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Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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18/01/2017 17:59
Vecors disagree with Marc!!!
Traffic Value: $29,464.72207 Slovenia
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18/01/2017 18:01
Dang, I am very close to you !

Daily Competition 
115 score to RANK #757
RANK #758
Weekly Competition 
1381 score to RANK #3665
RANK #3666
Monthly Competition 
2203 score to RANK #5051
RANK #5052
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
11 like this post 0 people
18/01/2017 18:04
Yes, I disagree because he spent "$0". That makes no money for MTV grin grin grin
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
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18/01/2017 18:20
Exactly angel
Traffic Value: $683.06885 India
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18/01/2017 18:41
Surely it makes no money, but it attracts people to try the game at least, so MTV gets some revenue by ads on CE. I think that's why Marc specifically mentioned $0. Isn't it Marc?
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
7 like this post 0 people
18/01/2017 18:44
Exactly. I´m just on a hater-mode today grin
Traffic Value: $3,117.03585 Slovenia
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18/01/2017 18:46
i'm not that far away too grin

Daily Competition 
9681 score to RANK #1399
RANK #1400
Weekly Competition 
179471 score to RANK #3811
RANK #3812
Monthly Competition 
122674 score to RANK #5158
RANK #5159
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
8 like this post 1 people
18/01/2017 18:52
I'm showing that it's possible to get a high ranking without being forced to buy something.
This indeed results in revenue on our end from banners of course.
Traffic Value: $11,862.5317 Chile
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18/01/2017 19:35
Marc i think you have no bugs on the coinflip envolved. i just get a blank page when try to view video ads.......
Traffic Value: $1,850.32389 Romania
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18/01/2017 19:35
There are simply no video ads for your country probably.For me the same.
Traffic Value: $11,862.5317 Chile
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18/01/2017 19:48
Crimson, the first day they give some coins for that. but now nothing. If you are not from a tier 1 country just bite some dust. thats what i feel.
Traffic Value: $739.34329 Belgium
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18/01/2017 21:37
There are no video ads, for no one. Dont feel offend so quickly tongue
Traffic Value: $29,464.72207 Slovenia
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18/01/2017 22:24
I know some people had video ads and got 20 points and sometimes bonus for them. But not sur if they still got it grin
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
9 like this post 0 people
18/01/2017 23:02
Keep checking the video ads, one day they'll be there LOL
Traffic Value: $9,308.60765 Germany
13 like this post 1 people
18/01/2017 23:24

again some thoughts about CE^^:

there is something I still don't understand.
I really like CE, it is a simple, fun game which I like to play a lot.
But to be true, it ancestor is the most loved game for gambling at mtv and also at pv already for a long time.
On one site I can understand you, how you want to set a new focus on freemium games at the moment, to create new income flows.
On the other site: ýou took the most beloved game and just took the essential part: the gambling...

Still, I like the game how it is now and the additions you have planned,
but I would like it even more if somewhere on the site would be a big button

"Play now for real money!"

where a lot of the "free coin" offers would be canceled/paid less,
but which would have also a "withdraw" button

+ additional income trough the housewage
+ additional advertisement for the offerwalls
+ guests are able to test the game first for free and after that they can also deposit for gambling
(something I miss at all other casino games here, you can't try the games first in a demo mode)

But on way or the other:
I hope CE will provide us some nice results grin

Traffic Value: $4,969.3683 Spain
3 like this post 0 people
18/01/2017 23:35
@HomerSimpson maybe we could link to the external casino (PPMG, PBG) or the next casino (when all MTV games are removed from MTV and put in an external website). 

We could even let people use these coins to play for money at a very low rate (like 20.000 coins for 0.1$?) So you tempt them to gamble it, lose it (hopefully) and also promoting other sites. Maybe this second suggestion is not the best, but I really like the 1st one.
Traffic Value: $13,804.15918 Singapore
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19/01/2017 02:42
It would be great if our management can add a mini into CoinFlip Evolved, such as multiplayer fighting games. Player can compete each other by shooting each other. Something similar to street fighter, megaman(capcom) or vectorman(sega). Player need to buy $0.50 token(or any price) to enter the game, if no other player online, player will fight with CPU

Megaman X:
Traffic Value: $1,973.06526 Cyprus
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19/01/2017 20:35
What I would really like to see in CE is a stat page with previous rankings similar to the one in Mahjong, I think it will help competition. And I would also like the idea of having the username shown in the rankings instead of user #xxx for the ones who prefer it that way. 
Also I too believe that there must be some way to cashout coins apart from geting BAPS in PV even at a very "unfair rate" compared to the rate you buy it. For example if buying 100 coins costs $0.05 you could have something like minimum cashout 3000 coins for $1 or something. This as well as having a separate sign up and login page for non PV members will untie CE from PV and really make it a stand alone game. As it is right now this very nice game with the so many potentials seems to me like it was made just for PV users.
Traffic Value: $16,533.40105 Belgium
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20/01/2017 08:04
What can I say? As long as Marc doesn't take action in this, nothing will change.
I was really p*ss*d when I saw that the Monitor Admin started withdrawals from your investment before mine. Mine is still ZERO after 6 weeks. Ticket pending since 3 weeks. Wrote about it in the forum, just like you, but no proper official reaction. This is an investment of $100 that was supposed to bring trust to potential referrals of the listed program, but now it looks like it's just money down the drain.
I hope Marc finds a better Admin for the Monitor, so that people can start using the Monitor like it should be. Please FIX IT !
MarcdeKoning - Administrator
Traffic Value: $468,983.12758 Netherlands
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20/01/2017 10:37
Isn't that what you want? MTV cashing out money so it shows in the monitor and people know that your program pays which boosts confidence?

A $0/$100-stat doesn't give you anything.
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