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Traffic Value: $3,861.65944 United States
3 like this post 0 people
05/09/2016 16:23
Well, I would have to convince my 2nd and 3rd level referrals to upgrade. Writing them an email and promoting using their links! wink
Traffic Value: $3,861.65944 United States
3 like this post 0 people
05/09/2016 16:26
I'm glad that they remove those inactive referrals after 24 hours. Otherwise, it would be soooo troublesome to check on my active referrals grin
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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05/09/2016 16:28
Yes. It`s good to get downlines but when they just sign up and don`t donate, let them just be wiped...
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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05/09/2016 16:31
I haev signed up. My sponsor is Steven Lee. Who is he?
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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05/09/2016 16:33
Traffic Value: $2,173.146 Portugal
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05/09/2016 16:34

You are my level 4 ref. Steve lee is my level 3. Welcome! grin
Traffic Value: $3,861.65944 United States
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05/09/2016 16:39
Waiting for my level 3 refs to donate so that my level 2 refs can upgrade ermm
Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
3 like this post 0 people
05/09/2016 16:42
Remedcu (Shebin John) > Vecors > zackganhando > ailin > adstevia (Steven Lee) > start100

My status:
Level 4
Total reffs on all levels: 74
Total Received: ?0.56
Traffic Value: $729.96203 Hungary
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05/09/2016 16:44
My upgrade approved. Now what to do? Just wait?
Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
5 like this post 0 people
05/09/2016 16:51
Now advertise, advertising gets you more chance of getting reffs. For me, making the team, advertising in PE, MTV, PI and EU worked well.

Also, talking personally with a person in social media can do wonders grin

You will get spillovers for sure, but trying for yourself will be good too, for you and our team as a whole smile

Also, those who join under you, and don't upgrade, send them a mail, or contact them through social media, if the corresponding details are given.

And those who have upgraded under you, guide them in the right way. Your job is not finished when you get the donation from them smile

Have a great day guys smile

Its sleep time for me grin
Good night smile
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
2 like this post 0 people
05/09/2016 20:44
Can anyone confirm who is level 2 ref right now so i know who will be donating to me.. I would like to keep track if I am on the same team as meworking... Thanks
Traffic Value: $587.45852 Bangladesh
4 like this post 0 people
05/09/2016 21:07
I am at level 2 if that what you wanted to know @Gizmo
It would be nice if we can produce a rough picture here of the structure by providing our downlines or uplines.It would help us to when and who is going to receive the next donation grin
Traffic Value: $24,334.30701 Italy
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05/09/2016 21:30
i'm under gizmo ( still 0 refs ) , but i dont understand if gizmo is in the same chain with vecors or redemcu..
Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
1 like this post 0 people
05/09/2016 23:38
Its remedcu mate wink

And yes, vecors and gizmo is under our levels only, but in different levels. Like vecors is my level 1 and gizmo is level 5
Traffic Value: $92.35207 Philippines
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05/09/2016 23:47
Do I have to do some recruiting after I joined?
Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
2 like this post 0 people
05/09/2016 23:50
If you do, it will be good. If you don't, then wait for the spillovers from the team smile

A small show of our spillover power grin :

Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
0 like this post 0 people
05/09/2016 23:54
wow... remedcu... you must have way over 3,000 dollars in profit ?? the total bitcoin is 79 bitcoins.,,, damn,,, that is eyepopping sick number ! you have so many referrals but they have not donated... how can that be ? I do not understand if I am in your level 5 . I am also showing you as level 3 sponsor too... odd .. but I am not planning to upgrade this time... I rather wait until I get enuf. I do not understand if i am in your level 5 . that mean you will show up on level 5 ref on my list if you donate to me on level 5 ? woo woo
Traffic Value: $2,081.35489 India
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05/09/2016 23:59
Not really grin

I have till now got just 0.56 BTC as you can see, but sure, it has got the potential, as many in my team are atleast Level 1 upgraded, so I am assuming, they will upgrade more in the future wink

I am filled in with Level 1 and 2 as you can see.

Level 3, till now 2 payments got, 6 more to go.
Traffic Value: $54,219.84749 United States
0 like this post 0 people
06/09/2016 00:15
what does it mean you got 21 referrals in level 5 and 27 referrals in level 6.. did they climb all the way to that level ? even you said I am in your level 5 ref... explain that ?
Traffic Value: $3,861.65944 United States
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06/09/2016 00:18
His level 5 refs have 27 level 1 refs in total?
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