so you can keep paying the development team and other staff costs.

What you fail to realize is that all PV members who are active and clicking ads are basically employees. Doing the work. So good on you for making sure you still get your 4 million BAP per month wages (or whatever it is) while I have been working hard increasing my BAPS and working my way up the groups for basically no money.

I have no confidence in anything that PV or MTV say and I take everything that is said or promised with a grain of salt.

You have smoothed over this SW@P (yes you can call it another name...but it still a sw@p) promising that the future is bright and great things are coming...seems to be the same old rhetoric I have heard through all the other sw@ps etc.

People may disagree with what I am saying...but it is the simple truth.

People will say if you don't like it cash out and go somewhere else...I am just waiting for the day I break even then I will most likely cash out.

You talk about making the company legit....well a legit company would not screw it's stakeholders over and over again.

Thanks Marc
Traffic Value: $22,417.44153 United States
16 like this post 0 people
22/07/2016 02:49
Direct that at Jo, not Marc.

If you followed the goings on, the least little bit, it would be very evident that Marc is not the problem, far from it. He and his team, and all of us, are the solution. Money just doesn't grow on trees, and as much as he tried to avoid it, a restart was needed.

That said, I still wish my Frozen BAP idea was implemented. Which, for those that didn't click #1 or #2 already, could be done. Even then, if you didn't cash out or need that CASH or RP you resold for BAP, for some expenditure or incoming Ad, can be reversed.

However, Marc won't implement it, that is hopefully the last I bring that up.

Onwards and Upwards.

RP will eventually far exceed 200 BAP or 600 BAP or any Sw@p rate.
In the meantime, you can get dividends.
You can also start again.
This time, we are built right (and much more to come), and not going to just print money nor let any debt accumulate that isn't reasonably able to be removed via the system we have in place.

The future is now and it is very bright.

I want everyone to stay and become members.
At the very least, just turn all your assets into RP and wait.
Cashing out is the wrong thing to do at this juncture.

The Whole FBG Team and it's members want the whole Crowd to Benefit and Profit.
We all wouldn't go through all this work and patience and dedication if we didn't trust that we couldn't achieve our goals (and dreams). The Team esp could be making much more money working elsewhere, and No Marc hasn't gotten a salary in 6 months (and he's not cashing out his RP).

You think you have the facts, but you don't.
That's ok. Now you know.

Spread the word. Reap the rewards.

We WILL do this!
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
4 like this post 0 people
22/07/2016 04:32

I'm confused as to how you gained no RPs and only 9600 BAP. Something isn't adding up.

Oh, wait. 

First, you have 96000 BAP not 9600 (oh the power of a zero)

Second, I can't see where you claimed your RPs gained in the reset, nor do I see the cash equivalent in your account, so of course the numbers you are presenting look bad. I would recommend revisiting your numbers, as is it not nearly as bad as you are showing everyone.
Traffic Value: $17,578.9192 Mexico
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23/07/2016 10:16
joe ive been trying to text you hope your doing ok glad to see you still have a strong business mind hope to talk soon mods please just leave up long enough so joe can see this tan its fine if you take it down
Traffic Value: $12.41025 Cyprus
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23/07/2016 23:21
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