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14th jul - Daily News

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Traffic Value: $1.859 South Africa
3 like this post 2 people
14/07/2015 16:18
Don't want to be rude , just a suggestion , why not BAN or or at least prevent some (pakistani and vietnamese) members from trading their shares for their 0.0001 profit keeping the price down and down , just take a look at the traders on the market these days wink
Traffic Value: $470.67925 Macedonia
12 like this post 1 people
14/07/2015 16:24
1. Most sellers don't understand that when we all undersell, we are actually devaluing the shares in general. We will have to get that value back up from some outside sources, and the lower we sell as a market, the harder it will be to get back at a neutral level.
2. Most sellers don't understand this because they don't care about how high the price is. They are content with small daily profits and risking 45.000 shares in order to get 1.5k more.
3. This is possible because there are 2 mill dollars stuck in the FTQs.
4. Jo helped them big-time when he crashed the market. Those with extra cash now have thousands of shares to play with. And they will do this for a loooong time.
5. Another thing they don't understand is that by undercutting and playing the market, they will eventually get all the small member's shares. By then, people will quit, all the money will be cashed out and they shares will be worth 0. They could do 1 or 2 cashouts in the meantime, but nothing significant compared with if they let the market act naturally.

So, adjust properly and good luck.
Traffic Value: $23.94109 Russian Federation
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14/07/2015 16:38
BTW , there are traders on the market with "MORE THAN ONE ACCOUNT" 'yes some of the  0.0001 profit guys' , buying and selling to themselves , maybe , there will be a thread with list of them next days cool
Traffic Value: $1,312.69374 Indonesia
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14/07/2015 16:39
great 5 points from @Blakpope

i'm totally agree with you, <3
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
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14/07/2015 16:53
If somebody wants share price to go up, than he/she needs to buy a lot of shares. Nobody will buy shares because others want it.
Traffic Value: $120.76715 Serbia
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14/07/2015 16:59
Hi its me again, like yesterday and the day before.
Iam complaining, whining and crying again about our PV. It is very slow.
You are bombing us 300-500 ads everyday to clean out the older ads and it takes roughly 4-5 hours to click all those ads.
I dont know about others but I can click roughly 90 ads per hour, but yesterday it took me half hour to click 10 ads.
Put some more processing power to AWS servers in order to handle the PV members, who desperatly wants to click their daily quota.
Best regards
Traffic Value: $3,170.45051 India
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14/07/2015 17:00
your right i agree with you but , you see we are already wasted lot of time , now we are waiting for another 5 months to reach share price $0.30 , present swap was very bad ,it's give a lot of loss for members and MTV .....wink
Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
4 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 17:20
After swap... And I have nearly 20 more not completed investments.
nice profit.

Complete Investments
Round # Amount Balance Total Paid Fast Track Time Equivalent % per day Details
63 $10.00 $17.02 21 hours 186.00%
63 $10.00 $17.02 7 days 26.57%
63 $10.00 $17.02 8 days 23.25%
64 $10.00 $17.02 11 days 16.91%
64 $7.00 $11.914 10 days 18.60%
64 $10.00 $17.02 8 days 23.25%
64 $10.00 $17.02 8 days 23.25%
64 $10.00 $17.02 13 days 14.31%
64 $10.00 $17.02 15 days 12.40%
64 $10.00 $17.02 18 days 10.33%

Round # Amount Balance Total Paid Fast Track Time Equivalent % per day Details
64 $10.00 $17.02 18 days 10.33%
64 $10.00 $17.02 18 days 10.33%
64 $10.00 $17.02 24 days 7.75%
64 $10.00 $17.02 26 days 7.15%
64 $3.00 $5.106 26 days 7.15%
64 $3.00 $5.106 26 days 7.15%
64 $10.00 $17.02 28 days 6.64%
64 $10.00 $17.02 29 days 6.41%
64 $2.00 $3.404 29 days 6.41%
64 $10.00 $17.02 30 days 6.20%

Round # Amount Balance Total Paid Fast Track Time Equivalent % per day Details
64 $1.00 $1.702 30 days 6.20%
64 $10.00 $17.02 32 days 5.81%
64 $10.00 $17.02 37 days 5.03%
64 $10.00 $17.02 38 days 4.89%
64 $10.00 $17.02 54 days 3.44%
64 $10.00 $17.02 62 days 3.00%
Traffic Value: $6,016.01548 United States
8 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 17:41

Wait, that's impossible.
You cant make any profits here. This whole site just steals money, and rips people off......
I read it here every day, over and over and over and over.

It's impossible to make profits. You must be supersmart or a genius. tongue

Now I'm just gonna go sit in the corner and pout, waiting for the share price to hit $0.30
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
6 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 17:55
Check out my stats:

Available ads (0)/ Completed ads (15710)

Let's burn the Grid devil

Traffic Value: $791.53936 Moldova Republic of
1 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 18:12

It's true. Everyone is waiting share price to go up. But it will not happen in near future (1-2 months).  It's my opinion.
Traffic Value: $723.49201 South Africa
0 like this post 3 people
14/07/2015 18:20
this share price will never come right, the big guys benifit and were left in limbo. And worst of all is how they have control of the market, its like when they feel like making profit, boom place a road block and watch price fall. MTV is fried, iv tried staying positive, but man you must be an idot not to realise MTV is F'd. im investing in jos new project. ill take the loss here on the chin. One of those things.
Traffic Value: $14,813.95087 Portugal
6 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 18:27
Nice share price!
Traffic Value: $1,053.10686 Serbia
6 like this post 1 people
14/07/2015 18:27
I sold my 40k shares at 0.0164. I will have huge profit if I buy shares now. Even though I would earn so much I would LOVE to see limitations on big guys. It's so unprofessional. We act like we are going to become completely legal company. Have you ever seen a legal company worth 8$million come down to 4$million in a blink of an eye. Then it can come right up to 20$million or something.

It's the same thing Marc, Jo whoever.
Traffic Value: $1,815.30566 Morocco
2 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 18:28
pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff I just bought like 5000 at 0.0177 !!!! 
Traffic Value: $111.52764 Argentina
2 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 18:30
Share price is unpredictable. In minutes, the share price can drop to the floor, but, that effect may fire the shares up because once the share is cheap everyone buy and keep the share to get a profit
Traffic Value: $2,362.00635 Estonia
1 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 18:37
too bad, you should have wait for that 0.0064, i bought 35k at 0.0064 smile
200% profit coming for sure wink
Traffic Value: $1,815.30566 Morocco
0 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 18:40
chuuut please sad I knoooow And I also Swap all my bap for a rate 60-70 !! in total I have now 17000 shares ! If I sold at 0.017 now I would be with 40k SHARES !!! pffff what a losssss sad sad , It's alwaaaaaays happen to me , when I buy the price crash !!!!!! and now if I want to benef from this movements The price will skyrocket to 0.0277 like last weeks !!! I'm so sad :/
Traffic Value: $2,362.00635 Estonia
1 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 18:44
I'm sure you can turn this into profit.
I would suggest trying day trading (right now its good time) but it may fail so idk .-.
anyway i hope you will turn your losses into profit one day.
Traffic Value: $20,936.72553 Poland
3 like this post 0 people
14/07/2015 18:46
Now I wish I hadn't withdrawn money few days ago cwy
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